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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 21 3 Browse Search
An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 19 3 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 11 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 24, 1861., [Electronic resource] 9 3 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 8 0 Browse Search
Raphael Semmes, Memoirs of Service Afloat During the War Between the States 6 4 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 6 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 6 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 5 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 17, 1861., [Electronic resource] 5 5 Browse Search
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oint, and still have a line of retreat to the latter place or to Grenada, Mississippi, and, if necessary, to Jackson, Mississippi. At Columbus, Kentucky, will be left only a sufficient garrison for the defense of the works there, assisted by Hollins's gunboats, for the purpose of making a desperate defense of the river at that point. A sufficient number of transports will be kept near that place for the removal of the garrison therefrom, when no longer tenable in the opinion of the commanding officer. Island No.10 and Fort Pillow will likewise be defended to the last extremity, aided also by Hollins's gunboats, which will then retire to the vicinity of Memphis, where another bold stand will be made. (Signed) G. T. Beauregard, General C. S. A. (Signed) W. J. Hardee, Major-General. A true copy: S. W. Ferguson, Lieutenant and Aide-de-Camp. This plan of campaign embraced the defense of the line of the Cumberland, if possible; or, if not, then a retreat to Stevenson. Beaureg
its extension through Eastern Tennessee and Virginia, must be properly guarded from Iuka to Tuscumbia, and even to Decatur, if practicable. Columbus must either be left to be defended to the last extremity by its proper garrison, assisted by Hollins's fleet of gunboats, and provided with provisions and ammunition for several months, or abandoned altogether, its armament and garrison being transferred if practicable to Fort Pillow, which, I am informed, is a naturally and artificially strong position, about one hundred miles above Memphis. Island No.10, near New Madrid, could also be held by its garrison, assisted by Hollins's fleet, until the possession of New Madrid by the enemy would compel that position to be evacuated. I am clearly of the opinion that to attempt at present to hold so advanced a position as Columbus, with the movable army under General Polk, where its communications can be so readily cut off by a superior force acting from the Tennessee River as a new base,
of the place Solons out of place much wisdom thrown-away scarcity and high Price of provisions commodores Lynch and Hollins Major General Pryor. For the next two weeks scarcely any sound was heard but that of axe-men engaged in felling trehotel-doors. Here it was that I first saw Commodore Lynch (late U. S. N.) of Dead sea notoriety in literature, and Commodore Hollins, the hero (?) of Greytown. The first-named was a small, quiet, Jewish-looking man of about fifty; thin, sallow ke him for the Tartar which he undoubtedly is, when aroused; he is indefatigable in all that pertains to naval affairs. Hollins is about five feet six inches, broad-shouldered and stout, grey hair, whiskers, and moustaches, full face, a fine foreheas prominent the anchor and cables — in such a costume he looked more like an old major of foot than any thing else. Hollins's son and myself were soon fast friends; and through him I became acquainted with many persons, who have since become di
Chapter 20: Fall of New Orleans, April twenty-fourth preparations of Commodore Hollins for the defence bombardment of the forts naval engagements destruction of cotton evacuation orespective forces being content to fortify their positions and otherwise remain inactive. Commodore Hollins, who was cruising in the Gulf when we declared independence, brought his sloop-of-war to Ns fleet; to meet which contingency, General Anderson was put in command of our land forces, and Hollins of the naval department. The latter began to prepare for the enemy by the construction of d batteries, the principal of which was a vessel called the Manassas. With his small flotilla, Hollins could not pretend to accomplish very much, but he resolved to attack the Federal blockading vesled several others; but as the ram Manassas proved unmanageable, and had injured her machinery, Hollins withdrew and returned to the city, well satisfied with his achievements. In the mean time Love
eet, Ewell, and a host of others, made similar sacrifices, and for a long time were without any settled rank or command. They had to fight their way up, and have successfully done so. The same may be said of the navy. Lynch, Tatnall, Ingraham, Hollins, and others, followed their illustrious example. Maury — the world-renowed Maury-had all to lose and nothing to gain by joining our cause; but he did so, and refusing the offers and hospitalities of kings and princes, busied himself, industriously, in any department where his services might be of value. Hollins, indeed, brought his ship with him, and was cursed for it from east to west by the North. We cannot expect to do much with our navy at present, but we have talent enough in the forthcoming times of peace to found a navy which shall eclipse the achievements of our army, if cruel necessity occasion its services to be called for. There are many still in the army and navy of the North who rightfully belong to us — some refused t
for the veteran who had, for forty years, trod the deck of a frigate, to be cooped in the contracted limits of a razeed tug, or an armed pilot boat. But once there he made the best of it; and how well he wrought in the new sphere, the names of Hollins, Lynch, Buchanan and Tucker still attest. At the time the first Army Bill was passed by Congress, a law was also made securing to resigned naval officers the same rank they held in the United States service. But there was scarcely a keel inl strength-or even had she been completely finished and not had been compelled to succumb to accidents within, while she braved the terrific fire from without — the Federal fleet might have been crushed like egg-shells; the splendid exertions of Hollins and Kennon in the past would not have been nullified; the blood of McIntosh and Huger would not have been useless sacrifice; and the homes of the smiling city and the pure vicinage of her noble daughters might not have been polluted by the prese
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 49 (search)
of the city that he cannot find them, and this body of cavalry is ordered to reconnoiter their position. I know not how many more men Fitz Lee has in his division, but fear at least half have passed. March 16 Clouds and sunshine; warm. Splendid rainbow last evening. We have nothing new in the papers from any quarter. Sheridan's position is not known yet, though it must be within a short distance of the city. There was no battle yesterday. Sheridan reports the killing of Commodore Hollins, and says it was done because he attempted to escape at Gordonsville. Sherman's march through South Carolina is reported to have been cruel and devastating. Fire and the sword did their worst. Congress, the House of Representatives rather, yesterday passed a bill suspending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. The Senate will concur probably. Also the President's suggestion amending the Conscript act has been passed. The President has the reins now, and Congress will
a company which he raised for the purpose. The papers mentioned the capture of a vessel called The Fanny, on the coast of North Carolina, laden with blankets, greatcoats, arms and ammunition. A most valuable prize. October 16, 1861. We had a pleasant evening. While N. read the papers we were knitting for the soldiers. An account is given of some small successes. Our men, near Pensacola, have broken up the camp of Billy Wilson's zouaves, of which we have heard so much; and Captain Hollins of the navy has broken the blockade at New Orleans, sunk the Vincennes, and captured a sloop, without the least damage to himself and men. Rosecranz has retreated before our men at Big Sewell Mountain. For these things we desire to be truly grateful, without rejoicing in the misfortunes of our enemies, except as they tend to the welfare of our invaded and abused country. Sunday night, October 20, 1861. To-day went to church, and heard an admirable sermon from Mr. J. As we return
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Naval operations in the Vicksburg campaign. (search)
maining of Montgomery's flotilla. Davis did not know that the Van Dorn had made her way into the Yazoo. There were, however, two Confederate gun-boats in White River, the Maurepas and Pontchartrain, which had previously been in the flotilla of Hollins at Island Number10--the former under Lieutenant Joseph Fry and the latter under Lieutenant John W. Dunnington. On the 10th Davis received a telegram from General Halleck urging him to open communication by way of Jacksonport with General Curte, he steamed fifty miles up the Yazoo River. Ellet was in perfect ignorance of what he might find there, whether batteries, gun-boats, or torpedoes. His rams carried no armament. As a matter of fact there were at the time in the river two of Hollins's former fleet, the Polk and the Livingston, and the last of Montgomery's vessels, the Van Dorn. These were tied up abreast of a battery at Liverpool Landing, and above them was a barrier made from a raft. The Arkansas was at Yazoo City above
the battle of Bull's Run, 1.598, 600; at the battle of Oak Grove, 2.417. Helena, Mo., battle at, 3.149. Henderson's Bill, La., Gen. Mower at, 3.254. Herron, Gen., his expedition up the Yazoo, 3.148. Hicks, Gov. T. H., loyal action of, 1.196; denounced as a traitor to the Southern cause, 1.197. Hilton Head, occupied by National troops, 2.122. Hindman, T. C., amendment to the constitution proposed by, 1.88. Hoffman, Col. J. W., battle of Gettysburg opened by, 3.59. Hollins, Capt., attacks with the Manassas the blockading fleet at the mouth of the Mississippi, 2.113. Holly Springs, capture of arms and stores at by Van Dorn, 2.574. Holmes, Gen., repulsed at Helena by Prentiss, 3.149. Holt, Joseph, made Secretary of War, 1.131. Honey Springs, battle at, 3.214. Hood, Gen., at the battle of Gettysburg, 3.66; supersedes Johnston in Georgia, 3.383; pursuit of after the battle of Allatoona Pass, 3.398; checked at Franklin, 3.421; routed at Nashville, 3.427
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