Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1: prelminary narrative. You can also browse the collection for Jesse A. Gove or search for Jesse A. Gove in all documents.

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h (Col. Charles Devens, Jr.), the 16th (Col. P. T. Wyman), the 18th (Col. James Barnes), the 19th (Col. E. W. Hincks), the 20th (Col. W. R. Lee), and the 22d (Col. J. A. Gove). The 1st Battery (Capt. Josiah Porter), the 3d (Capt. A. P. Martin), and the 5th (Capt. G. D. Allen) were also included in the Army of the Potomac. The diA. Wild, Sumner Carruth and Charles E. Rand, the two former of whom afterwards rose to be brigadier-generals. The national flag was planted on the works by Col. Jesse A. Gove of the 22d Mass. This regiment, originally recruited by the Hon. Henry Wilson, afterwards vice-president of the United States, In October, 1863, this genof Boston, John Carey of Marlborough, Jeremiah O'Neil of Medford, with Lieuts. R. P. Nugent of Boston and Francis O'Dowd of Medford. The 22d lost its colonel, Jesse A. Gove,—the first of the Massachusetts colonels to fall,—with Capt. J. F. Dunning of Boston and Lieut. T. F. Salter of Haverhill of the 22d and Lieut. C. C. E. Mortim