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e surface. In front of the ear the points may be three quarters of an inch apart, and give but a single sensation; but if you draw them lightly across the face to the other ear, at a certain point the single sensation will change into a double sensation; as they approach the mouth, they will seem to separate more widely, and on the other side of the face they will seem to draw together again, until the double impression is lost in a single one. (See nerve-needle.) An anatomist (Rufus, of Ephesus) dissected apes and distinguished between nerves of sensation and of motion. Es-trade′. A slightly raised platform, occupying a part of a room. It may form a dais. Eta-gere. A set of shelves in the form of an ornamental standing-piece of furniture. Used for the display of articles of hijouterie and vertu. Etching. 1. (On metal.) Engraving executed by a pointed tool and acid upon a metallic or glass surface previously covered with varnish. The ordinary procedure is a
r beaten out, and spun or twisted together. b. The tying of the yarns in pairs to prevent their becoming entangled or confused when laid upon the posts in the ropewalk. Neu-roto-me. (Surgical.) A long, narrow scalpel, used by anatomists to dissect the nerves. Neurotome. Erasistratus of the Alexandrian College of Surgeons, in the Ptolemaian period, wrote upon the nerves, and knew the distinction between those of motion and those of sensation. — Ency. Brit., II. 751. Rufus of Ephesus, who was probably contemporary with Trajan, in his works on anatomy, divided the nerves into those of sensation and of motion. — Nouvelle Biographic Generale, Tome XLII. p. 882. Nevertheless, Sir Charles Bell and Mr. Mayo are credited by Whewell (History of the Inductive Sciences, III. 425) with the discovery that the two offices of conducting the motive impressions from the central seat of the will to the muscles, and of propagating sensations from the surface of the body and the extern<