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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—Richmond. (search)
der issued before the battle, directing the evacuation of this position during the night of the 1st and 2d of July. The place he had designated as the quarters for the army near his new base was Harrison's Landing, formerly the property of President Harrison, situated twelve kilometres lower down in a direct line. Whilst the convoy, which had resumed its march since the evening of the 30th, was approaching the Harrison plantation by roads which, at times, had to be cleared with the axe, and wal's. Porter, who was the last to leave, covering its march with a regiment of cavalry and the brigade of regulars, only reached this point on the morning of the 2d. At Haxall's he passed Peck's division, which, after having prepared the road to Harrison, formed the rear-guard of the whole army, under the chief command of General Keyes, who had several regiments of cavalry to protect this march. The heat of the preceding days had been followed by torrents of rain; and if it proved an obstacle t
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Maryland. (search)
he fatal order which had been resolved upon several days before in cabinet council at Washington. He had at last compelled Halleck to tell him whether all the sick and convalescents were to be left behind, or whether the latter should remain at Harrison's to join their regiments from that place. Closely pressed by this question, the new commander-in-chief had spoken the decisive word, informing McClellan that his army must return to Aquia Creek. The latter protested in vain, in behalf of thehe transportation of his immense materiel with the insufficient means at his disposal. Hooker was recalled from Malvern Hill as soon as he was convinced that the enemy could not harass his march. It was decided that the army should retire from Harrison's to Fort Monroe by land. A portion of the artillery and cavalry, which had been embarked in haste, was forwarded directly to Aquia Creek, where Burnside had preceded it. Such were the preparations which occupied the Federal troops up to the 8t
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book VII:—politics. (search)
he intended to destroy before the enemy had collected sufficient forces to defend it. Whilst his scouts were occupying the track, the whistle of a locomotive announced the approach of a train coming from Charleston. It was a Georgia regiment sent by Beauregard to guard the river crossings. The Federals, who were posted at a short distance, received the Confederates that were crowded in the open cars with a well-sustained fire of musketry. Several of them were wounded. Their leader, Colonel Harrison, was killed at the first discharge; others, astonished by this unexpected attack, jumped out of the cars, most of them being severely injured by the fall; but the train proceeded on its course. It stopped a little farther on to land the troops that were on board; they formed rapidly, so as to protect both village and bridge. Barton did not venture to attack them, but contented himself with tearing up the rails along that portion of the track he occupied, and then returned to the vesse