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ckson, that unless you had otherwise directed, to take position near his left. Not yet apprised of the enemy's move in the night, I proceeded to execute this order, and, having halted the column near Gatewood's, where Colonels Rosser, Baker, and Goode, with their respective regiments, joined my command, I went forward to reconnoitre. Meeting with General Jackson, we rode together to Dr. Poindexter's, where we met Major Meade and Lieutenant Samuel R. Johnston, of the engineers, who had just maof the Chickahominy, was under command, at first, of Colonel Rosser, and afterward of Colonel L. S. Baker, first North Carolina cavalry. The latter made a gallant charge, on the thirtieth ultimo, at Willis's Church, with his and a portion of Colonel Goode's command, but were repulsed, with small loss. Their reports, enclosed, will give particulars of their operations. Major Crumpler was mortally wounded, and Captain Ruffin taken prisoner. For other casualties you are respectfully referred t
for the mover. Any gentleman could introduce a similar resolution if he thought proper. the objection was then removed, and the resolution withdrawn. Mr. Goode, of Mecklenburg, offered the following: resolved, that in view of the probable immediate passage by Congress of force bill, we feel called upon to declare own rights and those of our sister States (for she still claims them as her sisters) would impel her to resist such attempt by all the means in her power. Mr. Goode moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of taking a direct vote on his resolution, and proceeded to State his reasons therefore. He alluded to the reser further remarks from Messrs. Conrad, of Frederick, and Scott, of Fauquier, to the effect that a vote on the resolution now would be liable to misconstruction, Mr. Goode withdrew his motion at the suggestion of Mr. Harvie, and the resolution was referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. Mr. Fisher offered the following
land, contemplating the passage of an ordinance submitting the question to the vote of the people, whether they will remain with the North, or secede and unite with the Southern States; and another by Mr. Dorman, for a vote of the people of all the States, on the question of Union or Disunion, on the basis of the Peace Conference proposition. Mr. Baylor concluded his Union speech, and endorsed the proposition emanating from the Conference at Washington, which was subsequently denounced by Mr. Goode, of Mecklenburg, who has the floor for to-day. An animated debate sprang up on a resolution offered by Mr. Sheffet, inviting the Virginia Commissioners to the Conference to address the Convention, at their convenience, and to occupy seats on the floor. A substitute, offered by Mr. Price, merely inviting the Commissioners to seats, was finally adopted. Among the speakers on the question, was Ex-President Tyler, who was in the Convention, for the first time, yesterday. The Committee
tion to lay aside all party feelings, he came here firmly resolved to do what he thought best for the honor of Virginia. Believing in the resurrection of truth, he would do as he deemed right, trusting to the future to justify his action. Mr. Goode,of Mecklenburg, next took the floor. He deprecated the disposition of those who called themselves conservatives to pour out the vials of wrath upon the heads of the Southern States. In reply to the gentleman from Augusta, (Mr. Baylor,) who ha Stuart, Tarr, Taylor, White, Wickham, and Willey.--71. Nays.-- Messrs. Armstrong, Blow, Bolssean, Borst. Bouldin, Cabell, Cecil, Chambliss, Chapman, Coun. C. B. Conrad, R. H. Cox, Fisher, Garland, Graham, Gregory, Goggin, J. Goode, Jr., T. F. Goode, Hale. C. Hall, L. S. Hall Harvie, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell, Kent, Kilby, Kindred, Lawson, Leake, J. B. Mallory, Marr, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Randolph, Richardson, Seawell, Sheffey, Strange, Thornton, R. H. Turner, F. B. Turner, T
lows: Year.--Messrs. Burley, Carlile, Hubbard, and Porter--4. Nays.--Messrs. Ambler, Armstrong, Aston, Baylor, Berlin, Blakey, Blow, Jr., Boggess, Boisseau, Borst, Boyd, Branch, Brent, Brown, Bruce, Burdett, Byrne, Cabell, Campbell, Caperton, Carter, Chambliss, Chapman, Clemens, Coffman, Conn, C. B. Conrad, R. Y. Conrad, J. H. Cox, R. H. Cox, Custis Deskins, Dulany, Early, Echols, Fisher, Forbes, French, Fugate, Garland, Gillespie, Graham, Gravely, Gray, Goggin, J. Goode, Jr., T. F. Goode, Addison Hall, Cyrus Hall, E. B. Hall, L. S. Hall, Hammond, Harvie, Haymond, Hoge, Holcombe, Holladay, Hull, Isbell, Jackson, Marmaduke Johnson, Peter C. Johnston, Kilby, Kindred, Lawson, Leake, Lewis, McComas, McGrew, McNeil, Charles K. Mallory, James B. Mallory, Marshall, Marye, Sr., Maslin, Masters, Miller, Moffett, Morris, Morton, Moore, Neblett, Nelson, Orrick, Osburn, Parks, Pendleton, Preston, Price, Pugh, Richardson, Robert E. Scott, Seawall, Sharp, Sheffey, Sitlington, Speed, Spu
win, A. M. Barbour, Jas. Barbour, Blakey, Blow, Boisseau, Borst, Boyd, Branch, Brent, Cabell, Campbell, Chambliss, Chapman, Coffman, Coun, Richard H. Cox, Echols, Fisher, Flourney, Forbes, Garland, Graham, Gravely, Gregory, Goggin, John Goode, T. F. Goode, C. Hall, L. S. Hall, Hammond, Harvie, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell, Marmaduke Johnson, Kent, Lawson, Leake, Chas. K. Mallory, Jas. B. Mallory, Marye, Miller, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Nelson, Preston, Randolph, Richardson, Rives, Robert Hall, L. S. Hall, Hammond, Harvie, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell, Marmaduke Johnson, Kent, Lawson, Leake, Chas. K. Mallory, Jas. B. Mallory, Marye, Miller, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Nelson, Preston, Randolph, Richardson, Rives, Robert E. Scott, Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Speed, Staples, Strange, Sutherlin, Thornton, Tredway, R. H. Turner, Tyler, Wailer, Williams, Wise, and Woods--70. So the resolution was lost. On motion of Mr. Goode, of Mecklenburg, the Convention adjourned.
authorities." Debated by Messrs. Montagur and Conrad, and rejected. Mr. Goode, of Bedford, moved to amend Mr. Wickham's amendment by adding thereto the worof the United States, and to throw herself upon her reserved rights." Mr. Goode advocated his amendment; if the purpose of the Convention was to present an uthat war was the only method by which dissolution could be accomplished. Mr. Goode desired to know, if the amendments contemplated were deliberately rejected byution, without having first referred it to the people at the ballot-box. Mr. Goode thought the answer was indirect; but he inferred from the gentleman's votes ohom it would go, would be likely to cause them to accede to the demands? Mr. Goode would not undertake to say what the Northern people would do; but the Conventquestion, he called for the yeas and nays. The roll was then called, and Mr. Goode's amendment was defeated by the following vote: Yeas.--Messrs. Ambler, A
The Sixty-ninth having left the service, Captain Meagher shows some good sense by "declining the honor" thus tendered. He left Washington, for New York, on the 6th instant, to look after the wounded and missing of his regiment. The burning of Hampton. A correspondent of the Petersburg Express gives some additional particulars of the burning of the town of Hampton: The Old Dominion Cavalry, under command of Capt. Phillips, and the Mecklenburg Cavalry, under command of Captain T. F. Goode, and a command of infantry, under Col. Hodges, were detailed for the hazardous purpose of firing the town. The cavalry companies marched in front, with the infantry behind. Just here I will state that an efficient fortification had been thrown across the main street by the Yankees, but the guns had all been removed. We marched to the fortifications, carried our horses off from the street, and then dismounted. Infantry were detailed to hold our horses while we were to execute the w
Col. T. F. Goode.--canvass in the Fifth district. --While knowing that the Hon. Thos. S. Bocock was making a close and energetic canvass of the district, as a candidate for Congress, the gentleman whose name reads this article, persistently declining the argent solicitations of his friends to enter himself upon a canvass, hatering and watching the movements of the enemy. The writer of this happens to know, that on the very day on which his opponent addressed the people of his (Col. Goode's) own county, that Col. Goode, commanding a portion of the 2d regiment of Virginia cavalry, remained from early morning to the setting of the sun in a cold raiCol. Goode, commanding a portion of the 2d regiment of Virginia cavalry, remained from early morning to the setting of the sun in a cold rain, along our outposts, expecting every moment to hear the tread of the advancing enemy. Having been thus employed, I would respectfully submit, if this ers to engage in a canvass should prejudice his before a generous people. A. Voter in the Army.
The 23d, with a portion of Shumaker's and Anderson's Batteries, gave the following vote: Davis and Stephens, 164. Congressional Districts--3d District, Lyons, 7; MacFarlane, 3; Tyler, 1. 4th District, Pryor, 18. 5th District, Bocock, 36; T. F. Goode, 12. 6th District, John Goode, 4; Treadway, 3. 7th District, Holcombe, 4; Leake, 1. 8th District, Dejarnette, 35; Morton, 22. The 37th Regiment, (Colonel Fulkerson,) gave 300 votes for Davis and Stephens, and in the 13th Congressional Dis Preston 219; F. McMullin, 81. The 44th regiment (Col. Wm. C. Scott) gave 183 votes for Davis and Stephens. Holcombe received 59 and Leake 11 votes in the 7th Congressional District; in the 4th District, Pryor received 71; Bocock 71, and T. F. Goode I vote for the 5th District; in the 3d District, Lyons received 8, MacFarlane 1, and Tyler 4 votes; 8th District, Dejarnette 4, Morton 3. In the 6th District, John Goode received 2 votes.[Your correspondent is indebted to the politeness of Li