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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 7: Whittier as a social reformer (search)
usion, indecency, and effrontery of the persecuted. It owed its origin to the settled purpose of the ministers and leading men of the colony to permit no difference of opinion on religious matters. They had banished the Baptists, and whipped at least one of them. They had hunted down Gorton and his adherents; they had imprisoned Dr. Child, an Episcopalian, for petitioning the General Court for toleration. They had driven some of their best citizens out of their jurisdiction, with Anne Hutchinson, and the gifted minister, Wheelwright. Any dissent on the part of their own fellow-citizens was punished as severely as the heresy of strangers. The charge of indecency comes with ill grace from the authorities of the Massachusetts Colony. The first Quakers who arrived in Boston, Ann Austin and Mary Fisher, were arrested on board the ship before landing, their books taken from them and burned by the constable, and they themselves brought before Deputy Governor Bellingham, in the ab
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Index. (search)
's letters to, 44, 45, 87, 96-98. Hoar, Hon. G. F., 181. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 2, 37, 104, 130, 141, 151, 178; his The Autocrat of the breakfast table, mentioned, 150; his The Chambered Nautilus, mentioned, 150,163; Whittier's summary of qualities of, 178, 179. Hotel Brunswick, Boston, dinner at, 176. Houghton, H. O., 177. Howard, John, 33. Howe, Mrs., Julia Ward, 82. D., 178; his Hazard of New Fortunes, mentioned, 86. Hussey, Christopher, 5. Hussey, Mercy, 10, 31. Hutchinson, Mrs., Anne, 84. Hutchinsons, the, 185. I. Indians, American, 4, 36, 98. Intervale, N. H., 179. Ipswich, Mass., 85. Irving, Washington, 35, 37. Isles of Shoals, 127, 179. Italy, 166, 167. J. Jackson, Mrs., Helen, her Spoken, mentioned, 163. James II., 6. Jefferson, Thomas, 69. Johnson, Oliver, his William Lloyd Garrison and his Times, mentioned, 72; introduction to, quoted, 73-75. Johnson, Samuel 162. Johnson, the Misses, 180. Journal of the Times, the, quo