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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Hood's second sortie at Atlanta. (search)
lanta, July 22--recapture from the Confederates of De Gress's Battery. I: the view is west toward Atlanta; thlanta, July 22--recapture from the Confederates of De Gress's Battery. II: this picture, in two parts, is a rt Artillery) stationed near the railroad, and also De Gress's famous battery of four 20-pounder Parrotts, placecaptured all the guns of Battery H, 1st Illinois (De Gress's), and two of Battery A. He had but six regimentivision charging his front, the old line of works, De Gress's battery, and two guns of Battery A were recapturfire on the enemy, preventing them from taking off De Gress's battery of four 20-pounder Parrotts, of which thul, and in less than fifteen minutes I had retaken De Gress's battery and driven the enemy from their rifle-pieny's division of the Sixteenth Corps that re-took De Gress's battery that I was astonished, years afterward, run, deployed his brigade, charged and recaptured De Gress's battery and the line of works, having his horse
oughtaling's   15 15   19 19 34 Johnson's Fourteenth. Nov., ‘61 D-- Reenlisted and served through the war. McAllister's 1 7 8   28 28 36 Leggett's Seventeenth. Dec., ‘61 E-- Reenlisted and served through the war. Waterhouse's   5 5   25 25 30 Tuttle's Fifteenth. Feb., ‘62 F--Cheney's 1 7 8   24 24 32 W. S. Smith's Sixteenth. Nov., ‘61 G-- Reenlisted and served through the war. O'Leary's   1 1   11 11 12     Feb., ‘62 H-- Reenlisted and served through the war. De Gress's 1 6 7   27 27 34 M. L. Smith's Fifteenth. Feb., ‘62 I-- Reenlisted and served through the war. Bouton's   1 1   13 13 14 M. L. Smith's Fifteenth. Jan., ‘62 K--Smith's       1 11 12 12 First Cavalry, A. O. Feb., ‘62 L-- Reenlisted and served through the war. Rourke's       1 10 11 11     Aug., ‘62 M-- Reenlisted and served through the war. Spencer's   4 4   10 10 14 Sheridan's Fourth.   2d Illinois Light Artillery        
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 19 (search)
lodgment in Atlanta itself; but they reported that the lines to their front, at all accessible points, were strong, by nature and by art, and were fully manned. About 4 P. M. the expected sally came from Atlanta, directed mainly against Leggett's Hill and along the Decatur road. At Leggett's Hill they were met and bloodily repulsed. Along the railroad they were more successful. Sweeping over a small force with two guns, they reached our main line, broke through it, and got possession of De Gress's battery of four twenty-pound Parrotts, killing every horse, and turning the guns against us. General Charles R. Wood's division of the Fifteenth Corps was on the extreme right of the Army of the Tennessee, between the railroad and the Howard House, where he connected with Schofield's troops. He reported to me in person that the line on his left had been swept back, and that his connection with General Logan, on Leggett's Hill, was broken. I ordered him to wheel his brigades to the left,
charge being sounded, a part of Osterhaus' division rushed forward and carried the hill upon which the rebel batteries had been planted. The rebels withdrew precipitately into their works, and this initial success encouraged our men greatly. It exasperated the rebels, however, for, concentrating the fire from a dozen cannon upon the summit of the hill, they hurled round shot and shell upon it so furiously, that it seemed impossible anything could continue there alive. But Foelkner's and De Gress' batteries were not to be intimidated, any more than were the Twenty-seventh Missouri infantry, which occupied the hill. The former returned fire for fire, and the latter crouching close to the side of the eminence, held fast to their position. The firing at last ceased, and just as the sun was about to go down, Sherman, Thomas, Elliott, and other Generals came up to the summit of the height, and through their glasses viewed long and attentively the rebel works around Resacca. The sun
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 21: (search)
al, and the line of the Congaree; but the rapid movements of Sherman made this impossible. On the 15th, Logan's corps, advancing on Columbia, was checked by a brave band of Confederates manning a tete-de-pont and fort at Little Congaree bridge, and it was night before the head of the Federal column reached the Congaree in front of Columbia, and went into camp, shelled by a battery on the other side. That night the bridge was burned to check the Federal crossing, and next morning part of De Gress' Federal battery began firing upon the town. Slocum's corps was ordered to move toward Winnsboro and Howard to occupy Columbia, which one of his brigades did, by crossing the Saluda and Broad rivers. General Hampton evacuated Columbia on the 17th, and his forces took up their march northward intending to concentrate at Chesterville, or if not possible there, at Charlotte, N. C., and at the same time Cheatham's corps began its march in the same direction, from Columbia. A pontoon was bu