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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 40: outrages in Kansas.—speech on Kansas.—the Brooks assault.—1855-1856. (search)
lidell, Toombs, and Douglas made explanations called out by Sumner's testimony as to where he thought he saw them as he was recovering consciousness. He was mistaken in his impression that he saw, while he was prostrate, Douglas and Toombs standing on either side of Brooks, and their statements as to where they were and what they did were probably correct. The three senators, however, took occasion to add some comments. Slidell stated that being in the anteroom conversing with Douglas, Fitzpatrick of Alabama, and J. Glancy Jones of Pennsylvania, a messenger rushed in and said that some one was beating Mr. Sumner. He said:— We heard the remark without any particular emotion; for my own part I confess I felt none. I am not accustomed to participate in broils of any kind. I remained very quietly in my seat; the other gentlemen did the same; we did not move. . . . I am not particularly fond of scenes of any sort. I have no associations or relations of any kind with Mr. Sumne
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 43: return to the Senate.—the barbarism of slavery.—Popular welcomes.—Lincoln's election.—1859-1860. (search)
e Cincinnati bar, gave a vivid description of the scene, several years later, in a letter to the writer, and afterwards published it in the Cincinnati Commercial, Nov. 28, 1877. The Vice-President, Breckinridge, during the morning hour called Fitzpatrick of Alabama to the chair. Sumner, as soon as the Kansas bill was called up, took the floor and proceeded with his speech, reading from the printed slips with his usual fulness of voice, strong and resonant, but without any attempt at oratorican; coming in later, they talked audibly with one another, gathering in groups; they were noisy in the space outside the desks, or in adjacent rooms, and indulged in derisive laughter. Once Sumner stopped, signifying that he was disturbed; and Fitzpatrick, still in the chair, called for order, but in a tone and manner that showed his sympathy with the disorderly senators. This air of indifference was observed by some of the spectators to be unreal. In this description Mr. Dickson's account