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The Grand Royal Arch Chapter. --The yearly convocation of the members of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Virginia, the highest order of Masonry, was held in this city, at the Masonic Hall, Franklin street, on Friday evening last. The following officers were elected at the meeting, which was fully attended by delegates from all sections of the State, viz: M E John W Potts, G H Priest; M E John R Purdy, G K; Wm H Harman, G Scribe; Thos U Dudley G T; John Dove, G S; Edward H Lane, C H; John P Little, P S; Robert E Withers, R A C; Geo W Dame, M, 3d; James A Scott, M, 2d; Wm L Lushbaugh, M, 1st; John C McCabe, C; Richard D Sanxay, Master; Emanuel Semon, Janitor.
The Daily Dispatch: March 3, 1863., [Electronic resource], The affair in the Valley — Arrival of prisoners. (search)
Runaway. --A reward of $25 each will be paid for the apprehension and delivery of the following slaves: Martin, a mulatto, the properly of Capt. John Page, of Hanover county, who ran away in January last from the employment of Messrs. Mason & Harman, of this city. Richard, a carpenter, the property of Dr. E. Wilcox, of Charles City county, Richard was hired to Mr. W M. Allen Builder, of this city, two or three months before Christmas. W. H. Pleasants, 15th street. fe 28--2t*
and tabled by the Senate. The joint resolutions on a supply of salt, offered by Mr. Armstrong, were called up by that Senator, and elicited an extended discussion. Mr. Cellier submitted a substitute for the resolutions of Mr. Armstrong, empowering the Governor and an advisory board to purchase, contract for, or impress a supply of salt. The substitute was lost — ayes 7, noes 22. Whereupon. Mr. Douglas offered a second substitute, accompanied by copy of a contract signed by Messrs. Harman & Mason, stipulating for a supply of salt; which substitute was also lost, and the question recurring on the adoption of the original resolutions, they were adopted — ayes 27, noes 4. Some amendments were incorporated with the resolutions which empower the committee to either contract for, seize the salt works, or adopt any other steps they may deem necessary to procure a supply. Mr. Nath, from the Committee for Courts of Justice, reported with amendments a bill appropriating money
oad from Staunton. After a day or two at Weston Gen. Jones's brigade parted company with Gen. Imboden, and marched from Weston towards Parkersburg. Proceeding some ten or twelve miles, the 11th, 12th and Witcher's battalion, under command of Col. Harman, parted with the remainder of the brigade, turned to the right, and proceeded in the direction of West Union, in Doddridge county, on Northwestern Va. railroad. On approaching the town it was found the place was held by a regiment of infantryth the enemy, the flame from the burning bridges could be distinctly seen. Our object having been attained, the troops were withdrawn from the front of the town, and encamped for the night several miles distant. The next day the forces under Col. Harman visited Ritchie county. Before reaching Harrisville, the county seat, about 50 militia fell into our hands. They had been called out by Gov. Pierpoint, and a number of them were armed with new Enfield rifles. At Harrisville a number of "Hom
Frank Hampton, 2nd S. C., and Capt. Jones, 1st S. C. Col. Butler, 2nd S. C., was so severely wounded as to require the amputation of his foot; and Brig-Gen. W. H. F. Lee received a flesh wound in the leg, at the close of his glorious success. Col. Harman, 12th Va, Capt. White, acting on Gen. Stuart's staff, and many other officers were wounded. Among the killed was Captain Farley, of S. C., volunteer aid on Gen. Stuart's staff, an accomplished officer, who had been with the cavalry from the con, and glorious to the cavalry. Gordonsville, June 13, 1863. I send you a list of officers and privates wounded in the late battle near Culpeper C. H. that have passed through or remain in the hospital at Gordonsville: Col. A W Harman, 12th Va cav, sent to Staunton; Capt Geo W Chiswell, of Md. Waite's bat's remaining at Gordonsville; Lieut W H Kirby, Co. L. 11th Va cav. sent to Charlottesville; Lieut, Jas H Sherrard, Co. H, 11th Va cav, sent to Charlottesville; Lieut Jas P Cha
Accident. --In Staunton, on Thursday night, Mr. C. R. Mason, formerly of the firm of Mason & Harman, of this city, was thrown from his horse and one of his legs was broken so badly that it was afterwards amputated. Fears are entertained that he cannot survive his injuries.
Four hundred dollars reward. --Ran away from the subscribers, on Friday last, two negro men Bob is a black man, about 25 years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches high, good teeth, and rather a good looking negro. Calvin is of dark brown complexion, about 22 years of age, about 5 feet 9 inches high, and ruptured. He wears a trues in consequence of the rupture. No other marks remembered. We will give two hundred dollars each for their delivery to us at Staunton, or to J N Davis & Co, of Richmond. Mason & Harman. ja 27--6t
The Daily Dispatch: January 29, 1864., [Electronic resource], Re-enlisting for the War in General Lee's army. (search)
Four hundred dollars reward. --Ran away from the subscribers, on Friday last, two negro men Bob is a black man, about 25 years of age, about 5 feet 9 inches high, good teeth, and rather a good looking negro. Calvin is of dark brown complexion, about 22 years of age, about 5 feet 9 inches high, and ruptured. He wears a truss in consequence of the rupture. No other marks remembered. We will give two hundred dollars each for their delivery to us at Staunton, or to J N Davis & Co., of Richmond. Mason & Harman. ja 27--6t
Four hundred dollars reward --Ran away from the subscribers, on Friday last, two negro men Bob is a black man, about 25 years of age, about 5 feet 9 inches high, good teeth and rather a good looking negro. Calvin is of dark brown complexion, about 22 years of age, about 5 feet 9 inches high, and ruptured. He wears a trust in consequence of the rupture. No other marks remembered. We will give two hundred dollars each for their delivery to us at Staunton, or to J N Davis & Co, of Richmond. Mason & Harman ja 27--6t
The Daily Dispatch: February 01, 1864., [Electronic resource], How Government stores Disappear in Petersburg. (search)
Four hundred dollars reward. --Ran away from the subscribers, on Friday last, two negro men. Bob is a black man, about 25 years of age, about 5 feet 9 inches high, good teeth, and rather a good looking negro. Calvin is of dark brown complexion, about 22 years of age, about 5 feet 9 inches high, and ruptured. He wears a trust in consequence of the rupture. No other marks remembered. We will give two hundred dollars each for their delivery to us at Staunton, or to J N Davis & Co, of Richmond. Mason & Harman. ja 27--6t
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