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bird-cage, etc. 6. The ink-reservoir in a printing-press. 7. The supply-chamber in a reservoir pen. Foun′tain Ink′stand. One which has a continual supply of ink from an elevated fountain (see Fig. 2087), or which has an elastic diaphragm by which the dip-cup may be supplied or emptied, as in Fig. 2088. Fountain-inkstands. Fountain-inkstands. Foun′tain-lamp. One with an elevated reservoir for supply, as in most forms of the Argand, — the student's lamp, for instance. Gerard used an air-pump to force oil from a low chamber to the burner of an Argand lamp, so as to avoid throwing a shadow upon surrounding objects. Fountain-pen. Foun′tain-pen. One which has an ink reservoir for the supply of the pen. Scheffer's fountain-pen, introduced in England about 1835, had a reservoir of ink in the holder, and the ink is admitted to the pen by the pressure of the thumb on a projecting stud. Parker's hydraulic pen, invented about the same time, had a piston