Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Grant or search for Gen Grant in all documents.

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There is no news of interest from Gen. Lee's army. Grant is reported still to be busily engaged in fortifying in our front, and evidently does not design to accept or offer battle again until he is reinforced; even then opinions differ as to whether he will fight in his present position, or attempt to make his way to James river, where he would have the co-operation of the gunboats and Butler's forces on the Southside. Whatever may be his intention, our army is ready to-day to enter into a general engagement, with the utmost confidence as to the result. Accounts from Bottom's Bridge represent everything quiet in that direction. Sheridan's movements. An official dispatch, received yesterday, states that Sheridan's forces encamped on Thursday night at New Market, in Spotsylvania county, about five miles from Childsburg, and ten miles south of Spotsylvania Court-House. We have good authority for stating that Gen. Hampton was between them and Gordonsville. A citiz
P. M.--To Major Gen. Dix: We have dispatches from Gen. Grant's headquarters down to six o'clock last evening, [another Dispatch]"everything going on well" with Grant — Sherman Progressing. Washington, June 6, 1864. New York. Dispatches have been received from Gen. Grant's headquarters to day, but they report only certaerhaps, discussing the relative positions of Lee and Grant with great vehemence, and demonstrating how Grant wiGrant will flank Lee and get to Richmond, or how Lee will flank Grant and try to get to Washington — every proposition Grant and try to get to Washington — every proposition happily illustrated by an engraving with the point of a walking stick in the dust of the side walk. [Washingto sidewalk to operate on, it would be very strange if Grant couldn't swing his line around into the rear of Lee'h this laconic demonstration of the great problem of Grant as Lee. Walking stick strategy is the thing after alnted by Bolvia also. Smith's corps and two divisions of Gilmore's corps were sent from Butler to Grant
sult of the bloody contest is eagerly canvassed. The Confederate loan receded three percent, and cotton was weaker under the news. The London Times says: "Gen. Grant has fully sustained his reputation for unconquerable tenacity, and if he did not obtain absolute success, bid for it more desperately and approached it more nea advantages on either side, but on the following day expressed a conviction that the Federals had sustained a crushing defeat. The London Star thinks that General Grant paid very dear for his victory, and regards his success as indecisive. The London Morning Herald pronounces the advance on Richmond a failure, and hopes the South has passed the last fiery orders!. The London Globe thinks Gen. Lee has fully succeeded in barring the road of Gen. Grant to Richmond. An English Apology for a Sin. The only reference to the fact that the "Report of Mr. Mallory" is a forgery, yet made by the journal which first reproduced the report in Englan
Captured Yankees. --Eighteen Yankee prisoners were brought to this city yesterday afternoon, and committed to the Libby. They were captured by our pickets a short distance from Grant's main army. Among them was a buck negro, but it could not be ascertained whether he was an enlisted soldier, or brought on as a traveling companion by some soldier who could afford to bear his expenses for what service could be gotten out of him.
ngton, June 5th--1 P. M. Major General Diz: A dispatch from Gen Grant's headquarters, dated half-past 8 o'clock last night, has been ren ever learns that at five o'clock on Friday, the 3d of June, 1864, Grant made a furious assault upon our lines, and after a murderous confli offensive, it will be through no fault of Secretary Stanton or General Grant. If the truth can be suppressed by these worthies, suppressed s took no rifle-pits. It is to be hoped that Stanton puts into Grant's mouth such words as he thinks proper. We can hardly believe that Grant himself, who is a soldier, though a most butcherly and inhuman one, would descend quite so far. But what a commentary do these telegraon had results to show in answer to all charges of lying.--What has Grant to show, or Stanton for him? Immense loss of men, and no progress aining the objects of the campaign. Richmond is as inaccessible to Grant at this moment as it was when he was fifty miles off. He has not ca