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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 110 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 30, 1864., [Electronic resource] 10 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Southern Historical Society Papers. (search)
; if we takes Petersburg, mos' likely we'll take Richmond, and 'stroy Lee's army ana close de wah. Eb'ry man had orter liff up his soul in pra'r for a strong heart. Oh, 'member de pore colored people ober dere in bondage; oh, 'member dat Gineral Grant, and Gineral Burnside, and Gineral Meade, ana all de gret ginerals is right ober yander a watchina ye, and 'member de white soldiers is a watchina ye, ana 'member dat I'se a watchina ye, and any skulker is a gwine to git prod ob dis bayonet; you less than from 500 to 700 killed, to say nothing of those wounded, and between five hundred and one thousand prisoners. Ours probably did not exceed 400 killed, wounded and missing. Negotiations under a flag of truce are now pending. Probably Grant wants to bury the dead between the lines. Permission was granted to water his wounded. I observed several citizens from the enemy's line take part in this act of humanity. They were probably members of the sanitary committee. I saw also a wom
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 2 (search)
stined to be of short duration, for since Early's audacity had caused his strength to be so greatly magnified, and the importance of his operations so exaggerated, Grant had considered it necessary to largely increase the army of the Shenandoah, and to supersede Hunter, whose incapacity had long been obvious, by Phil. Sheridan, one other and stronger reasons for his decision. It was evident that, if left unopposed in the Valley, Sheridan would immediately concert a plan of co-operation with Grant, either by advancing directly upon Richmond or by operating on its lines of communication with a powerful cavalry until a junction was formed with him below Peter Sheridan, having now removed all opposition, passed through Rockfish Gap into Eastern Virginia, traversed the interior of the State, and formed a junction with Grant almost without interruption. On reaching Gordonsville Early collected a handful of men and threw himself upon the flank and rear of Sheridan, but his force was
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 3 (search)
sition around Petersburg for that purpose, with the hope that the two armies might fall upon Sherman and crush him before Grant could come to his assistance. Vain hope born of desperation; for Sherman, having reached Goldsboro, his next plan was not to follow after Johnston, but open communication with Grant, so that the two might act together. This is shown by his special order, issued April 5th, at Goldsboro, which reads: The next grand objective is to place this army (with its full equipmed for their country at Thermopylae, tells the same story. The countless numbers of brave men who fell under the flag of Grant from the Wilderness to Petersburg proclaim it from their soldier graves, and Appomattox's trumpet tongue tells it to all r help in a store. When he answered he found several hundred applicants ahead of him. They were calling out, I was under Grant, I was under Hancock. He passed in front of the desk, and, holding up a hand from which three fingers were gone, said: I
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 4 (search)
rison with that of the last of General Robert E. Lee's, which is justly considered one of the most skilfully conducted in the annals of war. When Lee reached Petersburg Grant gained a better base of operation and a shorter line of communication than he had ever before possessed; but when Johnston reached Atlanta he was nearer his in the language of a brilliant military critic, was dragging a lengthening chain of weak and attenuated communication. Sherman, too, was greatly the superior of Grant. Sherman was a wily adversary, whose well-laid plans were difficult to forecast and hard to defeat. Grant, conscious of his overwhelming numbers and resources, aGrant, conscious of his overwhelming numbers and resources, and reckless of the lives of his followers, hurled them upon the daily diminishing ranks of Lee with the single object of destroying him by the mere force of attrition. With this one object in view his plans were not difficult to foresee, nor hard to defeat. Sherman, like a skilled pugilist, evaded every blow of his adversary that
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 5 (search)
ceriain that Sherman's army was stronger compared with that of Tennessee, than Grant's compared with that of Northern Virginia. General Bragg asserts that Sherman's was absolutely stronger than Grant's. It is well known that the Army of Virginia was much superior to that of Tennessee. Why, then should I be condemned for the deainst crossing it, and previously he urged me not to allow Sherman to detach to Grant's aid. General Bragg passed some ten hours with me just before I was relieved athat he had always maintained in Richmond that Sherman's army was stronger than Grant's. He said nothing of the intention to relieve me, but talked with General Hoodinion. During that campaign Bishop Lay went to City Point to get a pass from Grant to enable him to return to his home. He told me Grant sent for him, invited hiGrant sent for him, invited him to his headquarters, and talked freely with him for a long time. He seemed to the Bishop to feel that he was handling Sherman's army during that campaign. He sai
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memorial services in Memphis Tenn., March 31, 1891. (search)
contending armies are passing away. Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, McClellan, Hancock, Meade,ountry, will do equal honor to the memories of Grant and Lee, and Johnston and Sherman. If I werry, I would answer the magnanimity extended by Grant and Sherman in accepting the surrender of the obey his orders, and Vicksburg capitulated to Grant. In December, 1863, he was transferred to theond and unite with him and beat Sherman before Grant could join him, but Lee replied that it was ime surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Grant. Johnston thereupon assumed the responsibilitate army on the terms of the agreement between Grant and Lee. How touching were his parting words t-pits. Sherman says in his memoirs that General Grant told me that he (Johnston) was about the orated by having been relieved of his command. Grant in his memoirs says: The very fact of a changeI think that Johnston's tactics were right. Grant, Sherman and Rosecrans were of the opinion tha[3 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 9 (search)
problem. This prompted the nomination of General Grant to the grade of lieutenant-general, and heof May 5th, 1864, over one hundred thousand of Grant's troops had crossed the Rapidan, and thence fhe killed, wounded and disabled on the part of Grant's army were as great as the whole army of Lee nts in the morning. This fact became known to Grant through a deserter from our lines. Hancock's r. The truth is, the Sixth and Ninth corps of Grant's army were then en route to save the capital,tant political as well as military element. Grant's campaign from the Wilderness to Cold Harbor timent just prior to the battle of Winchester, Grant in his Memoirs says: I had reason to belnt made in the canvas. In addition to what Grant says, there was another motive which made Sher no great victory on the part of Sheridan, and Grant intimates as much, for his troops outnumbered to the front (from the cradle to ths grave, as Grant expressed it), and in its ranks might be found[2 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 17 (search)
all quarters of the Confederacy. Besides the disparity in the land forces there was the Federal navy, the gunboats and the ironclads, without which many believe Grant's army would have been lost at Shiloh and McClellan's on the Peninsula. When the Union army was dissolved four hundred thousand more men were borne upon its rold—bouyant with hope in 1862, stood steadily as then before Richmond in 1865, after all ground for hope was gone, against three times their number of veterans under Grant. The immolation at Franklin, where eleven Southern generals and the flower of their followers fell fighting against fate, and the gallantry at Bentonville, folltation and hypocricy when he speaks of his own comrades whom he loves for the dangers they have seen together. If the time is coming when the portraits of Lee and Grant shall hang side by side in the houses of the people North and South, those who would hail its advent with delight cannot hasten it by repression or deceit, nor ca
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 27 (search)
d having had some correspondence with him, and I have looked over the prospectus most carefully. I have arrived at the conclusion that it is very important that the Government should possess this work, from the fact that our librarian here, Mr. Spofford, has endorsed it in the very higest way, and in addition to his indorsement, I find that the Comte de Paris says: It is a work of the greatest value, but seems beyond the strength of a single man in the limits of a single life. General Grant says: I heartily endorse the sentiments expressed by the Comte de Paris in his letter of July 27, 1883. Governor Horatio Seymour speaks in the highest terms of the work. Dr. Cogswell, the organizer and first Superintendent of the Astor Library, says: As a chronological and synchronous record of the events it is more minute and more authentic than could be formed in any other way; and as documentary material for the historian of those events it is absolutely indispensable
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 31 (search)
burned during the war. [from the Baltimore (Md.) sun, July 11, 1890.] How General Hunter executed to the letter General Grant's memorable Order—Valuable Library and family Relics destroyed. Mrs. Margaret Letcher Showell, daughter of ex-Goveribing the burning of her father's home near Lexington, Virginia, in June, 1864, by General Hunter, upon the order of General Grant. Mrs. Showell says: Lexington had been shelled for three days by the advance guard of the battery, and terrificofficer, rang the door-bell, and, with no other warning of any kind, delivered a verbal order from General Hunter, in General Grant's name, for the destruction of the place and without the removal of a single article, not even a change of clothing f of friends, was one night surrounded by armed soldiers, and his surrender was demanded by a written order, signed by General Grant. Without even a private farewell of wife and children, and not entirely dressed, he was taken away, it might have be