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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 25: the battle of Bull's Run, (search)
harge upon the Confederate left, but without success. This march, which led Keyes a mile or more from the hottest of the battle on the western edge of the plateau, caused the Confederates to retire from the Stone Bridge, and gave Captain Alexander the opportunity to make a passage through the abatis, as we have observed. The struggle for the possession of the plateau, in the mean time, had been fearful. When the Zouaves gave way,. Heintzelman ordered up the First Minnesota Regiment, Colonel Gorman, to the support of the batteries, which were directed to take position on the extreme right. The infantry and the artillery did so at the double quick, when they found themselves suddenly confronted by troops less than a hundred feet from them. The Nationals were embarrassed, for an instant, by doubt whether they were friends or foes. Heintzelman himself was uncertain, and he rode in between the two lines. The problem was solved a moment afterward, when the colors of each were seen.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
rries of Edwards and Conrad, already mentioned. The brigade of General Gorman, Seventh Michigan, two troops of the Van Alen cavalry, and the at Edwards's Ferry. In order to disperse or intimidate these, General Gorman was ordered to deploy his forces in their view. Three flat-boais demonstration caused the Confederates to retire, and at twilight Gorman's force returned to camp. In the mean time, a scouting party of ve early. In order to divert attention from Devens's movement, Colonel Gorman was directed to send two companies of the First Minnesota Regimaptivity by stealing along under the banks, and making their way to Gorman's camp below. While the contest was raging at Ball's Bluff, Geneabout seven thousand troops, had been sending over the remainder of Gorman's brigade to co-operate with Baker, all the while unsuspicious of t would repulse and drive his assailants he was prepared to push Colonel Gorman forward to strike the retreating forces on their flank. He fel
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 16: the Army of the Potomac before Richmond. (search)
ur guns. Then moving forward his whole line, he swept the field and recovered nearly all that Couch had lost. Meanwhile Gorman's brigade of Sedgwick's division had deployed in battle line on the crest of a gentle hill, in the rear of Fair Oaks, and-second Pennsylvania to the right, himself leading the Seventy-first and One Hundred and Sixth Pennsylvania in support of Gorman. The strife there was intense. For a moment the National line was bent and seemed ready to break, but the clear voice oerates again advanced, just as darkness came on, and endeavored to outflank Sumner's right, where General Dana had joined Gorman. After fighting heavily for some time, Sumner ordered a bayonet charge by five of his regiments. Thirty-fourth and Eighty-second New-York, Fifteenth and Twentieth Massachusetts, and Seventh Michigan. The first three were of Gorman's brigade, and the two latter of Dana's brigade. This was bravely performed. The regiments leaped two fences between them and their fo
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 18: Lee's invasion of Maryland, and his retreat toward Richmond. (search)
ter struggles of Pope with Lee, was just coming up to the support of Meade, when the contest of that point ceased. Meanwhile the brigade of Gibbons and Hartsuff had pushed steadily lap the turnpike along the Gap, fighting bravely and winning steadily, until almost nine o'clock in the evening, when, having reached a point near the summit of the Pass, their ammunition was exhausted. But the victory was secure. Gibbons and Hartsuff were relieved at midnight by the arrival of the divisions of Gorman and Williams, of Sumner's corps. Richardson's division had taken position in the rear of Hooker's resting soldiers; and Sykes's regulars and the artillery reserve were at Middletown. McClellan's right column was ready to resume the action in the morning, but Lee, who was with his troops toward evening, withdrew his forces during the night. So ended the battle of South Mountain. Reports of Generals McClellan and Lee, and their subordinate commanders. McClellan reported his loss at 812
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 21: slavery and Emancipation.--affairs in the Southwest. (search)
nded. Churchill reported his loss at not exceeding 60 killed and 80 wounded, but McClernand saw evidences of a much greater number hurt. The spoils of victory were about 5,000 prisoners, 17 cannon, 8,000 small arms, and a large quantity of ordnance and commissary stores. After dismantling and blowing up Fort Hindman, burning a hundred wagons and other property that he could not take away, embarking his prisoners for St. Louis, and sending an expedition in light-draft steamers, under General Gorman and Lieutenant Commanding J. G. Walker, Jan. 18, 1862. up the White River to capture Des Arc and Duval's Bluff, The expedition was successful. Both places were captured without much trouble. Des Arc was quite a thriving commercial town on the White River, in Prairie County, Arkansas, about fifty miles northeast of Little Rock. Duval's Bluff was the station of a Confederate camp and an earth-work, on an elevated position, a little below Duval's Bluff. With some prisoners and a few
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 25: capture of Fort Hindman or Arkansas Post. (search)
ate no. 2 destroyed by the U. S. Gun-boat Louisville. Rear view of casemate no. 2. the admiral in his report to the Navy Department. This battle gave general satisfaction to the public. It was unexpected and few knew where Fort Hindman was situated. Directly after the capture of Fort Hindman, Lieutenant-Commander Walker in the De Kalb, and Lieutenant-Commander George Bache in the Cincinnati, were sent up the White River to capture the forts erected there by the Confederates, and General Gorman, U. S. A., accompanied the expedition with troops in the transports On the arrival of the expedition at St. Charles, the fort under construction was evacuated and the guns carried off in the steamer Blue wing, but these were recaptured at Duvall's Bluff, shipped in cars ready to be transported to Little Rock, the Confederates deserting the place. The railroad depot was destroyed by fire, all the rolling stock burned, and all the munitions of war placed on board the transports. Thi
y was where it could serve him best — by blocking the road from Edwards's Ferry. Meantime, Gen. Stone had directed Gen. Gorman to throw across the river at Edwards's Ferry a small force, which made a cautious reconnoissance for about three miles on the road to Leesburg, when, coming suddenly upon a Mississippi regiment, it exchanged volleys and returned. Gen. Gorman's entire brigade was thrown over at this point during the day; but, as it did not advance, its mere presence on the Virginiare they can be reenforced from Manassas, and have a strong position. Report frequently, so that, when they are pushed, Gorman can come up on their flank. Yours, respectfully and truly, Charles P. Stone, Brig.-General Commanding. How Stone exorted position, where the 4,000 might at any moment be increased to 10,000 or to 20,000, is not obvious. And why was not Gorman sent forward to come up on their flank, at any rate; without waiting for 1,900 men to push 4,000 beyond Leesburg to a goo
of Alton, Ill., 139 to 141. Gilmer, John A., of N. C., resolution by, 305-6. Gilmer, Thos. W., to The Madisonian, 156; 158. gist, Gov., of S. C., summons his Legislature, 830; his Message, 330-31. Gleason, Capt., at siege of Lexington, Mo., 588-9. glen, Mr., of Miss., in Dem. Convention, 314. Globe, The, 143. Godfrey, Gilman & Co., in Alton mob, 139-141. gold, export of, by 8th Decennial Census, 23. Goliad, Texas, battle at, 150. Goodell, William, 114; 125. Gorman, Gen., at Edward's Ferry, 624. Gosport; see Norfolk. Gott, Daniel, of N. Y., his resolve condemning the Slave-Trade in the Federal District, 193. Grafton, Va., 521; 522. Graham, Wm. A.,of N. C., for Vice-President, 223. grant, Gen. U. S., 278; solicits reinforcements of Fremont, 587, sends troops against ,Jeff. Thompson, 591; his attack on the Rebels at Belmont, 594 to 597; his horse is killed under him there, 597; occupies Paducah, 612; his proclamation, 613. great Britain,
d seemed about to be enveloped by an overwhelming force; when the long-expected succor arrived. Gorman's brigade, leading Sedgwick's division, deployed into line of battle along the crest of a hill iloy the 69th and 72d Pennsylvania to the right, himself holding the 71st and 106th in support of Gorman. The Rebels attacked with great fury, stampeding two or three battery teams, so that for a momesent them rapidly to the woods in their rear. Meanwhile, Dana's brigade had come into line on Gorman's left, and the Rebels renewed, as darkness fell, their attempt to outflank our right, extendingarther; but in vain. Gens. Sumner, Sedgwick, Dana, whose horse was killed under him, Burns, and Gorman, each exerted himself to the utmost to animate and encourage their men. Dana's wing was graduallol. Kimball, 20th Massachusetts, Col. Lee, 7th Michigan, Maj. Richardson, the three former of Gen. Gorman's brigade, the two latter of Gen. Dana's brigade) to advance and charge with bayonet. This c
ion. Our advance up the turnpike in the center, being contingent on success at either side, was made last, by Gibbon's brigade of Hatch's, and Hartsuff's of Ricketts's division; the artillery fighting its way up the road, with the infantry supporting on either side. The struggle here was obstinate, and protracted till 9 o'clock, when Gibbon's brigade had nearly reached the top of the pass, and had exhausted every cartridge; suffering, of course, severely. At midnight, it was relieved by Gorman's brigade of Sumner's corps, which, with Williams's, had reached the foot of the mountain a little after dark. Richardson's division had also arrived, and taken position in the rear of Hooker; while Sykes's division of regulars and the artillery reserve had halted for the night at Middletown; so that McClellan had most of his army in hand, ready to renew the action next morning. But Lee, who was also present, and whose end had been secured by the precious hours here gained for his Harper
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