Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 7, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Grant or search for Gen Grant in all documents.

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The War News. Yesterday was the most quiet period that has occurred since the commencement of active operations in the vicinity of Richmond. No reverberations of cannon broke the stillness of the air, nor were there any exciting "rumors from the front" to disturb the equanimity of the inhabitants. Persons from the lines report that Grant is moving his forces around our right, but what his purpose is remains to be developed. In the absence of official information, we forbear to speculate upon probabilities. We have a commander who anticipates every movement of the enemy, and in their confidence in his skill and sagacity the people rest securely. Yesterday morning a detachment of Fields's division was sent forward to skirmish with the enemy near Cold Harbor.--They picked up some twenty five prisoners on the way and sent them to the rear.--Finding the enemy's first and second lines of fortifications deserted, they proceeded on to the third, wherein were two Yankees, who fi
f the 1st inst: Stanton's dispatches about Grant's movements--"repulse" of the Confederates. The latest Yankee intelligence from Gen Grant in contained in dispatches from Stanton to Dix, at Major Gen. Dix: We have dispatches from Gen Grant down to 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Therispositions for an attack were being made by Gen Grant. Wilson's cavalry had been ordered to destr Major General Dix: A dispatch from Gen Grant, dated at 6 o'clock this morning, at Hawes's for Vice-President. The Reinforcement of Grant from the Southside. The following extract fo White House — the new base of supplies for Gen Grant. Gens Smith and Broo passed up yesterdaupplies, had called for the White House. Grant's wounded — Running off negroes from Port Royaand, under Baldy Smith, to leave him and go to Grant. Garrett Davis, however, has taken advantage ends of McClellan are indulging their wit over Grant for sliding down, after all he has said, on Mc[1 more...]<
Yankee prisoners. --About seventy-five Yankee prisoners were committed to Libby prison yesterday. Among the number were two or three commissioned officers. They were representatives from Grant's army.
From Gen. Lee's Army. Battle Ground Near Gaines's Mill, June 6--7 P M. --Last evening Grant send a flag of truce proposing that in the intervals of the fight unarmed parties should be permimated his willingness to entertain a regular flag of truce for these purposes. This morning Grant sent another flag, saying he would avail himself of the understanding to send out unarmed parties to bury the dead and care for the wounded.--Gen. Lee promptly replied, showing that Grant had misunderstood his letter. Here the matter rests. The heavy firing last night amounted to nothing. in great haste. Early has followed them ten miles to-day, capturing 69 prisoners, who say that Grant has gone to the White House because his men will not fight. The impression here, however, is thuse because his men will not fight. The impression here, however, is that Grant is making for the James river, to cross to the Southside. There was a little sharpshooting on our right to-day.
General Situation of Affairs. Grant, persevering in the system he has been all along pursuing, having had fifteen or twenty thousand of his men put hors de combat at Cold Harbor, thinks he has lost enough for the present, and is moving on his h a diversion as will influence the result here.--Even the destruction of the tunnel would not relax the hold of Lee upon Grant. The news, however, that Staunton had been captured made all the old women in trowsers croak like a concert of frogs yestaunton and destroying the public buildings and stores! We have no patience with such creatures. Prisoners say that Grant has received forty thousand fresh troops from Ohio. We believe it to be a lie; but if it be true, they must be ninety days men. There are no veterans in Ohio. Grant's removal relieves our people of a great grievance. Like the unfeeling brute he is, he has allowed his killed and wounded to remain on the ground where they fell, until the stench from the putrid carcas
This is the "case," Now for the "parallel." In the year 1864 Lieut. Gen. Grant, of the United States Army, invaded Virginia.--He, too, had aMassena had but one path by which he could have avoided bloodshed. Grant had three. Massena fought but one unsuccessful battle; Grant has fGrant has fought eight or ten. Massena's unnecessary battle cost him at most eight or ten thousand men. Grant's cost him, at the lowest estimate, 75,00Grant's cost him, at the lowest estimate, 75,000 men. If Massena blundered greatly, Grant has blundered enormously.--He has thus far shown the qualities of a mad bull, who shuts both eyes,Grant has blundered enormously.--He has thus far shown the qualities of a mad bull, who shuts both eyes, and rushes upon the hunter with the lasco ready prepared for ensuring him. We have presented this parallel because we have heard it said that Grant manifested great talent in slinking off by his left, after he had in vain attempted to drive his enemy by a front attack. Yet tery same manœuvre destroyed the reputation of Massena with all military men. Massena's worst blunder is, it seems, Grant's wisest manœuvre.