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-Gen. Woodbury commanding: 15th N. Y. Volunteers, Col. McLeod Murphy; 50th N. Y. Volunteers, Col. C. B. Stewart. Battalion, three companies U. S. Engineers, Capt. J. C. Duane commanding; companies respectively commanded by First Lieuts. C. B. Reese, C. E. Cross, and O. E. Babcock, U. S. Engineers. The chief-engineer was ably assisted in his duties by Lieut-Col. B. S. Alexander and First Lieuts. C. R. Comstock, M. D. McAlester, and Merrill, U. S. Engineers. Capt. C. S. Stuart and Second Lieut. F. U. Farquhar, U. S. Engineers, joined after the army arrived at Fort Monroe. The necessary bridge equipage for the operations of a large army had been collected, consisting of bateaux, with the anchors and flooring material (French model), trestles, and engineers' tools, with the necessary wagons for their transportation. The small number of officers of this corps available rendered it impracticable to detail engineers permanently at the headquarters of corps and divisions. The companie
124, 126; in Peninsula. 248, 339, 505. D'Utassy, Col, 142. Early, Gen. J. A., 353. Earthworks at Washington, 72. Eckert, Maj. T., 135. Edward's Ferry, Va., 183-190. Emancipation premature, 33 ; how accomplished, 34. Emory, Gen. W. H., at Williamsburg, 321, 322, 324, 325 ; Hanover C. H., 370, 372. Ewell, Gen. R. S., 650. Fairchild, Col., 578. Fairfax Court-House, Va., 224, 225, 515, 518, 519, 526. Fair Oaks, Va., battle of, 377-384. Farnsworth, Col , 340. 341. Farquhar, Capt. F. U., 124. Fisher's creek, Va., 260. Ford, Col., 558. Forsyth, Capt. J. W., 133. Fort Corcoran, Va., 68, 79, 80, 516, 519 536. Fort Ellsworth, Va., 68, 80. Fort Lyon, Va., 96. Fort Macon, N. C., 244, 245. Fort Magruder, Va., 272, 301, 321-325. Fortress Monroe, Va., 102, 155, 163-165, 235, 239, 248, 251-257, 274, 275, 275, 283, 446, 448, 449, 468, 483 498, 499 502 507. Fort Runyon, Va., 68, 80. Fort Sumter, surrenders, 39 ; excitement, 40. Fowler, Lieut.-Col., 521. Frank,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 6.34 (search)
But a straggling line of the men of the Second brigade, First division, uttering a mechanical cheer, slowly mounts the crest, passes unmolested across the intervening space, Grant, Meade, Potter, Duane and others testify to this effect.--Ib., pp. 36, 87, 110, 116. and true to the instinct fostered by long service in the trenches, plunges into the crater, courting the friendly shelter of its crumbling sides. Yonder lies Cemetery Hill in plain view, naked of men, Statement of Captain F. U. Farquhar, U. S. Engineers: There was not a soul between the Crater and that position, and I believe that position was the objective point of the assault --Ib., p. 211; cf. testimony of other officers--Ib. and, hard beyond, the brave old town, nestling whitely in its wealth of green. Silence still reigned along the Confederate lines, yet Ledlie's men did not advance, and now the supporting brigade of the same division running forward over the crest, and with an incredible folly crowding in
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Third regiment Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. (search)
tered in January, 1864), the 14th and 15th (in May), the 16th (in August), were added, and the regiment (with the exception of Co. I, which was on detached service) engaged in the defences of Washington, being stationed at the forts in the vicinity of the city during its entire service. Co. I, recruited mainly from Springfield, Mass., never actually joined the regiment. Having been mustered Feb. 10, 1864, it sailed for Fortress Monroe March 7, and was assigned to engineer duty under Capt. F. U. Farquhar, chief engineer, Depart. ment of Virginia; it was placed in charge of the pontoon trains of the Army of the James, and was engaged throughout its term of service in all branches of engineer work, building bridges, roads and wharves, having charge of the pontoon bridge thrown across the James River during the siege of Petersburg and the bridges at Farmville, by which the 2d and 6th Corps crossed in pursuit of the Confederates. A portion of the main regiment was mustered out June 17,
airbanks, H. H., 359 Fairbanks, L. F., 359 Fairfield, J. N., 359 Fales, H. M., 359 Fall, E. H., 359 Fall, I. C., 359 Falls, B. F., 102, 454 Farisder (or Farisdale), H., 514 Farley, Philip, 359 Farmer, A. E., 514 Farmer, Edward, 359 Farmer, G. S., 514 Farmer, W. H., 359 Farmloe, G. H., 359 Farnham, A. A., 514 Farnham, O. L., 124, 454 Farnham, R. N., 562 Farnham, William, 514 Farnsworth, D. W., 454 Farnsworth, F. H., 359 Farnsworth, Franklin, 454 Farnum, J. E., 52 Farquhar, F. U., 174 Farr, A. B., 109, 151, 244 Farragut, D. G., 61, 202, 252 Farrar, J. M., 359 Farrar, W. E., 186 Farrell, Cornelius, 514 Farrell, G. E., 514 Farrell, Michael, 454 Farrell, Robert, 359 Farrell, Thomas, 359 Farrer, C. E., 514 Farrington, Daniel, 454 Farrington, George, 359 Farrington, J. E., 359 Farrington, L., 514 Farwell, G. G., 359 Faunce, L. W., 359 Faurk, —, 515 Faux, Richard, 454 Favier, Leon, 515 Favor, L. F., 455 Faxon, H. N., 359 Fay, B. F., 359 Fay, E.
reign attaches at, IX., 185. Falmouth Station, Va., II., 85. Famous chargers, IV., 289-318. Fancy, horse of T. J. Jackson, IV., 293. Fanny,, C. S. S., I., 356. Fanny,, U. S. S., VI., 100, 310. Farenholt House, Yorktown, Va. , VIII., 317. Farmington, Miss., I., 362. Farmville, Va., III., 306, 346; VIII., 102; engagement at, IX., 331. Farnsworth, E. J.: IV., 230; death, IV., 232; VIII., 80; X., 137. Farnsworth, J. F., X., 199. Farquhar, F. U., VI., 113. Farragut, D. G.: I., 25, 72 seq., 94, 219, 226 seq., 227, 231 seq.; at Baton Rouge, coaling fleet, I., 233, 249, 362, 366; II., 134, 192, 180, 192, 198, 209, 210, 219-332; III., 319, 328; VI., 38, 43, 55, 114, 120, 151, 184, 197, 217, 222, 238, 243, 252, 253, 314, 318, 320, 322; VIII., 211, 330; IX., 102 seq., 105, 107, 345. Farragut, L., X., 2. Farragut, W. T. Meredith, IX., 102. Farrand, E., VI., 260, 322. Farrar, F. W., IX., 119. Farrar'