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resence will almost answer. Hasten, then. I entreat you, don't lose a day. Pendleton was a classmate of Davis at West Point, and an intimate friend. Maj. Benjamin S. Ewell, in command of the Virginia militia at Williamsburg, wrote on the 11th to Adjutant-General Garnett that a better disposition to volunteer in the service obe raised on the peninsula. He asked for arms and a battery of field pieces for these men, and for cadets to drill them. In a private letter of the same date, Major Ewell informed General Lee that there was disaffection in the Poquosin island section of York county, from which there had been no volunteers, and it might be well to at the bridges. This amicable understanding reached, the Federal troops marched into the town, remained for awhile and then returned. Major Cary reported to Colonel Ewell at Williamsburg, that this demonstration indicated the propriety of removing his camp farther from Hampton, where the people had responded indifferently to his
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.2 (search)
Jackson and Ewell. The latter's opinion of his Chief. Interview with Colonel Benjamin S. Ewell, ex-president of William and Mary—His brother's relations to Jackson. [From the Richmond TimeColonel Benjamin S. Ewell, ex-president of William and Mary—His brother's relations to Jackson. [From the Richmond Times June 12, 1892.] On Tuesday, October 13, 1891, General John Echols delivered before the Confederate Association of Kentucky, at Louisville, an Address on Stonewall Jackson, which the Louisville Cwould be. The Times in an introductory note cites the objectionable paragraph as follows: General Ewell did not have a high opinion of General Jackson's natural ability,—and continues: General Jubal A. Early has written a letter denying this, and showing that General Ewell had the very highest regard and esteem for his commanding general. The following interview with Colonel Benjamin Ehe General, confirms General Early's statement: Williamsburg, Va., June 8, 1892. Colonel Benjamin S. Ewell, president emeritus of William and and Mary College, who is closely verging on eighty-<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.14 (search)
r, to morrow on our flank, next day in our front. Such gross violations of the principles of the art of war are not to be supported. I refer, of course, to the campaign against Grant, from the Rapidan to Petersburg, in which Swinton says the Army of Northern Virginia killed and wounded more of the enemy than it had men in its ranks. Although this campaign is teeming with the splendid work of the artillery from the beginning to the end I can only refer to one of its performances. General Ewell in speaking of the battle of the 18th May, 1864, at Spottsylvania courthouse, says: When well within range General Long opened upon them with thirty pieces of artillery which, with the fire of our skirmishers, broke and drove them back with severe loss. We afterwards learned that they were two fresh divisions nearly ten thousand strong, just come up from the rear. And it is a remarkable fact in the history of the Army of Northern Virginia that the first gun fired on Virginia soil,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.18 (search)
por before a July sun, will meditate on what might have been if Stonewall Jackson had been there with 21,500 fresh soldiers, the number necessary to have equalized the strength of the opposing armies. General Lee, in his report, says the battle closed after the repulse of Pickett and Pettigrew's charge on the afternoon of July 3d. Lee then fell back to his line of the morning. The order to recross the Potomac was given the night of July 4th, twenty-four hours after the fight was over, and Ewell's corps did not leave Gettysburg till late in the afternoon of the 5th, full forty-eight hours after the close of the battle on the 3d. (See Report of General Lee, Official Records, Vol. XXVII, pages 313-325.) Lee carried back into Virginia seven pieces more of artillery than he carried with him into Pennsylvania. (See Report of Lieutanant-Colonel Briscoe, Chief of Ordnance, Official Record Vol. XXVII, page 357.) At ten minutes past 4 o'clock P. M. on the 4th General Meade says that
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Unveiling of the statue of General Ambrose Powell Hill at Richmond, Virginia, May 30, 1892. (search)
mingle with the men who followed Lee and Jackson and Longstreet and Ewell and A. P. Hill [great applause], and Jeb Stuart; the men who composthe man who succeeded the gallant and lamented John Pegram, and led Ewell's (Early's) old division around Petersburg and to Appomattox Courththe good work go on, until Davis, and Joe. Johnston, Jeb Stuart and Ewell, and many others have received the honor. Let every city, town and this regiment General Lee said: It is a splendid body of men. General Ewell said: It is the only regiment in my command that never fails. invasion of the North was to be undertaken. All eyes turned to Generals Ewell and Hill as the most worthy to succeed the immortal commander oorps, instead of two, and on the recommendation of General Lee, General Ewell and General Hill were, in June, 1863, promoted to the rank of lrks. The necessities and casualties of war called Longstreet and Ewell away from the great chieftain, but Hill was always at his right han
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., [from the Richmond, Va., Dispatch, March 30, April 6, 27, and May 12, 1902.] (search)
tes in the whole list of graduates; those on the right the class rank. Those without a * are deceased. 1832. Benjamin S. Ewell. 664. Born D. C. Appointed Virginia. 3. Colonel, April 24, 1861. Commanding (in 1861) Thirty-second Virginnold Elzey. 923. Born Maryland. Appointed Maryland. 33 Major-General, December 4, 1862. Commanding First Brigade Ewell's Division, Army of Northern Virginia, desperately wounded; later commanded the Department of Richmond. William H. T. . Trimble. 302. Born Pennsylvania. Appointed Kentucky. 17. Major-General, April 23, 1863. Commanding division in Ewell's Corps (2d) A. N. V. 1825. Daniel S. Donelson. 396. Born Tennessee. Appointed Tennessee. 5. Major-General,dward Johnson. 972. Born Kentucky. Appointed Kentucky. 32. Major-General, April 22, 1863. Commanding division in Ewell's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Alexander W. Reynolds. 975. Born Virginia. Appointed Virginia. 35. Brigadi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.13 (search)
General Jackson's movement necessitated that. Here the Federal troops were found in their excellent array next morning. General Jackson's forces were compelled to halt awhile this day at a certain cross-roads to allow General D. H. Hill's troops to take the extreme left, so that the battle on the right had already opened and had been under way for some time before General Jackson's two divisions—his old division, which had just completed the whole of the memorable Valley campaign, and General Ewell's division, which had participated in all of it except the battle of McDowell and the advance to Franklin—got into position. The attacks of Longstreet and A. P. Hill, Whiting, and Hood, though sometimes repulsed, finally carried the apparently impregnable position. Hood's Texans claimed to have made the breach. It was late in the evening before Jackson's old division, in which the writer served as a staff officer of the Stonewall Brigade, then commanded by General Charles S. Winde
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
attendants and nurses, but not the sick and wounded who were afterwards paroled by the regular officers of our army, not to take up arms again until properly exchanged. No regular order was issued by General Jackson to perform the duty I have reported, but the policy and humanity of such a measure was repeatedly discussed by him and myself afterwards. I kept up the practice of releasing Federal medical officers as soon as captured during my term of service as Medical Director with Jackson, Ewell, Early and Gordon, with whom I successively served as Chief Surgeon, or Medical Director, until the close of the war. A week before the defeat and capture of the greater portion of General Early's army at Waynesboro by Sheridan in 1865, I released the Medical Inspector of General Sheridan, who had been captured by some of our troops in the Valley of Virginia. When, among others, I was captured at Waynesboro, General Sheridan sent for me and after a short talk released me from prison on par
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.30 (search)
rode horseback about the camps, witnessing the drilling of troops and seeing everything that was to be seen about a large army. General Winfield Scott was too old to command, hence General McDowell was in charge of the United States troops on the 21st with the following brigadiers under him: Generals Burnside, Porter, Wilcox, Franklin, Howard, Sherman, Keys, Schenck, Richardson, Blenkers, and Runyon, while General Beauregard had under him Generals Bonham, D. R. Jones, Longstreet, Hampton, Ewell, and Holmes. General Joseph E. Johnston, who was in charge of the Army of the Shenandoah, reinforced Beauregrrd on the 21st, after a forced march from the Valley of Virginia, his brigadiers being T. J. Jackson, Barnard E. Bee, and E. K. Smith. The twelve companies of cavalry were commanded by Colonel J. E. B. Stuart. In examining my file of papers, the Louisville Daily Courier, I find the following letters in the evening edition of August 5, 1861. The first is copied from the Atlanta (G
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The campaign and battle of Lynchburg. (search)
movements of the enemy in the Valley, and who was perfectly informed of his designs, gave verbal orders to General Jubal A. Early to hold his corps (the Second, or Ewell's), with Nelson's and Braxton's artillery, in readiness to march to the Shenandoah Valley. After dark upon that day these orders were repeated in writing, and he k, was served with remarkable rapidity and efficiency. This affair closed about 2 P. M. From prisoners captured we obtained positive information that a portion of Ewell's Corps was engaged in the action, and that the whole corps, twenty thousand strong, under the command of Lieutenant-General Early, was either already in Lynchburg belonging to Breckinridge's Department, McCausland's and Imboden's Cavalry, the Corps of Cadets, the Silver Grays of the city, the invalids, and about one-half of Ewell's Corps; the second half did not reach Lynchburg in time to take active part in the battle on the 18th. Opposed to Hunter's thirty-two guns, Early had none of th
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