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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Remarks of Captain John Lamb on March 24, 1899, at Richmond, Virginia, in the Hall of R. E. Lee Camp, no. 1, C. V. In accepting, on behalf of the Camp, the portrait of General Thomas T. Munford, C. S. Cavalry. (search)
onel Munford's regiment accompanied his command, and participated, as far as the nature of the densely wooded country would permit, in the fights around Richmond. At White Oak Swamp, where Jackson was detained a whole day, while Longstreet and A. P. Hill were delivering the fearful battle of Frazier's Farm, Colonel Munford was called upon to perform one of those difficult tasks that often fall to the lot of this arm of the service. As the part he performed that day has been misunderstood and e slip of paper General Jackson wrote to him: I congratulate you on getting out. Had Munford's suggestion been followed, Franklin would have been forced back to where Heintzelman and McCall were barely holding their own against Longstreet and A. P. Hill. The Federal forces, disputing the passage of Fisher's Run by Armistead and Mahone, would have been forced to fall back, and Huger's whole division would have reinforced Longstreet; while Magruder at Timberlake's store, on the Darbytown Road
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.18 (search)
ouses, and ordered to rest, but to remain near their guns. Not long after this it was rumored that a force from Washington was approaching to drive us away. A. P. Hill's division was sent forward to meet them. They soon put the Yanks to rout. They consisted of a brigade of infantry with some artillery sent down to brush awayinished railroad which ran parallel to and north of the Warrenton pike and I suppose about a mile from it. Jackson's division was on the right, Ewell's next and A. P. Hill's on the left. The 2nd Brigade was marched from the hill to the left about half a mile, where we formed a line of battle in two lines, in a wood and near its enged then. We only wished him to renew the attack but were afraid he would not, after his repulse of the morning and the presence of Longstreet. He did attack A. P. Hill's division on the left of Jackson's line in the afternoon, and met with the same repulse as we had given him. A part of Longstreet's command became heavily enga
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.20 (search)
staff officers, realizing the peril to which the general was exposed, ventured to remark: General, don't you think this is the wrong place for you? The danger is all over, replied General Jackson, the enemy is routed. Go back and tell A. P. Hill to press forward. Then Jackson continued forward and had advanced about 100 yards beyond his line when suddenly a volley was fired by his own men, and apparently aimed at him and his staff. Jackson received three wounds, two balls enterininly be our men, to which he assented with a nod, but said nothing. He looked toward his lines with apparent astonishment, as if unable to realize that he could have been fired at by his own troops. He was taken from his horse, and soon General A. P. Hill rode up and expressed his regret. The enemy was not more than one hundred yards distant, and it was necessary to remove Jackson, as the battle was likely to be renewed at any moment. He was carried to the rear with much difficulty throu
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.44 (search)
ac during the night of the 18th and the following day McClellan sent Porter's Corps of 15,000 men across the river, but they were driven back with great loss by A. P. Hill. The Army of Northern Virginia camped in the beautiful valley of the Shenandoah, in the vicinity of Winchester, for two weeks, during which time McClellan waion flashed on the 18th regiment. It was a red fox, running for his life; but headed off at every turn, he jumped from place to place, dodging his pursuers. A. P. Hill's Division, four miles away, while going into camp, aroused the fox and the chase began. He passed through the ranks of 30,000 soldiers successfully, but when hich necessarily called to each point a part of General Lee's force. Burnside evidently expected to surprise General Lee at Fredericksburg and defeat us before A. P. Hill and Jackson could return, but the obstructions in his pathway were sufficient to delay his passage until they were there. Fredericksburg is not a strategic p