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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 310 68 Browse Search
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 306 36 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 305 15 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 289 5 Browse Search
D. H. Hill, Jr., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 4, North Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 262 18 Browse Search
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A. 233 13 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 204 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 182 0 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 170 8 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 146 14 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for D. H. Hill or search for D. H. Hill in all documents.

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400. Magruder's force in the battle was: Col. D. H. Hill's First North Carolina and Lieut.-Col. Wileave Yorktown exposed without troops. Col. D. H. Hill, with that fullness and accuracy of stateloyed. The nature of the ground determined Colonel Hill to make an enclosed work, nearly in the forand. On Sunday a fresh supply of tools enabled Hill to put more men at work on the intrenchments, bdraw across the swamp. At that critical moment Hill recalled Captain Bridgers from the swamp and ored in the combat with great ardor. Of this Colonel Hill wrote: Captain Winthrop, while most gallant the pursuit. Of the Richmond howitzers, Colonel Hill wrote: I cannot close this too elaborate rers God will ever do his duty to his country. Hill estimated that the enemy had five and a half rewith Capt. A. L. Rives, of the engineers; Col. D. H. Hill, with his First North Carolina regiment, Left in temporary command at Yorktown, Col. D. H. Hill wrote, June 15th, to General Lee: The[5 more...]
on which day Lander made a bold dash with both infantry and cavalry on the militia stationed at Bloomery, taking them by surprise, and capturing some 75 prisoners, including 17 officers. The militia rallied and checked the Federals until they could get away their train, when they retreated. Ashby drove Lander away from Bloomery gap on the 16th, but the Federals continued to hold the territory they had regained. Warned by these movements, Jackson ceased to give furloughs for the time, and provided boats at Castleman's ferry on the Shenandoah to make good his communications with Gen. D. H. Hill, who was encamped at Leesburg, east of the Blue ridge. February, 1862, was a month of Confederate disasters; the capture by the Federals of Fort Henry and Roanoke island, Fort Donelson and Nashville; the evacuation of Lexington, Mo., Bowling Green and Columbus, Ky., followed one after another. In this period of gloom, Jefferson Davis was inaugurated President of the Confederate States.
men who were not Virginians. Having been thus depleted, Jackson asked Johnston, by letter, February 24th, whether he desired additional fortifications at Winchester, stating that he was arranging to construct a raft bridge over the Shenandoah so that his troops and those at Leesburg could quickly co-operate. At that very time Johnston was sending his stores and baggage to the rear, and on the 7th of March, Whiting withdrew toward Fredericksburg, from his camp on the lower Occoquan, and D. H. Hill, from his at Leesburg, by way of Warrenton, toward the Rappahannock; and on the 9th, the center, under Johnston himself, abandoned Centreville and Manassas. By March 11th all the Confederate infantry and artillery from the Blue ridge to Fredericksburg, were aligned on the south bank of the Rappahannock. These movements left Jackson exposed to both front and flank attacks; but Johnston had confidence in his ability to take care of himself, and instructed him to endeavor to employ the in
ke good their retreat before night, recalled D. H. Hill's division, which was in the rear of Johnstoh slaughter, but did not follow in pursuit, and Hill reformed on Anderson's left. Late in the day Mno attack was made. On the 29th and 30th, D. H. Hill made a reconnoissance, in front of his divish had just arrived from Norfolk, was to move on Hill's right, extending the line south to the White ove by the New Bridge road and take position on Hill's left. Provision was also made for protectingaged; and the Confederates as consisting of D. H. Hill's division and two brigades and two regimenth forward as the left of the main attack and D. H. Hill as the right. Hill soon discovered that theHill soon discovered that the enemy along the railroad had been strongly reinforced and instead of attacking he withdrew his advaed them in a lively fight just at the time when Hill's order came directing Wilcox to retire to the ederate forces, the divisions of Longstreet and Hill to their camps near the city, leaving those of [3 more...]
nicsville bridge with his 9,000, followed by D. H. Hill with his 10,000, these three to unite in a gpon the rear of the same flank, supported by D. H. Hill. Jackson's order read: Bearing well to his ek, and the Mechanicsville bridge uncovered, D. H. Hill and Longstreet, of necessity, marched to A. ments of each of these division commanders. D. H. Hill, who had been ordered to report to Jackson, Porter's right rear. By 2 p.m. Jackson had D. H. Hill's division in front of Old Cold Harbor, presn the whole line promptly swept into action; D. H. Hill on the left, followed on the right by Ewell,dered his front line, under Huger, Magruder, D. H. Hill and Whiting, to move against the enemy. Arm a rush. The assault was not simultaneous. D. H. Hill alone advanced, with his own yell, but Armisslope up which he was leading his brave men. D. H. Hill's assault upon the Federal center was bold a reserves swarmed to the aid of Couch and drove Hill back with great slaughter. Lee hurried forward[1 more...]
de of the James, revealed the fact that Coggin's point, opposite McClellan's camp across the James, and projecting toward its rear, commanded that camp from its bluffs and was within range of field artillery. Taking advantage of this, Lee sent D. H. Hill, secretly, to this point on July 31st, and he, under cover of darkness, startled the Federals in their camp and shipping by pouring into them the fire of forty-three pieces of artillery, doing considerable damage but suffering none, as he retir Confederate cavalry beyond, that still guarded the upper Shenandoah valley. The Federal cavalry picketed to these rivers on their northern sides. Lee had no misgivings about intrusting the care of Pope to Jackson. Writing to him, after sending Hill to his aid, he says: Relying upon your judgment, courage and discretion, and trusting to the continued blessing, of an ever-kind Providence, I hope for victory—words and sentiments that found a responsive echo in the soul of his twin brother in th
uld early to-morrow . . . move back a considerable part of my force to the neighborhood of Rappahannock station, evidently disturbed by the longstay-ing qualities of Longstreet, which he had now. been testing for a number of days, while he himself had been zigzagging around in a vain attempt to find the other portions of Lee's army. Still desiring to strike a telling blow at Pope before McClellan's main body could reach him, Lee ordered from Richmond the divisions of Walker, McLaws and D. H. Hill, which had been held there for prudential reasons, and sought a conference with Jackson, to which the latter, a little later, called in his chief engineer, Lieut. James Keith Boswell, for information concerning the roads leading behind the Rappahannock mountains to the line of the Manassas Gap railroad and to Pope's rear, with which he was familiar; Lee and Jackson having devised a plan of campaign by which Jackson free from all encumbrances, should move rapidly to Pope's rear, cut his lin
McClellan in force on the National road toward Hill's position on the South mountain, and toward th that two copies of Lee's order were sent to D. H. Hill, who had been made subject to Jackson's commd this latter, carelessly left on the ground in Hill's camp, was discovered by a Federal soldier, wrund Lee confronted with serious conditions. D. H. Hill was ordered to retrace his march, recross thtreet was ordered to return from Hagerstown, to Hill's aid, on the morning of the 14th. As Lee ro angles to Jackson's line were the troops of D. H. Hill and Longstreet, prolonged to the southward ttween the Hagerstown road and the Antietam. D. H. Hill had sent three of his brigades against the lnumber from the commands of McLaws and Walker. Hill's left was along the Hagerstown turnpike and hig his center, hurried R. H. Anderson's 3,500 to Hill's aid. These he hastened to reinforce his rightr of the numerous buildings of the Piper farm. Hill soon rallied his men, brought up his batteries,[20 more...]
ing all the ways by which he might move toward Richmond, Lee sent D. H. Hill's division, of Jackson's corps, to watch the crossing of the RappEwell's division, now commanded by Early, was encamped next above D. H. Hill, while the divisions of A. P. Hill and Taliaferro were placed neag to Richmond, where they could readily move either to the aid of D. H. Hill or to that of Longstreet, as the exigencies of the occasion mightiaferro, whence highways led to his divisions, those of Early and D. H. Hill, down the river, and to General Lee's headquarters, which were es position, on Longstreet's right, on the morning of the 12th; but D. H. Hill. and Early remained near Port Royal until Burnside should more fP. Smith, of Jackson's staff, rode, late in the day, 18 miles, to D. H. Hill's headquarters, down the river, and by marching over the same 18 rro's divisions were in order of battle in A. P. Hill's rear, and D. H. Hill's division was in reserve, just to the rear of the right, ready t
ank road, thus traversing nearly the entire front of Hooker's position, and turning his right. He then formed his command in three lines of battle, with Rodes (D. H. Hill's division) in front, supported by Colston (Trimble's division), and he in turn by part of A. P. Hill's division. When the Orange road was reached, Paxton's St eagerly and swiftly marching around his right flank. The morning sun of the 2d of May was barely visible when Jackson began his march with Rodes, commanding D. H. Hill's old division in front, followed by Colston and A. P. Hill; 26,000 war and camp hardened veterans led by Jackson in person, with four regiments of cavalry, und of May, Lee sent a message to President Davis, saying: We have again to thank God for a great victory. On Monday, May 4th, leaving Trimble's (Colston's) and D. H. Hill's (Rodes') divisions in front of the formidable works at Chancellorsville, behind which Hooker had sought safety, Lee in person led Anderson's brigades to Salem