doubt, being in part some old intrenchments, but without a ditch and open to the south, with which it was connected by a pontoon bridge.
It was occupied by two of Early's brigades under Colonels Penn and Godwin, with four pieces of artillery.
Daylight was fast disappearing; Russell's division of the Sixth Corps was in line of batle, whose strong apex rested on the river.
It had received its first re-enforcements in the force under Breckinridge and Pickett's division, and Hoke's brigade of Early's division — in all seventy-five hundred men. And the whole army was in good condition; but its commanding general was ill, and so was one of his corps commanders,ter, who, having defeated the small Confederate force in the Valley, under W. E. Jones, was advancing via Staunton and Lexington to Lynchburg.
On the 13th he sent Early with the Second Corps (Ewell's), eight thousand muskets and twenty-four pieces of artillery, to join him. Lee then crossed the James, and on that night his tent wa
, 376.
Disaster at Five Forks, 376.
Dix, General John A., 109, 172.
Doubleday, General, 209, 227.
Douglas, Stephen A., 83.
Drewry's Bluff on the James, 350.
Dungeness, Cumberland Island, 14, 15, 410.
Dutch Gap Canal, 361.
Early, General, Jubal, notice of, 47; mentioned, 228, 266, 276; defeats Wallace, 351; in front of Washington, 351.
Elliott's infantry brigade, 355; wounded at Petersburg, 358.
Embargo Act, the, 81.
Emory, General William H., 54, 352.
Evans, Captain, 151.
Seventh United States Infantry, 32.
Sharpsburg, the battle of, 208.
Shaw, Mrs., James, mentioned, 14.
Sheridan, General Philip H., notice of, 327; cavalry raid, 343; sent to the Valley, 352; victory at Fisher's Hill, 353; defeats Early, 353; at Five Forks, 377; at Titusville, 383.
Sherman, Senator, John, 103.
Sherman, General William T., at Savannah, 368; marching North, 370; at Goldsborough, 372; advice about Lee, 374.
Shields, General, James, 39, 52, 144.
Shippen, Dr.