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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 1: explanation of the title-scheme of the work. (search)
In that position, as also in his assignment, somewhat later, to the conduct, under the advice of the President, of the operations of all the armies of the Confederate States, he of course had more or less supervision and control of the armies in Virginia. Such continued to be Lee's position and duties, and his relations to the troops in Virginia, until General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding the army defending Richmond, was struck down at Seven Pines, or Fair Oaks, June 1st, 1862, when President Davis appointed Lee to succeed him in command of that army. From this brief review it appears clearly that the men who, after June 1st, 1862, followed Lee's banner and were under his immediate command were, even before that time and from the very outset, in a large and true sense his soldiers and under his control; so that, while strictly speaking no soldier followed Lee for four years, yet we who served in Virginia from the beginning to the end of the war are entitled, in the customary a
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 2: Introductory Sketches. (search)
led to secure a front seat. I grew well acquainted — that is, by sight — with the party leaders, and recall, among others, Seward and Douglas and Breckenridge, Davis and Toombs and Benjamin, in the Senate; Sherman and Stevens, Logan and Vallandigham, Pryor and Keitt, Bocock and Barksdale, and Smith, of Virginia, in the House. It became intensely interesting to me to observe the part some of these men played later in the great drama: Seward as the leading figure of Lincoln's Cabinet; Davis as President of the Southern Confederacy; Benjamin, Toombs, and Breckenridge as members of his Cabinet, the two latter also as generals whom I have more than once seenn they would elect him. Indeed, he was elected and his election telegraphed all over the land; but before the result of the ballot could be announced, Henry Winter Davis, of Maryland, and E. Joy Morris, of Pennsylvania, as I recollect, Northern Americans or Republicans, who had voted for Smith, changed their votes and everything wa
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 7: the Peninsula Campaign. (search)
just when and where it was; but as you are the ranking officer won't you be good enough to say first, if you can, when and where you saw me? Certainly, sir, said he; it was at the battle of Williamsburg, in May, 1862. You were then a private soldier in an artillery company and were standing, bare-headed, at the angle of Fort Magruder with a sponge-staff in your hand as I led a charge of cavalry past the fort. My recollection exactly coincided with his. The officer, I think, was Col. J. Lucius Davis, who commanded a body of Virginia troops at Charlestown or Harper's Ferry during the John Brown raid; but, whoever he was, he was not a colonel at Williamsburg, but I think a captain; and, as I remember, then wore a brown-gray tunic belted around his waist, and his hair, which was then quite long, swept back from his forehead as he gallantly led his men, sabre in hand, at full speed against the enemy. We never met save on the two occasions mentioned and could not possibly have see
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 22: from Cold Harbor to evacuation of Richmond and Petersburg (search)
inia were under command of Lieutenant-General Ewell, who was in charge of the Department of Richmond. The heavy artillery battalions on the river — the Chaffin's Bluff battalion among them-and the local troops manning the parts of the line adjacent thereto constituted the division of Gen. Custis Lee, eldest son of Gen. Robert E. Lee, a man of the highest character and an officer of the finest culture and a very high order of ability. He did not have a fair opportunity during the war, President Davis, of whose staff he was a member, refusing to permit him to go to the field, though he plead earnestly to do so. He was a most sensitive and modest gentleman, and would have rejoiced to command even a regiment in his father's army. After he was sent to the field, in the modified way in which he was sent near the close of the war, he more than once told me that every time he met one of his father's veteran fighting colonels he felt compromised at having the stars and wreath of a major-ge
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
Court House, Va., 73, 127, 192 Cumming, Alfred, 113 Currency, 63, 87-88. Custer, George Armstrong, 237 Dahlgren Raid, 236-37. Dame, William Meade, 240-44, 252- 53, 288-89. Daniel, John Warwick, 214 Davis, Henry Winter, 27 Davis, James Lucius, 82 Davis, Jefferson: and Lee, 17-18, 208, 312; mentioned, 26 Denman, Buck, 69-70, 130-31. Desertion, Confederate, 312-13, 323- 26, 349-51. Dixie, 202 Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 26 Drewry's Bluff, Va., 311, 322 Dunn HouseDavis, Jefferson: and Lee, 17-18, 208, 312; mentioned, 26 Denman, Buck, 69-70, 130-31. Desertion, Confederate, 312-13, 323- 26, 349-51. Dixie, 202 Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 26 Drewry's Bluff, Va., 311, 322 Dunn House, Va., 310 Duty is the sublimest word ..., 361 Dwight, Theodore William, 33 Early, Jubal Anderson: description of and anecdotes concerning, 183-92, 204-206, 210; mentioned, 18, 50, 79, 92, 102, 105, 108, 125, 132, 150, 156, 164-65, 170, 174, 176-79, 209, 212, 214-15, 218, 232, 266, 304, 307-308. Earthworks, 288-90, 347 Edward's Ferry, Va., 61-62. Egerton, Mrs. A. D., 354, 356 Eggleston, George Cary, 227, 250, 320- 21, 348 Eggleston, J. Cary, 250-51. Election of 1860, 25-32.