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Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 110 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays 42 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 24 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 16 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 16 0 Browse Search
James Russell Lowell, Among my books 14 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 9, 1861., [Electronic resource] 14 0 Browse Search
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches 12 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 12 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 12, 1861., [Electronic resource] 12 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 21 results in 5 document sections:

Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays, A plea for culture. (search)
an in degree. In writing this, I am thinking less of Plato than of Homer, and not more of Homer than of the dramatic and lyric poets. So faHomer than of the dramatic and lyric poets. So far from the knowledge of other literatures tending to depreciate the Greek, it seems to me that no one can adequately value this who has not cn all other books must say, after all, in returning to a volume of Homer or Sophocles,--Here is beauty, true and sovereign; its like was nevated; when they were ended, he began again. The only exception was Homer, whose works were read every year during a summer vacation of a month at the sea-shore,--the proper place to read Homer, he said. I read a book of the Iliad every day before dinner, and a book of the Odysseyd palaces, to him who had all Aeschylus for a winter residence, and Homer for the seaside! And a culture which seems remotest from practicals been fed by a myriad minds unseen. Why ask whether there was one Homer or a hundred? The hundred contributed their lives, their hopes, th
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays, Americanism in literature. (search)
talk idly about the tyranny of the ancient classics, as if there were some special peril about it, quite distinct from all other tyrannies. But if a man is to be stunted by the influence of a master, it makes no difference whether that master lived before or since the Christian epoch. One folio volume is as ponderous as another, if it crushes down the tender germs of thought. There is no great choice between the volumes of the Encyclopedia. It is not important to know whether a man reads Homer or Dante: the essential point is whether he believes the world to be young or old; whether he sees as much scope for his own inspiration as if never a book had appeared in the world. So long as he does this, he has the American spirit; no books, no travel, can overwhelm him, for these will only enlarge his thoughts and raise his standard of execution. When he loses this faith, he takes rank among the copyists and the secondary, and no accident can raise him to a place among the benefactors
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays, A letter to a young contributor. (search)
iodical is of little value, unless it has a Spartan at its head. Strive always to remember — though it does not seem the plan of the universe that we should quite bring it home to ourselves — that To-day is a king in disguise, and that this American literature of ours will be just as classic a thing, if we do our part, as any which the past has treasured. There is a mirage over all literary associations. Keats and Lamb seem to our young people to be existences as remote and legendary as Homer, yet it is not an old man's life since Keats was an awkward boy at the door of Hazlitt's lecture-room, and Lamb was introducing Talfourd to Wordsworth as his own only admirer. In reading Spence's Anecdotes, Pope and Addison appear no further off; and wherever I open Bacon's Essays, I am sure to end at last with that one magical sentence, annihilating centuries, When I was a child, and Queen Elizabeth was in the flower of her years. And this imperceptible transformation of the commonplace
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays, The Greek goddesses. (search)
seek them in the remains of Greek sculpture, in Hesiod and Homer, in the Greek tragedians, in the hymns of Orpheus, Callimac fall, as much as Artemis when she loves Endymion. This is Homer when serious; but the story of her intrigue with Ares he puence. The true Aphrodite is to be sought in the hymns of Homer, Orpheus, and Proclus. The last invokes her as yet a virgial power, is the more amiable of the wedded pair. Zeus, in Homer, cannot comprehend why his wife should so hate the Trojans, of levity or coarseness on common lips — is transferred by Homer to a scene where all the solemnities of earth and air becomle five-year-old maids, yellow-clad, who chanted lines from Homer at the festival of Artemis Brauronia; the virgins who from the noblest way, the inspirational element in woman. So Homer often recognizes the intelligence or judgment fre/nes. of eldom outlasts marriage. Every eminent woman, as viewed by Homer, partakes of the divine nature. The maiden is to be approa
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays, Sappho. (search)
r spoke like gods. qeoglw/ssous. Brunck, 2.114. Of these Sappho was the admitted chief. Among the Greeks the poet meant Homer, and the poetess equally designated her. There flourished in those days, said Strabo, writing a little before our era, Sake uncertain, but she lived somewhere between the years 628 and 572 B. C.: thus flourishing three or four centuries after Homer, and less than two centuries before Pericles. Her father's name is variously given, and we can only hope, in charity, th lovely-haired Lesbianis ; Plato calls her the beautiful Sappho or the fair Sappho, *sapfou=s th=s kalh=s. Phaedr. 24. Homer celebrates the beauty of the Lesbian women in his day. Iliad, 9.129, 271.--as you please to render the phrase more or les as a theme for poetry, is a rather low and debasing thing; that the subordinate part it plays in Homer is one reason why Homer is great; and that the decline of literature began with lyric poetry. A ready subjection, he says, to the fascinations