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lliant service of his regiment at the first battle of Manassas, and in the spring of 1862 was promoted major, in which rank he served with credit on the fields of Gaines' Mill and Malvern Hill. He was with Jackson's corps in the famous campaign against Pope, was wounded in the battle of Second Manassas, July 28th, and was mentioned for gallantry in the report of General Taliaferro. In the same rank he commanded the Fourth regiment in the tattle of Fredericksburg, after the wounding of Colonel Gardner; also at Chancellorsville, where his command lost 140 men out of a total of 355; and at Gettysburg and Payne's Farm. Promotion rapidly followed, to colonel of the Fourth regiment to date from September, 1863, and to brigadier-general after the Wilderness and Spottsylvania campaign, in which he participated with credit. On May 21st he was assigned to the command of a brigade formed from the survivors of the Stonewall brigade and the brigades of J. M. Jones and G. H. Steuart, who had es
number, Thomas Cator, was killed and two wounded. Colonel Scurry reached the scene of action at daylight next morning, and the next day (28th) fought the battle of Glorieta, driving the enemy from the field with great loss. Colonel Scurry reported that he had in this combat portions of the companies of Captains Hampton, Lesueur, Foard, Crosson, Giesecke, Alexander, Buckholtz, Odell and Scarborough (Lieutenant Holland commanding), of the Fourth regiment; the companies of Captains Hoffman, Gardner, Wiggins, and Adair of the Seventh regiment; the companies of Captains Shannon, Ragsdale, and Lieutenants Oakes and Scott, of the Fifth, three pieces of artillery under Lieutenant Bradford, and Phillips' volunteers, in all about 600 efficient men. He found the enemy in Glorieta cañon and formed line of battle there. Major Pyron was given charge of the right, Major Ragnet of the center, and Colonel Scurry led the right in a charge which was at once successful, the enemy taking to cover. L
the whole lump of treason. The consequences of this victory were not long delayed. On the 8th of July, Port Hudson surrendered. As soon as its commander, General Gardner, heard of the fall of Vicksburg, he sent a communication to Banks, who was besieging him: Having received information from your troops that Vicksburg has beenrue or not; and if true, I ask for a cessation of hostilities with a view to the consideration of terms for surrendering this place. Banks thereupon forwarded to Gardner a copy of Grant's dispatch announcing the capture of Vicksburg, and Gardner at once proposed the surrender of Port Hudson and its garrison. This event took placGardner at once proposed the surrender of Port Hudson and its garrison. This event took place the next day. The attempted confederacy was thus cut in twain, and, in the forcible language of Lincoln, the Father of Waters rolled unvexed to the sea. On the night of the 4th, Ord and Steele were moved out to join Sherman, and that commander, with about forty thousand men, set out to retrace the route along which Grant had l
II., 73; nominated by Grant to command four departments in one, 453. Franklin, battle of, III., 211-213. Fremont, Major-General J. C., in command of Western department, i., 10; appoints Grant to district of Southeast Missouri, 11; empowers Grant to take Paducah, 12; instructs Grant to make demonstrations on both sides of Mississippi, 14; superseded by Halleck 23. Fry, General in command of rebels at Augusta, III., 288. Gabions of cane and grape-vine at Vicksburg, i., 337. Gardner, General, surrenders Port Hudson to Banks, i., 392. Geary General Jno. W., at battle of Wauhatchie, 448-450; Lookout mountain, 497-501. Georgia, situation in, after fall of Atlanta III., 40; Sherman's plan for marching through, 42; Sherman destroys enemy's supplies, 222; rebel consternation at Sherman's progress in, 222; garrison of Wilmington ordered to, 223; alarm of rebel sat Sherman's march, 286; governor of, asking for reinforcements, 287; flight of governor and state officers, 288;
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Statement of Captain Milton Rouse in regard to the charge that he violated his parole. (search)
language ordered me to be confined in the guard-house. He claimed that he had paroled me to go to the hospital. This was absolutely untrue; not a word had been said to me about a parole. I was sent next day to the headquarters of Colonel Miles, the commanding officer, who, on a full understanding of the case, paroled me, and sent me through his pickets to Charlestown, returning me the horse and buggy. The night before the surrender of Harpers Ferry, my brother William and I were at Mr. Gardner's, and on the next morning we went together across the fields to see the battle which was generally expected. As soon as we saw the white flag raised we proceeded to Bolivar Heights, then in possession of the Confederates, where we met several members of my company. One of these, Mr. John S. Easterday, offered me his horse, which I accepted, and rode down to Harpers Ferry alone and unarmed. I did not pass through Bolivar, but by way of the Shenandoah, and remained unarmed during the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Wee Nee volunteers of Williamsburg District, South Carolina, in the First (Hagood's) regiment. (search)
the order of General Beauregard, through the Signal Corps, to evacuate the fort. The plan of evacuation had been talked over and agreed upon by Colonel Keitt, Major Bryan, Captain Huguenin, Captain Crawford, commanding Twenty-eighth Georgia, Major Gardner, commanding Twenty-seventh Georgia, and myself. It was a joint invention. No one of us can claim for himself the honor of its arrangement. The order of General Beauregard did not fix the details nor change the plan that we had agreed upon orgia, moved out of the fort. This regiment took with them a 12-pound howitzer to be used (if occasion required) by the Twenty-seventh Georgia in covering the embarkation of the troops at Cummins Point. This duty had been, at the request of Major Gardner, assigned to the Twenty-seventh. A breastwork was hastily thrown across the island not far above Battery Gregg, where they were to make a stand in the event of our being followed by the enemy. Our guns had been silent for thirty-six hours.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
, 227 Frazier's Farm, Battle of, 19. Frederick the Great, 34. Fredericksburg, Battle of, 20, 24, 259. Freeman, Col., J. Thomas, 70, 74. Freemantle, Gen Arthur, 108. Frost, Dr. F. L., 416. Fry, Col., 305. Fulkerson, Col., 88. Fuller, Lt., 382. Fussell's Mill, Battle of, 21. Gadberry Camp, 152, 172. Gadberry, Col. J. M., 23, 130. Gadsden, Christopher, 430. Gaillard, David St. P., 34. Gaillard, John. 13. Gaillard, Col. P. C., 396, 416. Gallaher, Lt., Daniel, 299. Gardner, Major, 169. Garner, 130. Garnett. Col. R. S., 83. 86, 88. Garnett, Hon T. S., 295. Gaston, Esther, 7, 10, 17. Gaston, Justice, John, 13. Gaston, Joseph, 10. Gaston, Capt., Joseph Lucien, 17, 22. Gates, Gen., Horatio, 9, II. Gatling, Gen. R. J., 428. Gault, Sergeant-Major, Edward, 409. Gavin, Lt. J. A., 21. Gedde, Col., 306. Gelling, Lt., 399. Generals in the war 1861-1861 from the North and South, 436. Georgia Volunteers, 88, 159, 384. Gerald, Col. G. B, 392. Germans
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.35 (search)
ed through the battery and over the heads of the men in myriads. The battery fired four rounds on a Yankee battery entrenched to the south of Mechanicsville, and were ordered to retire to the cover of the woods, on the left, which they did in good order, amid a fearful storm of bullets and shells, but, remarkable to say, none of the men were struck. After remaining half an hour in this wood, the battery was ordered back into the same field. It then unlimbered under a terrific fire from Gardner's United States battery, stationed behind entrenchments two thousand yards in front. No sooner had our battery fired a shot than the fire of two other batteries, one on the left and the other on the right, also concentrated upon it. The enemy's fire was swift and terrific. The carnage among our men was fearful, but manfully and cooly they stood to their guns, and until dark poured their deliberate fire into the enemy's entrenchments. Many of the wounded refused to retire, and stood to th
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
t to A. J. F., Medical-Director, Dalton, Jan. 27, ‘64, ordered to report to Major Robertson, commanding Reserve Artillery, Jan. 31, ‘64. Bassett, H. W., Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary War to rank from April 7, ‘63, to report to General Gardner, passed Board at Vicksburg, April 7, ‘63. Nov. 30, ‘63, 2d Alabama Regiment, April 30, ‘64, 52d Georgia Regiment. Barnes, Benj. S., Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary War, Feb. 5, ‘63, to rank from Oct. 26, ‘61, to report to Ge for assignment. Graham, L. J., Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War Jan. 1, ‘62. July 31, ‘62, Senior Surgeon 1st Brigade McCown's Division, 14th Texas, March 12, ‘63, transferred from Department and ordered to report to E. Kirby Smith. Gardner, R. B., Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War Oct. 14, ‘62, to take rank from Aug. 8, ‘62, Senior Surgeon Dec. 31, ‘62 3d Georgia Battalion. Passed Board at Shelbyville May 16, ‘63. May 25th, transferred to Hardee's Corp
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Hanover Grays. (search)
Carlton, Charles. Cook, Lawrence (dead). Corbin, John G. Cosby, John O. (wounded and dead). Christian, Horace (dead). Christian, R. A. (detailed; dead). Crump, Edward. Curtis, Armistead (dead). Dunn, John H. (killed at Drewry's Bluff). Dunn, Charles (killed at Drewry's Bluff). Dunn, Robert S. (wounded; dead). Dunn, Henry C. Ellett, Thaddeus (wounded). Ellerson, Thomas H. (wounded). Gaines, William (detailed). Gray, John (wounded and dead). Gardner, R. E. (discharged; dead). Gibson, John T. Gibson, Robert H. Griffin, R. R. (wounded). Harwood, John W. (detailed). Haw, Edwin (dead). Haw, John H. (sergeant). Haw, Richardson W. (twice wounded; dead). Haw, William (wounded). Hazelgrove, Andrew (died in prison). Hogan, William (dead). Home, Robert R. (died in prison). Home, Ralph R. Hott, William (wounded). Hughes, P. H. (wounded; dead). Johnson, P. L. Jones, Washington (killed). Jones, Wil
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