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nders.Batteries.Shell exploded.Killed.Wounded.Missing. BrooklynAlden2 100-pdrs., rifledNot given.2120 2 60-pdrs., rifled 20 Ix-in. shell guns. MohicanAmmen1 100-pdr, rifled1200 2 30-pdrs, rifled17 6 Ix-in. shell guns419 TaconyTruxtnn2 Xii-in309000 4 Ix-in361 KansasWatmough1 100-pdr., rifled010 1 30-pdr., rifled91 2 Ix-in. shell guns394 YanticKarris1 100-pdr., rifled220 1 30-pdr., rifled23 2 Ix-in. shell guns202 UnadillaRamsay1 Xi-inch shell gun.358000 1 20-pdr., rifled45 HuronSelf ridgel Xi-inch shell gun300050 1 30-pdr., rifled MaumeeChandler1 100-pdr , rifled117000 1 30-pdr , rifled14 2 32-pdrs.206 PequotBraine1 150-pdr., rifled146350 1 30-pdr., rifled33 6 32-pdrs.319 PawtuxetSpotts1 100-pdr42000 1 Xl-inch116 4 Ix-inch shell guns.305 SenecaSicard1 Xi-inch shell gun.222000 1 20-pdrs., rifled30 PontoosucTemple2 100-pdrs., rifled070 4 Ix-inch shell guns.313 2 20-pdrs.5 NereusHowell1 60-pdr., rifled94330 2 30-pdrs., rifled122 6 32-pdrs324 Li
seq., 189, 196 Heyward, Colonel, 25 Heyward, plantation of, 43 Higginson, Lieutenant, 138 Hoke, division of, 236 Hopkins, Lieutenant-Commanding A., 189 Hotchkiss, Master W. J., 177 Housatonic, the, U. S. vessel, 74, 76 et seq., 79 et seq.; destruction of, 147 Howarth, Mate, 200, 211; gallantry of, 213 Howqua, the, 210 et seq. Hunchback, the, 177, 186 et seq,, 189 et seq., 196 et seq. Hunter, General, 61, 105 et seq. Hunter, the, U. S. transport, 130 Huron, the, 50 et seq., 67, 218, 223, 231, 242 et seq. Houston, George, a Regulator, 68 et seq. Huzzar, the, 179 I. Indiana, regiments of: Twentieth, 173 Ingraham, Commodore D. N., proclamation of, concerning blockade at Charleston, 78 et seq., 82 I. N. Seymour, the, 177 Iosco, the, 218 Iris, the, 156 Iroquois, the, U. S. vessel, 7 Irwin, Lieutenant, 43; commended, 62 Isaac Smith, the, U. S. vessel, 17, 19, 21, 26, 37, 46, 49 et seq., 52, 72 et seq., 130
aze the young Indians with brandy. Your own people, when drunk, fight with knives, and do foolish things; and you cannot prevent mischief, till you cease to sell strong drink to the Indian. Kieft was inexorable, and demanded the murderer. Just then, a small party of Mohawks from the neigh- 1643. Feb. borhood of Fort Orange, armed with muskets, descended from their fastnesses, and claimed the natives round Manhattan as tributaries. At the approach of the formidable warriors of a braver Huron race, the more numerous but cowering Algonquins crowded together in despair, begging assistance of the Dutch. Kieft seized the moment for an exterminating massacre. In vain was it foretold that the ruin would light upon the Dutch themselves. In the stillness of a dark winter's Feb. 25, 26 night, the soldiers at the fort, joined by freebooters from Dutch privateers, and led by a guide who knew Chap. XV.} 1643 every by-path and nook where the savages nestled, crossed the Hudson, for the
Caron, Viel, Sa- Chap. XX.} gard—had labored for years as missionaries in Upper Canada, or made their way to the neutral Huron tribe 1626. that dwelt on the waters of the Niagara. After the Canada company had been suppressed, 1622. and their iow the first to bear it through the villages of the Mohawks. From the Falls of St. Mary he had repaired to the June 13. Huron missions, and thence, with the escort of Ahasistari and other Huron braves, he descended by the Ottawa and St. Lawrence tnt. Brebeuf was set apart on a scaffold, and, in the midst of every outrage, rebuked his persecutors, and encouraged his Huron converts. They cut his lower lip and his nose; applied burning torches to his body; burned his gums, and thrust hot ironland of the Onondagas; and, though the attempt excited the jealousy of the Mohawks, whose war chiefs, in their hunt after Huron fugitives, still roamed even to the Isle of Orleans, a company of fifty Frenchmen embarked for Onondaga. 1656. May 7. Di
ord historical evidence of any connection. The human voice articulates hardly twenty distinct, primitive sounds or letters: would it not be strange, then, were there no accidental resemblances? Of all European languages, the Greek is the most flexible; and it is that which most easily furnishes roots analogous to those of America. Not one clear coincidence has been traced beyond accident. Hard by Pamlico Sound dwelt, and apparently had dwelt for centuries, branches of the Algonquin, the Huron-Iroquois, and the Catawba families. But though Chap XXII.} these nations were in the same state of civilization, were mingled by wars and captures, by embassies and alliances; though they had a common character in the organization of their language, as well as in their customs, government, and pursuits; yet each was found employing a language of its own. If resemblances cannot be traced between two families that have dwelt side by side apparently for centuries, who will hope to recover the
II. 229. Hartford, II. 283. Harvard College founded, I. 459. Harvey, John, I. 197. Impeached, 201. Haverhill massacre, II. 215. Haynes, John, I. 362. Hennepin, Father, II. 163. His false-hood, 202. Higginson, Francis, I. 346. Highlanders in Georgia, II. 427. History, its criterion, II. 397. A science, 398. The record of God's providence, 399. Hooker, Thomas, character of, I. 363. Hooper, the martyr, I. 280. Howard, of Effingham, II. 249. Hudson's Bay, I. 12, 82; II. 270; II. 180. Hudson, Henry, II. 264. In the North River, 266. Last voyage of, 270. Death, 271. Huguenots in Canada, I. 28. In Florida, 64. In South Carolina, II. 174. In New Netherlands, 302. Hunter, Robert, III. 64. Hurons, I. 29; II. 121. Receive missions, 123. Their war with the Five Nations, III. 138. Huron-Iroquois tribes, III. 243. Hutchinson, Anne, I. 388. Exiled, 391. Death, 394; II. 290. Hyde, Edward, Lord Cornbury, III. 48. Character, 60.
Wesley, John and Charles, III. 428. West, Francis, I. 196. Weymouth explores the coast, I. 114. Whalley, Edward, II. 34. Wheelwright, John, I. 388. Removes to Piscataqua, 392. Whitaker, the apostle of Virginia, I. 144. Whitefield, George, III. 429. Apologist of slavery, 448. Wickliffe, a benefactor to America, II. 458. Wilford, Thomas, II. 230. Williams, Eunice, III. 213. Williams, Roger, I. 367. His exile, 377. Plants Providence, 379. His character, 380. William and Mary College founded, III. 25. William of Orange, III. 2. His policy triumphant, 227. False to the liberty of the seas, 230. Willoughby's voyage, I. 70. Wilson climbs a tree to preach, I. 389. Wingfield engages in colonization, I. 118, 127. Winnebagoes, III. 243. Wisconsin, Jesuits in, III. 155. Witchcraft in Massachusetts, III. 72. In Salem, 84. Executions for, 88, 93 Loses its terror, 97. Wyandots. See Huron-Iroquois. Wyatt's administration, I. 178.
a little fleet of canoes scattered over the whole Atlantic, too minute to be perceptible, and safe only during fair weather. Yet, feeble as they were, their presence alarmed the red man, for it implied the design to occupy the country which for ages had been chap. VII.} 1763. May. his own. Hutchinson to Richard Jackson, August, 1763. His canoe could no longer quiver on the bosom of the St. Mary's, or pass into the clear waters of Lake Huron, or paddle through the strait that connects Huron and Erie, or cross from the waters of the St. Lawrence to those of the Ohio, without passing by the British flag. By what right was that banner unfurled in the west? What claim to the red man's forest could the English derive from victories over the French? The French had won the affection of the savages by their pliability and their temperance, and retained it by religious influence; they seemed no more to be masters, but rather companions and friends. More formidable enemies now appe
town of St. Mary's I sailed from Port Royal on the last day of February, in the Wabash, and on the 2d inst. entered Cumberland Sound, by St. Andrew's Inlet, in the Mohican; Commander S. W. Goden, on board of which ship I have hoisted my flag. The fleet comprised the following vessels, sailing in the order in which they are named. The Ottown, Mohican, Accompanied by the Ellen,) Seminols, Pawnes, Pocahontas, Flag, Florida, James Adger, Blenville, Alabama, Keystone State, Seneca, Huron, Pembina, Isaac Smith, Penguin, Potemska, the armed cutter Henristts, the armed transport McClsllan, (the latter having on board the hattalion of marines under the command of Maj. Reynolds,) and the transports Empire City, Marion, Star of the South, Belvidere, Boston, George's Cresk, containing a brigade, under the command of Brig. Gen. Wright. We came to anchor in Cumberland Sound at half-past 10 on the morning of the 2d, to make an examination of the channel and wait for the tide. He
e nearer to Fort Fisher than at the first attack, and the Dictator will also join them with her two fifteen-inch guns, making the monitor fleet twelve guns strong, including the four guns of the Monadnock. Then the Ironsides, with her tremendous eleven-inch broadsides, and the Minnesota, Wabash, Brooklyn, Susquehanna, Tuscarora, Seneca, Ticonderoga, Mohican, Colorado, Shenandoah, Pawtuxent, Mackinaw, Maumee, Powhatan, Juniata, Yantic and Kansas form the second line. The Nyack, Unadilla, Huron and Pequot, which act as tenders to the monitors, are also in the inner line. The gunboat fleet is to form a line in front of the shore batteries, extending to the right of Fort Fisher, in the following order: Santiago de Cuba, Fort Jackson, Tacony, Osceola, Chippewa, Sassacus, Maratanza, Rhode Island, Monticello, Mount Vernon, Quaker City and Iosco. The reserves of the various divisions, consisting of the smaller class of gunboats, are assigned to a position outside of the line of b
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