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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Doc or search for Doc in all documents.
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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 1 (search)
1. proclamation of Gov. Morgan, Governor of the State of New York.
A conspiracy, not the work of a day, but the result of years, of false, wicked, and traitorous machinations, has for several months disturbed the peace of the State of New York and of the Federal Union.
Its movements have been marked by violence and fraud.
Wherever it has manifested itself, it has disregarded the rights of citizens, coerced them into the ranks of its armies, and exercised an absolute control over person and property, in utter defiance of the Constitution and laws of the land.
Ambitious and designing men, disappointed in their personal aims, have been enabled, chiefly by misrepresenting the feelings of one portion of the country toward the other, to usurp and exercise a power which has become not only tyrannical and oppressive in several States whose constitutional governments it has temporarily suspended, but dangerous to the entire Union; the pretences originally held forth as a jus
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 2 (search)
2. army Sanitary Commission.
Statement of its operations.
among the objects to which the funds of the commission are applied are the following:
1. The employment of medical inspectors to visit the various camps, and to remedy the numerous sources of disease and danger that exist in all of them — as, for instance, defects in drainage and ventilation, in the quality or preparation of food, uncleanliness in tents and quarters, insufficiency of clothing, the situation of camps with reference to malaria, &c., &c., &c.
Six inspectors are now employed.
At least four times as many are required.
Their travelling and other expenses are estimated at the rate of fifteen hundred dollars per annum.
2. Inspectors are also needed at the general hospitals, to see that the volunteers are provided with every care and comfort that can be obtained.
The Commission also supplies these hospitals (to the extent of its means) with sundry medical and surgical appliances, extra hosp
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 3 (search)
3. Governor Harris' appeal.
Isham G. Harris, Governor of the State of Tennessee, to the patriotic Mothers, Wives, and Daughters of said State:
Whereas, The approach of winter admonishes us of the necessity and importance of providing warm and comfortable clothing, blankets, &c., for our large and gallant army of patriotic volunteers, who are nobly battling for the maintenance of our rights and independence, and the defence of our altars and our homes; and a state of war renders it difficult, if not impossible, to draw our usual supply of winter clothing from other markets, we must therefore rely upon our own resources, which are doubtless ample, when fully developed, and which, it is confidently believed you have both the will and the power to develop.
I, therefore, appeal to the patriotic women of Tennessee to set about the work at once, of manufacturing all the jeans, linseys, socks, blankets, comforts, and all other articles which will contribute to the relief,
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 4 (search)
4. Gen. Wool's order.
Headquarters, Department of Virginia, &c., Fortress Monroe, August 24, 1861. General Orders, No. 4:
I. Many of the inhabitants of Elizabeth City and County complain of depredations having been committed on their property by soldiers stationed in their neighborhoods.
All such persons, or others residing within the pale of this command, engaged in farming, cultivating their fields and gardens, tending their flocks or herds, or bringing provisions or supplies to the several camps or posts for the use of the troops, and pursuing peacefully their ordinary avocations, and who do not communicate directly or indirectly with the rebel forces, and who may comply with such orders as may be given them, will be protected in their persons and property.
Any violation of this order by either officers or soldiers, or any parties interested, will be severely punished, and those who force a safeguard, on conviction before a court-martial, will be punished with dea
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 5 (search)
5. letter from Gov. Thomas of Md.
Ex-Governor Thomas, of Maryland, gives the following account of the attempt of the Maryland rebels upon his life:
Cumberland, August 24, 1861.
Dear sir: As an incident of to-day may be misrepresented, I will communicate to you the precise facts of the case.
I left here this morning at half-past 6, for my home, in the railroad train.
Ten miles from this place the cowcatcher of the engine ran against a pile of eight railroad ties, which had been carefully placed across the track.
Fortunately six of the ties were scattered right and left of the road, and the train continued to run for about five hundred yards, when it was stopped by the resistance to its progress produced by the two remaining ties, which were so situated that one end rested on the engine and the other ploughed along the road.
As soon as the cars halted, the engineer and fireman leaped off, and soon removed the two ties, while the baggage-master was out to see what
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 6 (search)
6. the riots in Connecticut.
New Haven Palladium account.
last Saturday evening, August 24, the telegraph brought word that the office of the Bridgeport Farmer had been cleaned out by a mob, that a peace flag had been taken down in Stepney, and that two or three men had been killed at New Fairfield.
In consequence of these reports our reporter proceeded to Bridgeport on Sunday, to gain such facts as possible regarding the deplorable events.
As nearly as he could learn, the following is a brief outline of the proceedings at Stepney and Bridgeport:
Notice had been given in Bridgeport that a peace flag was to be raised at Stepney, ten miles north of that place, on Saturday, afternoon, when a peace meeting would be addressed by Schnable of Pennsylvania, a well-known stump speaker in the last presidential campaign.
E. B. Goodsell, ex-postmaster of Bridgeport, and G. W. Belden, lawyer, of New-town, were also advertised to speak.
A large number of the citizens of Bridgep
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc . 7 . Gov. Gamble 's proclamation. (search)
Doc. 7. Gov. Gamble's proclamation.
The power of the civil authorities being insufficient to protect the lives and property of citizens of the State, I, Hamilton R. Gamble, Governor of the State of Missouri, do hereby call into the active service of the State, forty-two thousand men of the militia of the State, assigning six thousand as the quota for each military district, which is the same as a Congressional district.
The force thus called into service, will be, as far as possible, a volunteer force, and will consist of ten thousand cavalry and thirty-two thousand infantry.
If the number volunteering should exceed this requisition, the excess will be held as a reserve corps.
If there should be a deficiency, it may become necessary to resort to draft.
The Adjutant-General will issue to the Division Inspectors of the several military districts the orders necessary to carry this requisition into effect.
The force called out will be for six months, unless peace in the Stat
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 8 (search)
8. the Hatteras expedition.
Report of Gen. Butler.
U. S. Flag ship Minnesota, August 30, 1861. Major-General John, E. Wool, Commanding Department of Virginia:
General: Agreeably to your orders, I embarked on the transport steamers Adelaide and George Peabody, five hundred of the Twentieth regiment New York Volunteers, Col. Weber commanding; two hundred and twenty of the Ninth regiment New York Volunteers, Col. Hawkins commanding; one hundred of the Union Coast Guard, Capt. Nixon commanding; sixty of the Second United States Artillery, Lieut. Larned commanding, as a force to operate in conjunction with the fleet, under command of Flag Officer Stringham, against the rebel forts at Hatteras Inlet.
We left Fortress Monroe on Monday, at one o'clock P. M. The last ship of our fleet arrived off Hatteras Inlet about four o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Such preparations as were possible for the landing were made in the evening, and at daylight next morning dispositions were m
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 10 (search)
9. the Sumter at Puerto Cabello.
A correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer, writing from Puerto Cabello, under the date of July 27, says:
Yesterday and to-day we have been all excitement here.
About seven o'clock in the morning the Southern Confederate war steamer Sumter entered the port, towing the schooner Amy Bradford, sent out by Rising & Co., with a full cargo to Chartier & Olavarria, as a prize.
She sent officers on shore to ask permission of the authorities to be allowed to sell her as a prize, at public auction.
After taking some time to deliberate over the matter, the answer was returned that the authorities had decided to preserve a strict neutrality, and could only give her an asylum for twenty-four hours, when she must leave with her prizes Man'l Olavarria went on board, and the commander offered to ransom the schooner and cargo for $12,000, U. S. currency.
This Olavarria declined to do. She lay here quietly until this morning, at six o'clock, whe
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 11 (search)
10. the privateer Jeff. Davis.
The Richmond Enquirer of August 29th, contains the following account of the adventures and fate of the privateer Jeff Davis.
Mr. F. C. Dutneux, one of the crew of the privateer, has furnished the Enquirer with a graphic account of the career of that pirate, from which we extract the following:
When about eight hundred miles east of Cape Florida they came in contact with the ship John Crawford, Captain Edge, from Philadelphia, bound to Key West, with arms and coal for the United States forces.
She was found to draw twenty-two feet of water and could not possibly be brought in. The officers and crew, numbering in all twenty-two persons, were taken on board the privateer, the vessel fired and holes bored in her sides and bottom.
This was about four o'clock in the morning and by good daylight the ship was wrapped in flames, going down shortly afterward.
It was found impossible to secure any of the arms, as they were stowed under the coal