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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 5: first visit to Europe (search)
nd we had at least a dozen of them with us. In spite of this rather fatiguing opportunity, he was not at once at home in French, but wrote ere long, I am coming on famously, I assure you. He wrote from Auteuil, where he soon went, Attached to the h can at any time hear French conversation,—for the French are always talking. Besides, the conversation is the purest of French, inasmuch as persons from the highest circles in Paris are residing here, —amongst others, an old gentleman who was of t all. Longfellow had to prepare his own text-books—to translate L'Homond's Grammar, to edit an excellent little volume of French Proverbes Dramatiques, and a small Spanish Reader, Novelas Españolas. He was also enlisted in a few matters outside, andbeing then almost as rare as professorships of modern languages. He was also librarian. He gave a course of lectures on French, Spanish, and Italian literature, but there seems to have been no reference to German, which had not then come forward in
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 6: marriage and life at Brunswick (search)
rican army—the very circumstances of their training made them sometimes hard to control as subordinates. It was very fortunate, when they found, as in Longfellow, a well-trained American who could be placed over their heads. There were also text-books and readers to be prepared and edited by the young professor, one of which, as I well remember, was of immense value to students, the Proverbes Dramatiques, already mentioned, a collection of simple and readable plays, written in colloquial French, and a most valuable substitute for the previous Racine and Corneille, the use of which was like teaching classes to read out of Shakespeare. Thus full of simple and congenial work, Longfellow went to housekeeping with his young wife in a house still attractive under its rural elms, and thus described by him:— June 23 [1831]. I can almost fancy myself in Spain, the morning is so soft and beautiful. The tessellated shadow of the honeysuckle lies motionless upon my study floor, as if it
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 8: appointment at Harvard and second visit to Europe (search)
eden, but he spent a few weeks in London, where he met, among others, Carlyle. So little has hitherto been recorded of this part of Longfellow's life or of his early married life in any way, that I am glad to be able to describe it from the original letters of the young wife, which are now in my possession, and are addressed mainly to Mrs. Longfellow, her mother-in-law. She seems to have enjoyed her travelling experiences very thoroughly, and writes in one case, We are generally taken for French . . . and I am always believed to be Henry's sister. They say to me, What a resemblance between your brother and self! Sunday afternoon, May 31, 1835. my dear mother,—I wrote you a very few lines, in great haste, in Henry's letter to his Father, acknowledging the receipt of your kind letter. I hope that you will write us as often as your many cares will permit, & be assured that even a few lines will always be welcomed with delight by your absent children. We have passed our time
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 13: third visit to Europe (search)
y lectures, announced in the college catalogue for 1841-2, one finds the following entry: On the French, Spanish, Italian, and German languages and literature, by Professor Longfellow. In the list ofg the advantages of a residence at the University. I have now under my charge 115 students in French, and 30 in German. Of course, with so many pupils my time is fully occupied. I can exercise bufice as Professor of Belles Lettres is almost annihilated, and I have become merely a teacher of French. To remedy this, Gentlemen, I make to you the following propositions:— I. That I should be w That he perform the above and give instruction by hearing recitations of the advance Classes in French, in both terms, and also of all the surplus of the Students in French, when their numbers shall French, when their numbers shall exceed One Hundred & to receive a salary of Fifteen hundred dollars. The committee submit it to the wisdom of the board, which of these modifications is preferable. For the Committee, 26 Oct. 1839.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 16: literary life in Cambridge (search)
ted, disarms criticism. This explanation implies that he was personally acquainted with the six Gothic languages of Northern Europe—Anglo-Saxon, Icelandish, Danish, Swedish, German, and Dutch—and the four Latin languages of the South of Europe— French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. The mere work of compiling so large a volume in double columns of these ten languages was something formidable, and he had reason to be grateful to his friend Professor Felton, who, being a German student, as wng these being Platen's, Remorse, Reboul's, The Angel and Child, and Malherbe's, Consolation. It is to be remembered that Longfellow's standard of translation was very high and that he always maintained, according to Mrs. Fields, that Americans, French, and Germans had a greater natural gift for it than the English on account of the greater insularity of the latter's natures. Life, III. 370. It is also to be noted that he sometimes failed to find material for translation where others found it,<
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Appendix II: Bibliography (search)
d. Portland. [Editor.] Manuel de Proverbes Dramatiques. Portland. With a long preface in French by the Editor. [Editor.] Novelas Españolas. Portland. With an original preface in Spanish. 1831. Origin and Progress of the French Language. Article in North Am. Rev., 32. 277. April. 1832. Defence of Poetry. North Am. Rev., 34. 56. January. History of the Italian Language and Dialects. North Am. Rev., 35. 283. October. Syllabus de la Grammaire Italienne. Written in French. Boston. [Editor.] Cours de Langue Francaise. Boston. [Editor.] Saggi dea Novellieri Italiani d'ogni Secolo: Tratti daa piu celebri Scrittori, con brevi Notizie intorno alla Vita di ciascheduno. Boston. With preface in Italian by the Editor. Spanish Devotional and Moral Poetry. North Am. Rev., 34. 277. April. 1833. Coplas de Don Jorge Manrique. A translation from the Spanish. Boston. Spanish Language and Literature. North Am. Rev., 36. 316. April. Old English R
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Appendix III: translations of Mr. Longfellows works (search)
The Poets and Poetry of Europe. Öfversattning [af A. G. Vestberg]. 1859. Valda Dikter [selected poems]. Tolkade af Hjalmar Edgren. Goteb. 1892. Danish Evangeline. Paa Norsk, ved Sd. C. Knutsen. Christiania: 1874. The Same. (et Digt.) bearb. af B. S. Sangen om Hiawatha. Oversat af G. Bern. Kjobenhavn: 1860. Den Gyldne Legende, ved Thor Lange. Kjobenhavn: 1880; also 1891. Fire Digte. [four poems]. Overs. fra Engelsk. 1891. Prosavaerker. Paa Dansk ved E. M. Thorson. French Evangeline; suivie des Voix de la Nuit. Par le Chevalier de Chatelain. Jersey, London, Paris, New York: 1856. The Same. Conte d'acadie. Traduit par Charles Brunel. Prose. Paris: 1864. The Same. Par Leon Pamphile Le May. Quebec: 1865. Also Quebec, 1870. The Same. Adaptation [in prose] par A. Dubois, avec une notice sur Longfellow. Limoges: 1889. La Legende Doree, et Poemes sur l'esclavage. Traduits par Paul Blier et Edward Mac-Donnel. Prose. Paris et Valenciennes: 1854.