Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1: prelminary narrative. You can also browse the collection for Ferdinand Dreher or search for Ferdinand Dreher in all documents.

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this well-regulated and admirably disciplined regiment. Official War Records, XXI, 245 Colonel Byrnes's report follows, p. 246. The 20th Mass. Infantry lost nearly fifty killed or mortally wounded in the whole battle, including Lieut.-Col. Ferdinand Dreher, Capt. Charles F. Cabot and Lieut. L. F. Alley; and Major-General Hancock personally expressed to Captain Macy, on the following day, his gratitude for the service rendered by the regiment. Col. W. R. Lee resigned the command of this nce of Wendell Phillips during the antislavery troubles just previous to the war. The companies (B and C of the 20th) were unfortunate in the loss of officers, Captain Babo and Lieutenant Wesselhoeft having been drowned at Ball's Bluff and Captain Dreher being severely wounded there and mortally at Fredericksburg. They were also in one respect peculiarly situated, forming a part of a regiment which, although fine in material and discipline and eminent in service, was for a time somewhat divi