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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The battle of fleet Wood. (search)
forward, the advance of the enemy was still further checked until Hampton, with four of his regiments, took-position upon Jones' right, and osition against every attack. It is the concurrent opinion of Generals Hampton and Jones, and of Major Beckham, as expressed in their officiad that, too, while we were ignorant of the danger. Before sending Hampton into action, Stuart had ordered that one of his regiments be detacto encounter a large force of the enemy, he ordered both Jones and Hampton to withdraw with the artillery from the Beverly's ford road and con which they had advanced. The pursuit was continued by Lomax and Hampton, until checked by the fire of our own artillery, See Reports of Stuart, Hampton, and Lomax. for the dust and smoke of the conflict was so great that from the position of the artillery, friends could not bsome valuable lives. The bursting of one shell killed Lieutenant Colonel Frank Hampton, brother of General Wade Hampton, and Captain Farley,
connected, and the Rebels in their immediate front pushed back; two regiments narrowly escaping capture. And now Pleasanton saw that he must begin to fall back or prepare to fight half of Lee's army; so he retreated to the fords and recrossed about dark; having lost about 500 men, and brought off over 100 prisoners. J. E. B. Stuart (who of course claims the result as his victory) admits a loss of over 600 of his cavalry in this affair, including Col. Saul Williams, 2d N. C., and Lt.-Col. Frank Hampton, 2d S. C., killed; Gen. W. H. F. Lee and Cols. Butler and Harman being among his wounded. He claims 3 guns and a good many small arms captured; and an unofficial Rebel account says they took 336 prisoners, including wounded. Considered as a reconnaissance in force, Pleasanton's expedition was a decided success. There was no longer any doubt — if there had been till now — that the Rebel army was in this quarter, and tending westward. There had been a grand review of all the cava
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 15: (search)
t and check it. Leading the advance of Butler's regiment, Lieut.-Col. Frank Hampton met and drove back the Federal advance beyond Stevensburgdy to dispute the advance of the main body of the enemy. Lieutenant-Colonel Hampton was charged with the defense of the road, with a few shary charged the right, and to break the force of the onset, Lieutenant-Colonel Hampton, with 36 men, dashed forward at the head of his column. h. Stuart's cavalry, moving on Longstreet's right flank, left General Hampton on the Rappahannock to watch the enemy. On the 17th, Fitzhugh he was attacked by cavalry, infantry and artillery on the 21st. Hampton and Jones received the attack gallantly, but were compelled to retwed at Upperville, before Ashby's gap, and there, said Stuart, General Hampton's brigade participated largely and in a brilliant manner. On 27th. Stuart was now between the Federal army and Washington, and Hampton, in advance, crossed the Potomac near Dranesville, and on the 28th
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Additional Sketches Illustrating the services of officers and Privates and patriotic citizens of South Carolina. (search)
Captain Alvin H. Dean Captain Alvin H. Dean was born in Spartanburg county, S. C., in 1837. When the call to arms came in 1861 he left his farm and after recruiting and organizing a company of cavalry he reported in the fall of 1861 to the governor of South Carolina by whom he was ordered to Camp Hampton near Columbia. There he and his command were mustered into the service of the State for twelve months by Gen. W. C. Preston. His company, united with three others, commanded by Capts. Frank Hampton, W. K. Easley and Captain McGowan, formed the Third battalion of South Carolina cavalry, and W. K. Easley was elected major. The battalion was ordered to Charleston and did service on the coast until July, 1862. Upon reorganization and enlistment for the war as the Second South Carolina regiment, it was ordered to Virginia just in time to assist in winning the victory of the Seven Days battles around Richmond. It next was engaged at Second Manassas, crossed the Potomac, took part i
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.20 (search)
not entirely become his character as a vestryman of the Protestant Episcopal Church, but that was all. Zzza deep gash. General Hampton found that the Union officer's sword had given him a deep gash about four inches in length, and that but for the thick felt hat and heavy suit of hair he wore would have been cut to the brain. A few inches of courtplaster enabled him to keep on duty until he received a severe gunshot wound in the leg on the last of the battle. Ten years later Colonel Frank Hampton, a young brother of the General's, while on a visit to Mobile became acquainted with a gentleman from Detroit who had been an officer in the Union army. A few days after their introduction the Detroit man said: Colonel, I sought your acquaintance in order that through you I might make the amende honorable to your brother, General Wade Hampton. The sabre cut that he received on the head at Gettysburg was inflicted by me, and the matter has troubled me greatly ever since. It was my
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences. (search)
bities engendered by it are fast being buried in the grave of Oblivion — where is the gray-headed Confederate whose eve does not kindle at the remembrance of those four heroic years? Does he not feel like re-echoing the glowing words which the great dramatist puts in the mouth of Henry the Fifth the night before Agincourt, This story shall the goodman teach his son.— The that shall live this day, and see old age, Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbors, And say, To-morrow is Saint Crispin; Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars, And say, These wounds I had on Crispin's day. And does not his heart burn while he tells with pride of the days when with unfaltering steps, though weary and hungry, but with the light of battle in his eye, he followed in the lead of those illustrious captains and masters of war, A. P. Hill, Jackson, Hampton, Stuart, Mosby, Johnston, Kirby Smith and a host of other gallant spirits—and last, though not least, of Robert Edward
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.38 (search)
the victor and the imprecation of the vanquished. A mere boy, I left my old Kentucky home to follow the plume of General John H. Morgan, the beau sabreur who rode far into the enemy's country, greeting the sons of the morning with a strange new flag. In person General Morgan was notably graceful and handsome. Six feet in height, his form was perfect, a rare combination of grace, activity and strength. The prince of Kentucky cavaliers, Morgan was the peer of the immortals-Stuart and Hampton, Forrest and Wheeler. Associated with him, always second in command, was Basil W. Duke, the Baron Henry of the youthful cavalrymen—the flower of old Kentucky. Tactics and Strategetics. While Morgan was bold in thought and action, he neglected no precaution that would insure success or avert disaster. His rapidly formed plans, promptly and brilliantly executed, surprised his friends and confounded his foes. He was the originator of the far-reaching raid, and the author of a syste
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Remarkable record of the Haskells of South Carolina. (search)
arried Miss Alice Alexander, sister of General E. P. Alexander. She died after becoming the mother of ten children, six of whom are daughters. A very marked favorite in society and a gallant officer was John Cleves Haskell, lieutenant-colonel of light artillery when he surrendered with Lee. He married Miss Stella Hampton, who died two decades ago, leaving one daughter and three sons, all now grown up. About seven years ago Colonel Haskell married Miss Lucy Hampton, daughter of Colonel Frank Hampton, who was killed at Brandy Station. They now live in Columbia. Very much alive is the sixth brother, Joseph Cleves Haskell, now a resident of busy Atlanta and popular in his new home. When he gave up his sword at Appomattox he was captain and adjutant-general of the First Artillery Corps, on the staff of General E. P. Alexander. He married Miss Mary Elizabeth Cheves and the pair have a grown famly of three sons and a daughter. Last in this remarkable family roster comes Lewis
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Hampton and Reconstruction. (search)
Hampton and Reconstruction. By Edward L. Wells, Author of Hampton and his Cavalry in 1864, Columbia, S. C., 1907. The value of this faithful presentation of a period so full of menace to all, hHampton and his Cavalry in 1864, Columbia, S. C., 1907. The value of this faithful presentation of a period so full of menace to all, held dear in the South, has been attested in numerous commendatory notices. Those who suffered and endured, during this darkest era of wanton oppression, and who resisted-all-encompassed with circunot to be overwhelmed, respond in every fibre to the stirring depiction. Mr. Wells served with Hampton in his famous Legion, and his previous work is the authority on the resplendant military careerhen that time comes the afflicted section will sorely need a political heir of the qualities of Hampton, and also sorely stand in need of the experience taught to the Southern people by their afflict most patriotic, most exalted and most all-embracing sense of the term, a Union man. The book is a handsome 8vo. of 238 pages, prefixed with a portrait of General Hampton as he appeared in 1876.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.70 (search)
o resigned his commission in the United States Army to go South when the war began. In the following paper he gives an interesting sketch of the last days at Five Forks. Very respectfully, John W. Daniel. The movements and experience of my command, the 11th Virginia Infantry, Terry's Brigade, at Five Forks, I have often been asked to write. That battle removed from further action in battle array the Army of Northern Virginia, that noblest army that ever trod this globe, as General Hampton called it. With the solidarity of that army gone, the life of the Southern Confederacy was flickering and low, and soon extinguished. Hatcher's Run, the 31st of March, 1865, found Pickett's Division on the march, detached from General Lee's Army, and co-operating with General Fitz Lee's Division of Cavalry. The brigade of William R. Terry, of Bedford—Buck Terry, as we called him—was composed of the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 11th and 24th Regiments of Virginia Infantry. Amongst its previous com
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