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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The Army of the Potomac at Harrison's Landing. (search)
emy, with a slight exception, until search was made for him toward Richmond early in August. The exception was on the night of Thursday, July 31st. About midnight the whole army was startled by a lively cannonade and by shells flying over the lines, some bursting within them. The troops turned out under arms, and it was soon discovered that a mild fusillade from across the James was being directed on the shipping and on the supply depots near the camps. A Confederate force under General S. G. French had been sent out from the command of D. H. Hill, at Petersburg. General W. N. Pendleton reported that 1000 rounds were fired. The casualties in the Union camps, as reported by General McClellan, were 10 killed and 15 wounded.--G. L. K. Comparatively little damage was done. The next day a Union force was thrown across the river to seize Coggins's Point, where the elevated ground favored that style of attack on our camps. The army soon became restless for want of work, and there wa
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The struggle for Atlanta. (search)
herman had waited for this till he was sure that the first attempt against his line would be south of the Etowah. Now, leaving one corps, Slocum's, at Atlanta, he followed Hood with the remainder of his force. Hood stopped near Dallas, and sent French's division to take the garrison of Allatoona and the depots there. From the top of Kenesaw, Sherman communicated with Corse, On the 4th of October General John M. Corse, commanding the Fourth Division, Fifteenth Corps, stationed in observationg North--Corse's Fort on the left (see P. 344). from a War-time photograph. The battle of Allatoona, October 5, 1864. from the Mountain campaigns in Georgia, or War scenes on the W. & A., published by the Western & Atlantic R. R. Co. and French, several times repulsed with. great loss, withdrew and joined Hood at New Hope Church. Taking up his northward march, Hood avoided Rome and aimed for Resaca. Schofield was warned, and got ready to defend Chattanooga, while Sherman now made f
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 15: Sherman's March to the sea.--Thomas's campaign in Middle Tennessee.--events in East Tennessee. (search)
cavalry, many of whom were Kentuckians and Tennesseeans, jubilant with the idea that they were about to expel the invader from their native soil. They had great confidence in their dashing leader, and were in high spirits. Hood's army was arranged in three divisions, commanded respectively by Generals B. F. Cheatham, A. P. Stewart, and S. D. Lee. The division commanders were as follows: Cheatham's corps--Generals P. R. Cleburne, Jas. C. Brown, and W. B. Bate. Stewart's — W. W. Loring, S. G. French, E. C. Walthall. Lee's — C. L. Stevenson, E. Johnson, and Clayton. Forrest commanded the cavalry. His division commanders were Generals W. Jackson, A. Buford, and J. R. Chalmers. Thomas had twenty-five or thirty thousand other men under his command, holding widely separated but important posts, which prudence forbade him to concentrate. So he resolved to keep as strong as possible in front of Hood, if he should advance, and falling slowly back toward Nashville, avoid battle until suff
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 1: early recollections of California. 1846-1848. (search)
see the pretty girls as the flowers which they so skillfully made; thence we went to the theatre, where, besides some opera, we witnessed the audience and saw the Emperor Dom Pedro, and his Empress, the daughter of Louis Philippe of France. After the theatre we went back to the restaurant, where we had an elegant supper, with fruits of every variety and excellence, such as we had never seen before, or even knew the names of. Supper being over, we called for the bill, and it was rendered in French, with Brazilian currency. It footed up some twenty-six thousand reis. The figures alarmed us, so we all put on the waiters' plate various coins in gold, which he took to the counter and returned the change, making the total about sixteen dollars. The millreis is about a dollar, but being a paper-money was at a discount, so as only to be worth about fifty-six cents in coin. The Lexington remained in Rio about a week, during which we visited the Palace, a few miles in the country, also th
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, chapter 16 (search)
lso reembarked for the same destination on the 27th of January. On the 1st of February we rendezvoused in Vicksburg, where I found a spy who had. been sent out two weeks before, had been to Meridian, and brought back correct information of the state of facts in the interior of Mississippi. Lieutenant-General (Bishop) Polk was in chief command, with headquarters at Meridian, and had two divisions of infantry, one of which (General Loring's) was posted at Canton, Mississippi, the other (General French's) at Brandon. He had also two divisions of cavalry — Armstrong's, composed of the three brigades of Ross, Stark, and Wirt Adams, which were scattered from the neighborhood of Yazoo City to Jackson and below; and Forrest's, which was united, toward Memphis, with headquarters at Como. General Polk seemed to have no suspicion of our intentions to disturb his serenity. Accordingly, on the morning of February 3d, we started in two columns, each of two divisions, preceded by a light forc
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 21 (search)
men from the village to the ridge on which the redoubts were built. The enemy was composed of French's division of three brigades, variously reported from four to five thousand strong. This force gradually surrounded the place by 8 A. M., when General French sent in by flag of truce this note: around Allatoona, October 5, 1864. Commanding Officer, United States Forces, Allatoona: I hast honorable manner as prisoners of war. I have the honor to be, very respectfully yours, S. G. French, Major-General commanding forces Confederate States. General Corse answered immediately:ers Fourth division, Fifteenth Corps, Allatoona, Georgia, 8.30 A. M., October 5, 1864. Major-General S. G. French, Confederate States, etc.: Your communication demanding surrender of my command I aegan to draw off, leaving his dead and wounded on the ground. Before finally withdrawing, General French converged a heavy fire of his cannon on the block-house at Allatoona Creek, about two miles
a. I had anticipated this movement, and had by signal and telegraph ordered General Corse to reinforce that post from Rome. General Corse had reached Allatoona with a brigade during the night of the fourth just in time to meet the attack by French's division on the morning of the fifth. In person I reached Kenesaw Mountain about ten A. M. of the fifth, and could see the smoke of battle and hear the faint sounds of artillery. The distance, eighteen miles, was too great for me to make in tl Corse was admirably conducted, and the enemy repulsed with heavy slaughter. His description of the defence is so graphic, that it leaves nothing for me to add; and the movement of General Cox had the desired effect of causing the withdrawal of French's division rapidly in the direction of Dallas. On the sixth and seventh, I pushed my cavalry well toward Burnt Hickory and Dallas, and discovered that the enemy had moved westward, and inferred that he would attempt to break our railroad again
o decide. Should you accede to this, you will be treated in the most honorable manner as prisoners of war. I have the honor to be, very respectfully yours, S. G. French, Major-General Commanding Forces C. S. To which I made the following reply: headquarters Fourth division, Fifteenth army corps, Allatoona, Ga., 8.30 A. M., October 5, 1864. Major-General S. G. French, C. S. Army, etc.: Your communication demanding surrender of my command, I acknowledge receipt of, and respectfully reply that we are prepared for the needless effusion of blood, whenever it is agreeable to you. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, John M. Corse, orders to maintain their position at all hazards. This was the disposition of the companies of the regiment at the time that General Corse sent to the rebel General French his refusal to surrender the town and his command. The engagement opened at nine o'clock A. M., between our skirmishers and those of the enemy. The latter i
being lost to our Government. double-Ender. Another account. United States gunboat Miami, off mouth of Roanoke River, May 6. We have just passed through the second engagement with that ugly little ram, the Albemarle. Yesterday afternoon, at two o'clock, the ram, consorted by the steamer Cotton Planter and the Bombshell, which last they sunk at the attack on Plymouth and afterward raised, made its appearance at the mouth of the river. We retreated slowly, and they followed. Captain French sent the steamer Massassoit ahead to inform the remainder of the fleet. At four o'clock they came in sight, running up at full speed. When the rebel fleet saw our reenforcements they tried to back out; but it was no go, as some of our vessels can steam eighteen knots, while the ram can make but eight or nine. At half-past 4 we fired the first gun — our one hundred pounder rifle. That was the signal for the commencement of a most furious cannonading, which lasted over three hours. T
ery and some sixteen hundred prisoners. Major-General French, commanding the Third, Second, and Firsveral columns were directed to move. Major-General French, commanding the Third corps, was directral officers were sent to communicate with General French, and to urge him forward. About one P. M. a dispatch was received from General French saying the enemy were throwing a force to his right flaipt of this a peremptory order was sent to General French to move forward at once, and that if the eg it, was received at half-past 2 P. M. by General French, who protested against it as hazardous to ssume the responsibility of suspending it. General French, in his report, herewith submitted, statesg division, to ascertain his position, he (General French) became satisfied the head of the column hake the left-hand road, and so reported to General French, and awaited orders. After a delay of twos judgment, together with the fact that Major-General French had given an adverse opinion to assault[1 more...]
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