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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The battle of fleet Wood. (search)
ame the sound of the cannonading, and there was no longer room for doubt. The nearest point from which a regiment could be sent was Jones' position, not less than two miles distant from Fleetwood. Two of his regiments, the Twelfth Virginia, Colonel Harman, and White's Thirty-fifth Virginia Battalion, were immediately withdrawn from his line and ordered at a gallop to meet this new danger. But minutes expanded seemingly into hours to those anxious watchers on the hill, who feared, lest, after all, help could not arrive in time. But it did come. The emergency was so pressing that Colonel Harman had no time to form his regiment in squadrons, or even platoons. He reached the top of the hill as Lieutenant Carter was retiring his gun after having fired his very last cartridge. Not fifty yards below Sir Percy Wyndham was advancing a strong regiment in magnificent order, in column of squadrons, with flags and guidons flying, directly upon the hill, and to meet this attack the Twelfth
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 47 (search)
Lean, Greensborough, N. C., in response to the request of Mr. Secretary Seddon, gives information of the existence of many Union men in that section, and suggests sudden death to -- etc. The Secretary is diligent in getting such information; but lately it seems he never applies the remedy. Mr. Secretary Seddon thinks Mr. Peck's explanation of his purchasing satisfactory; the Assistant Secretary, Chief of Bureau of War, and Mr. Seddon's private clerk got an abundance of flour, etc. Major Harman, Staunton, says provisions cannot be had in that section to feed Early's army, unless one-fourth of all produce be bought at market prices, and the people go on half rations. The slaves everywhere are on full rations. January 21 A dark, cold, sleety day, with rain. Troopers and scouts from the army have icicles hanging from their hats and caps, and their clothes covered with frost, and dripping, The Examiner this morning says very positively that Mr. Secretary Seddon has resigned.
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 48 (search)
There is no money (paper) in the Treasury. Mr, Trenholm, seeing Mr. Memminger abused for issuing too much paper money, seems likely to fall into the opposite error of printing too little, leaving hundreds of millions of indebtedness unpaid. This will soon rouse a hornet's nest about his ears! Gold is arriving from Charlotte, N. C., and I suppose from other places. Its accumulation here, when known to the enemy, as it certainly will be, only endangers the city more and more. Mr. Harman, of Staunton, suggests that every house in Virginia be visited, and one third the subsistence for man and beast be bought at market price. He says that would subsist the army. February 24 Rained all day yesterday; cloudy and cool this morning. We have no news-only rumors that Wilmington has been abandoned, that A. P. Hill's corps (Lee's army) has marched into North Carolina, etc. Yesterday the Senate voted down the bill to put 200,000 negroes in the army. The papers to-day con
iotic address to the people of Missouri. Unfaltering and unconditional fidelity to the Union was the sentiment, and liberal aid to the volunteer fund was pledged.--The City Council of Philadelphia appropriated five hundred thousand dollars for the payment of bounty of fifty dollars to each volunteer to supply the quota for the city under the recent call of the President. A skirmish took place at Trinity, near Decatur, Ala., between a small party of Union troops under the command of Captain Harman, Thirty-first Ohio, and a much superior force of rebels, resulting in the retreat of the latter with a loss of ten or twelve killed and thirty wounded.--(Doc. 157.) In consequence of the fear entertained by the Irish and other foreign residents of St. Louis of being forced into the militia service of the State, General Schofield issued an order informing them that the subjects of foreign powers, lawfully pursuing their avocations, were exempt from such service.--The Union fortes sta
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 34: (search)
. Daman, H. P. Edwards and S. K. Luce; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, Addison Pool. Steamer Philadelphia. Commander, S. C. Rowan, Flag-officer; Acting-Master, Silas Reynolds, Commanding; Assistant Surgeon, Samuel J. Jones; Carpenter, H. M. Griffith. Steamer rescue. Acting-Assistant Engineers, W. H. Capen and B. D. Mulligan. Steamer Underwriter. Lieutenant, Alfred Hopkins and Lieutenant-Commander, Wm. N. Jeffers [commanding at different times]; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, Dan'l Harman; Acting-Assistant Engineers, John Cohill, John Morse and John Whittaker; Acting-Master's Mates, Wm. K. Engell and Daniel Ward. Steamer Valley City. Lieutenant-Commander, J. C. Chaplin and Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, H. K. Furniss [commanding at different times]; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, F. E. Martindale; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, G. W. Moore; Acting-Assistant Engineers, Perry Short, James Hitchcock and B. Hildebrand; Acting-Master's Mates, C. W. Campbell, John Cullaton, H. Dickenso
ments narrowly escaping capture. And now Pleasanton saw that he must begin to fall back or prepare to fight half of Lee's army; so he retreated to the fords and recrossed about dark; having lost about 500 men, and brought off over 100 prisoners. J. E. B. Stuart (who of course claims the result as his victory) admits a loss of over 600 of his cavalry in this affair, including Col. Saul Williams, 2d N. C., and Lt.-Col. Frank Hampton, 2d S. C., killed; Gen. W. H. F. Lee and Cols. Butler and Harman being among his wounded. He claims 3 guns and a good many small arms captured; and an unofficial Rebel account says they took 336 prisoners, including wounded. Considered as a reconnaissance in force, Pleasanton's expedition was a decided success. There was no longer any doubt — if there had been till now — that the Rebel army was in this quarter, and tending westward. There had been a grand review of all the cavalry of the army at Culpepper Court House, a few days before; Gen. Lee and
alf of them fell upon the ground completely exhausted. The guns were so hot that it was dangerous to load them--one was temporarily spiked by the priming wire hanging in it, the vent having become foul. My teams were cut to pieces, five of theo horses were killed out of one single piece, and other teams partially destroyed, so that, alone, we could not much longer have replied to the enemy's batteries as briskly as was necessary. We were now serving the guns with diminished numbers--Lieuts. Harman and Imboden working at them as privates, to relieve the privates; the latter had the handspike in his hand directing his piece, when one of its rings was shot off the trail by a piece of a shell. After our friends on the right commenced firing, the enemy advanced a third battery of four pieces down the hill, directly in front of and about six hundred yards distant from us, upon which we opened fire immediately and crippled one of their guns by cutting off its trail, compelling them to d
officers of inferior grade. A large proportion of the Augusta militia went to join Jackson this day week, and the residue, who required a few days to make their preparations, are rapidly assembling to leave, this afternoon. As I write, the spirit-stirring drum and ear-piercing fife are calling them to their rendezvous. They are a noble set of man, and will give a good account of themselves. When they reach their destination Augusta will have in the field three regiments, besides Imboden's and Walter's batteries, and Patrick's and Sterrett's companies of cavalry. All the troops engaged in the battle near Winchester were, I believe, from Virginia, except a company or two from Maryland. I do not know all the regiments engaged. They were nine in number, but reduced to skeletons by furloughs. Among them were Allen's, Harman's, Fulkerson's, Patton's, Echols', Cummin's, Burke's, and Preston's, (now Moore's.) Allen's, Fulkerson's, Burke's, and Echols', I belive, suffered most.
tant Surgeon Wright, Adjutant M. A. Downing; Captains Terwilliger, Poor, Gregory, Sanger, Masston, Ellis, and Dean; Lieutenants Harman, Penny, Freeborn, Adams, Disosway, Varick, Simmonds, Wheelan, Warren, Ball, Wright, Ergelke and Cronin. Upon passinks but a few feet from them. Finding it possible to cross, Col. Dodge requested Capt. Howard to cease firing, and Lieut. Harman, Acting Quartermaster, bravely led a volunteer platoon of company C across, and dashing forward formed an advanced-gu country, and made such good use of both, that though repeatedly in sight, it was impossible to come up with them. Lieut. Harman, with his usual gallantry, pursued this force with only a platoon for over five miles beyond the river on one road. A portion, evidently a large body by their tracks, having taken a road to the right of that taken by Lieut. Harman, Col. Dodge led the pursuing column in that direction. Within two miles of the river he came to an unfordable creek, with swampy grou
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 2.13, chapter 2.16 (search)
barism and feudality, which terms are almost synonymous, as witness the mountain towers and fortresses, once the terror of the country, now silent and crumbling. Tiflis affords as much amusement and comfort as any second-rate town or city in Europe. From his Journal are here given one or two passages, to illustrate how Stanley observed and judged the individuals of his own race and civilisation. February 5th, 1870. Reached the Dardanelles at noon. One of my fellow-voyagers is the Rev. Dr. Harman, of Maryland, an elderly and large man, who is a marvel of theological erudition, a mixture of Jonathan Edwards and the Vicar of Wakefield. Most of the morning we had passed classic ground, and, as he is a Greek scholar of some repute, his delight was so infectious that we soon became warm friends. He also has been to Jerusalem, Damascus, and Ephesus, and many other places of biblical and classical interest; and, in a short time, with a face shining with enthusiasm, he communicated
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