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Andersonville, Ga. (Georgia, United States) 2,061 2,061 Browse Search
Wilderness, Va. (Virginia, United States) 922 922 Browse Search
Petersburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) 834 834 Browse Search
Antietam (Maryland, United States) 732 732 Browse Search
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) 719 719 Browse Search
Spottsylvania (Virginia, United States) 703 687 Browse Search
September 17th, 1862 AD 688 688 Browse Search
Salisbury, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) 643 643 Browse Search
May 6th, 1864 AD 566 566 Browse Search
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) 461 449 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died.. Search the whole document.

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Graves, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 242
os, 64 Grandison, John, 458 Granet, Clement, 126, 367 Graney, Thomas, 519 Granger, D. A., 128, 437 Granger, H. C., 367 Granger, H. H., 128, 189, 458 Granger, M. M., 112 Grant, Alexander, 367 Grant, G. W., 519 Grant, U. S. XIV., 61, 68, 98, 113, 114, 115, 121, 122, 123, 146, 170, 250, 262. Granville, John, 64, 367 Grattan, V. O., 367 Graves, C. B., 458 Graves, Edwin, 458 Graves, Elbridge, 458 Graves, F. G., 519 Graves, G. W., 44 Graves, Horace, 367 Graves, M. P., 519 Graves, S. C., 326 Gravlin, Lewis, 458 Gray, C. H., 367 Gray, Charles, 519 Gray, Daniel, 520 Gray, Ellery, 520 Gray, F. S., 367 Gray, G. H., 367 Gray, G. S., 458 Gray, Henry, 367 Gray, James, 520 Gray, S. B., 367 Gray, William, 17 Gray, William, 1st Mass. H. A., 458 Graytown, E. R., 458 Greadon, Andrew, 367 Grealish, Patrick, 367 Greaney, Charles, 368 Greble, J. T., 32, 33 Grece, J. D., 368 Grech, G., 520 Greeley, Horace, 24 Greeley, J. E., 458 Green, Augustus, 368 Green, B. C.
Weldon, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 242
. H., 486 Weitzel, Godfrey, 57, 162, 183, 185, 254 Welch, —, 558 Welch, C. E. M., 429 Welch, E. G., 429 Welch, E. N., 486 Welch, James, 558 Welch, John, 2d, 3d Mass. Cav., 429 Welch, John, 30th Mass. Inf., 65 Welch, John, 57th Mass. Inf., 558 Welch, Peter, 487 Welch, Richard, 129 Welch, Thomas, 19th Mass. Inf., 429 Welch, Thomas, 57th Mass. Inf., 557 Welch, William, 429 Welcome, W. H., 429 Weld, F. M., x, XIII Weld, H. N., 166 Weld, S. H., Jr., 558 Weld, S. M., 302 Weldon (or Wellman), C. C., 558 Weldon, J. F., 487 Weldon, Thomas, 430 Weller, E. J., 79, 430 Welles, Gideon, 42 Wellington, A. B., 430 Wellington, C. H., 487 Wellington, G. W., 558 Wellington, J. C., 430 Wells, G. D., 51, 91, 103, 107, 111, 112, 140, 260, 430 Wells, George, 22d Mass. Inf., 430 Wells, George, 56th Mass. Inf., 430 Wells, J. Y., 487 Wells, John, 430 Wells, Joseph, 487 Wells, Samuel, 558 Welsh, J., 558 Welsh, P. E., 558 Wenborn, C. F., 430 Wennell, Waldo, 558 Wen
Cambria (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 242
rth, William, 485 Wagner, Albert, 557 Wagoner, Thomas, 427 Waif, Thomas, 557 Waigand, John (or George), 557 Wait, Sergt., 152 Wait, C. C., 427 Waite, C. H., 427 Waite, Chauncey, 486 Waite, M. B., 427 Waite, Silas, 428 Waitt, Clayton, 557 Waitt, W. R., 428 Wakefield, G. F., 428 Walcott, A. F., 99, 150 Walcott, C. F., 7, 32, 33, 36, 37, 69, 71, 82, 129, 138, 140, 141, 312, 321. Walcott, John, 428 Walden, W. F., 557 Walder, Henry, 428 Waldo, A. E., 486 Waldo, P. H., 486 Wales, Nathaniel, 107, 115 Walker, A. C., 486 Walker, Arthur, 557 Walker, C., VI Walker, C. H., 486 Walker, C. J., 428 Walker, Charles, 557 Walker, F. A., 52, 55, 68, 76, 80, 89, 95, 96, 102, 117, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 132, 133, 136, 137, 138, 144, 145, 146. Walker, G. B., 486 Walker, Gardner, 150 Walker, Henry, 4th Mass. Inf., 62, 151, 202 Walker, Henry, 27th Mass. Inf., 486 Walker, I. E., 557 Walker, J. C., 486 Walker, J. G., 486 Walker, J. K., 428 Walker, L
Ohio (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 242
E. H.T., 312 Collis, R. S., 346 Collister, W. O., 346 Collor, David, 346 Collyer, Eben, 506yle, Patrick, 348 Crafts, E. P., 508 Crafts, S. O., 450 Craig, H. J., 348 Craig, Henry, 348 Helms, C. A., 562 Helsey, J., 523 Hemingway, E. O., 523 Hemmenway, A. C., 373 Hemmenway, Haskndle, George, 475 Pringle, J. W., 408 Prior, E. O., 475 Prior, F. S., 408 Prior, Michael, 543140, 148. Schuack, J. W., 548, 551 Schubert, E. O., 415 Schultz, Charles, 415 Schultz, George4th Mass. Inf., 438 Smith, W. M., 226 Smith, W. O., 419 Smith, W. S., 551 Smith, W. W., 419 ully, Alfred, 55 Sumner, Charles, 18 Sumner, E. O., 482 Sumner, E. V., 51, 56, 75, 133, 222, 2485 Vose, C. H., 557 Vose, E. A., 485 Vose, E. O., 485 Vose, J. H., 485 W. Wackel, Anthm, Andreas, 488 Wilkins, G. G., 432 Wilkins, S. O., 559 Willard, Eber, 432 Willard, G. W., 48g, C. E., 435 Young, Christopher, 435 Young, E. O., 489 Young, F. E., 435 Young, F. F., 489 [8 more...]
Taylors (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 242
Inf., 20, 424 Taylor, C. A., 13th Mass. Inf., 424 Taylor, Charles, 424 Taylor, D. A., 32d Mass. Inf., 424 Taylor, D. A., 3d N. Y. Art., 49 Taylor, Dexter, 483 Taylor, E. A., 424 Taylor, Edwin G., 424 Taylor, Elbridge G., 554 Taylor, Frederick, 424 Taylor, G. C., 424 Taylor, G. W., 4th Mass. Batt., 183 Taylor, G. W., 27th Mass. Inf., 563 Taylor, G. W., 55th Mass. Inf., 424 Taylor, Giles, 495 Taylor, J. G., 483 Taylor, J. K., 483 Taylor, Nathaniel, 554 Taylor, O. S., 483 Taylor, S. C., 483 Taylor, Stephen, 483 Taylor, Thomas, 554 Taylor, W. J., 554 Taylor, W. K., 554 Teate, W. J., 483 Tebbetts, A. W., 152 Tedford, Milford, 554 Teeling, James, 483 Teherney, John, 424 Telburn, Emil, 424 Temple, H. D., 424 Templeman, J. W., 483 Tenny, W., 554 Tepper, Edward, 483 Terhune, William, 483 Terrill, C. F., 483 Terry, A. A., 483 Terry, A. H., 45, 84, 131 Terry, C. W., 483 Terry, G. W., 424 Terry, J. D., 47 Terry, T. W., 193 Tesbe, John, 554 Teut (or Tent
McCoy (Colorado, United States) (search for this): chapter 242
B., XIV, 34, 50, 53, 54, 59, 68, 71, 72, 74, 80, 108, 150, 230. McClellan, H. W., 467 McClelland, Andy, 388 McCloskey, G. E., 388 McCloud, Charles, 532 McCloud, J., 532 McClusky, Paul, 532 McCole, Patrick, 389 McColigan, Michael, 467 McConnell, J. W., 389 McConnor, J., 532 McConologne, Neil, 389 McConville, Henry, 123, 467 McConville, M. S., 151 McCoon, J., 532 McCord, J. C., 532 McCormick, James, 389 McCormick, John, 389 McCormick, Thomas, 532 McCornish, Thomas, 532 McCoy, Col., 143 McCoy, Robert, 389 McCrory, Peter, 563 McCuen, James, 389 McCugh, James, 467 McCullough, James, 467 McCullough, Patrick, 389 McCullum, Gilbert, 532 McCully, Robert, 389 McCusker, James, 532 McCutcheon, William, 65, 389 McDaniels, I. A., 103, 532 McDavey, —, 532 McDaville, J., 532 McDavitt, Henry, 389 McDermot, Owen, 467 McDermot, Patrick, 467 McDermot, Peter, 389 McDermott, John, 532 McDermott, Thomas, 467 McDevitt, Hugh, 389 McDevitt, William, 532 McDonald, Dan
Davis (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 242
rles, 510 Davis, David, 352 Davis, E. S., 510 Davis, Freeman, 436 Davis, G. A., 352 Davis, G. F., 130, 352 Davis, G. H., 510 Davis, G. L., 451 Davis, G. R., 352 Davis, G. T., 81 Davis, G. W., 451 Davis, George, 451 Davis, H. A., 451 Davis. H. F., 65 Davis, J. G., 510 Davis, J. H., 352 Davis, J. J. P., 451 Davis, J. M., 352 Davis, James, 37th Mass. Inf., 352 Davis, James, 55th Mass. Inf., 352 Davis, L. M., 352 Davis, Levi, 352 Davis, Lorenzo, 352 Davis, M. S., 510 Davis, N. H., 52, 208 Davis, O. L., 352 Davis, O. R., 451 Davis, P. A., 186 Davis, P. S., 21, 115, 270, 352 Davis, Robert, 352 Davis, S. A., 352 Davis, T. B., 510 Davis, Thomas, 451 Davis, W. G., 510 Davis, Walter R., 451 Davis, William, 352 Davis, William R., 64 Davyson, W., 510 Dawes, W. H., 451 Dawson, A. E., 352 Dawson, S. W., 510 Day, Abraham, Jr., 510 Day, Charles, 451 Day, D. B., 510 Day, Dennis, 510 Day, E. E., 53, 352 Day, E. L., 451 Day, Henry, 352 Day, J. D., 451
Smith, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 242
rshall E., 419 Smith, Matthew, 9th Mass. Inf., 419 Smith, Matthew, 59th Mass. Inf., 551 Smith, Michael, 2d Mass. Cav., 551 Smith, Michael, 3d Mass. Cav., 494 Smith, Moses E., 551 Smith, N., 551 Smith, N. B., 419 Smith, N. G., 64 Smith, O. A., 551 Smith, O. C., 419 Smith, Orland, 105 Smith, P. O., 438 Smith, Patrick, 61 Smith, R. R., 551 Smith, R. W., 419 Smith, Robert, 56th Mass. Inf., 551 Smith, Robert, 2d Co. Mass. S. S., 92, 316 Smith, Rufus, 419 Smith, S. A., 551 Smith, S. C., 419 Smith, S. H., 419 Smith, S. P., 419 Smith, S. V., 551 Smith, S. W., 480 Smith, Sidney, 419 Smith, Stewart, 419 Smith, T. D., 419 Smith, T. F., 551 Smith, T. G., 419 Smith, T. H., 419 Smith, T. W., 419 Smith, Thomas, 551 Smith, Vernon, 551 Smith, W. A., 419 Smith, W. B., 419 Smith, W. D., 419 Smith, W. F., 33d Mass. Inf., 419 Smith, W. F., 116, 121 Smith, W. H., 551 Smith, W. H. B., 33, 419 Smith, W. J., 20th Mass Inf., 419 Smith, W. J., 54th Mass. Inf., 438 S
Johnson Siding (South Dakota, United States) (search for this): chapter 242
on, J., 527 Johnson, J. E., 380 Johnson, J. T., 463 Johnson, James, 463 Johnson, James J., 380 Johnson, James P., 380 Johnson, Jerome, 527 Johnson, John, 84 Johnson, John, 2d Mass. Cav., 380 Johnson, Joseph, 54th Mass. Inf., 492 Johnson, Joseph, 58th Mass. Inf., 463 Johnson, Joseph J., 463 Johnson, Joseph P., 463 Johnson, Lewis, 380 Johnson, Loring, 380 Johnson, M. L., 44 Johnson, M. L., 53d Mass. Inf., 380 Johnson, Robert, 527 Johnson, Rosaiter, 68, 107, 114, 123, 145 Johnson, S. D., 880 Johnson, Stanley, 463 Johnson, W. H., 1st Mass. H. A., 380 Johnson, W. H., 22d Mass. Inf., 380 Johnson, W. H., 55th Mass. Inf., 380 Johnson, Walter, 380 Johnson, William, 2d Mass. H. A., 527 Johnson, William, 34th Mass. Inf., 527 Johnston, Duncan, 463 Johnston, J. A., 380 Johnston, J. C., 527 Johnston, J. E., 90, 143, 160, 198, 226, 250, 262 Johnston, R. A., 527 Johnston, S. T., 380 Johnston, T. B., 65, 66 Johnston, Thomas, 380 Johnston, W. A., 380 Johnston, W. S.,
Adams, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 242
174 Aborn, S. P., 439 Ackerman, Charles, 439 Ackerman, J. B., 328 Acres, H. H., 496 Adams, A. B., 496 Adams, A. F., 496 Adams, Artemas, 328 Adams, Augustus, 496 Adams, C. A., 328 Adams, C. F., 7, 18 Adams, C. F., Jr., 30, 160, 166 Adams, C R., 328 Adams, E. A., 439 Adams, G. E., 328 Adams, E. F., 490 Adams, George, 439 Adams, H. S., 64 Adams, J. E., 496 Adams, J. Q., 328 Adams, J. W., 189 Adams, James, 439 Adams, M. C., 496 Adams, O. J., 328 Adams, S. B., 496 Adams, S. C., 439 Adams, W. F., 496 Adams, W. L., 439 Adams, W. T., 328 Adams, William, 328 Adams, Z. B., 166 Addison, Andrew, 328 Agent, J. F., 496 Agnew, Thomas, 439 Ahern, Daniel, 439 Ahern, John, 328 Aiken, Alexander, 328 Aiken, H. A., 439 Aiken, Samuel, 328 Ainsworth, H. W., 328 Albers, Henry, 439 Albert, Henry, 328 Albert, William, 436 Albey, Orlando, 496 Alcom, Andrew, 328 Alden, F. D., 328 Alden, G. M., 328 Alden, G. W., 328 Alden, S. B., 439 Aldrich, A. W., 328 Aldric
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