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Browsing named entities in Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3.. You can also browse the collection for Benjamin D. Dean or search for Benjamin D. Dean in all documents.

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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces in the Vicksburg campaign: May 1st-July 4th, 1863. (search)
oll; 80th Ohio, Col. Matthias H. Bartilson, Maj. Pren. Metham. Brigade loss: Jackson, k, 30; w, 182; m1, 3 = 215. Champion's Hill, k, 12; w, 87; mu, 4 = 103. Vicksburg, assault May 22d, k, 1; w, 11 = 12. Third Brigade, Col. George B. Boomer (k), Col. Holden Putnam, Brig.-Gen. Charles L. Matthies: 93d Ill., Col. Holden Putnam, Lieut.-Col. Nicholas C. Buswell, Col. Holden Putnam; 5th Iowa, Lieut.-Col. Ezekiel S. Sampson, Col. Jabez Banbury; 10th Iowa, Col. William E. Small; 26th Mo., Capt. Benjamin D. Dean. Brigade loss: Jackson, k, 1; w, 10 = 11. Champion's Hill, k, 111; w, 388; m, 11 = 510. Vicksburg, assault May 19th, k, 2; w, 3 = 5; assault May 22d, k, 14; w. 100 = 114. Artillery, Capt. Frank C. Sands, Capt. Henry Dillon: M, 1st Mo., Lieut. Junius W. MacMurray; 11th Ohio, Lieut. Fletcher E. Armstrong; 6th Wis., Capt. Henry Dillon, Lieut. Samuel F. Clark; 12th Wis., Capt. William Zickerick. Artillery loss: Jackson, w, 2. Champion's Hill, w, 2. Herron's division (joined June 11
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Opposing forces in the Chattanooga campaign. November 23d-27th, 1863. (search)
C. Deimling, Lieut.-Col. Christian Hoppee, Col. Francis C. Deimling; E, 24th Mo., Capt. William W. McCammon; 80th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Pren. Metham. Brigade loss: k, 40; w, 140; m, 24==204. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Charles L. Matthies (w), Col. Benjamin D. Dean, Col. Jabez Banbury: 93d Ill., Col. Holden Putnam (k), Lieut.-Col. Nicholas C. Buswell; 5th Iowa, Col. Jabez Banbury, Lieut.-Col. Ezekiel S. Sampson; 10th Iowa, Lieut.-Col. Paris P. Henderson; 26th Mo., Col. Benjamin D. Dean. Brigade losCol. Benjamin D. Dean. Brigade loss: k, 49; w, 145; in, 121==315. Artillery, Capt. Henry Dillon: Ill. Battery, Capt. William Cogswell; 6th Wis., Lieut. Samuel F. Clark; 12th Wis., Capt. William Zickerick. Total Union loss: killed, 752; wounded, 4713; captured or missing, 350==5815. Effective strength (est.), 60,000. The Confederate army: General Braxton Bragg. Hardee's Corps, Lieut.-Gen. William J. Hardee. Cheatham's division, Brig.-Gen. John K. Jackson. Jackson's Brigade, Col. C. J. Wilkinson: 1st Ga. (Confeder