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e fiercest and bloodiest it that has occurred during the present war. Generals Jackson and Johnson having driven the enemy from Shenandoah mountain in great prec mountains. through which the turnpike runs before entering the village. Generals Jackson and Johnson having since a fried there position, and that is was impossibleorge Smith; the 31st regiment, by Col. Johnson Hoffidan, Lieut. Colonel A. H, Jackson, and Maj. Jas. Ontueworth, and the Ese battery, commanded by Capt Raine, were guns, but after reaching the summit of the mountain they were ordered back — Gens Jackson and Johnson deciding that no position could be obtained. Johnson's armyhe field. During the engagement Gen. Johnson came near being captured. Gen. Jackson, not knowing his position gave orders for the 44th Va regiment to fall back, now nearly free of the scoundrels. I do not knew our destination, as General Jackson never tells any one his plans, not even his Brigadiers and Aids. The Y
amusingly refers to Gen. Scott, then on a visit to Paris, to improve, if that were possible, his military knowledge and receive the congratulations of the world: "Of all the commanders then assembled in Paris, the most dissatisfied was the America. General Scott, since noted for his campaign in Mexico, who had been opposed to the English on the Canada frontier, had taken a fort or two, and was looked upon by his countrymen as a military star of the very first magnitude--second only to Jackson, and equal to any other warrior then exact. He had been sent to Europe to increase his military knowledge and study the art of war, and reached Paris fully convinced that all the great chiefs of the continental armies would hasten to greet and compliment him. To his visible vexation he found himself completely mistaken. In the great military meetings in the French capital, where Wellington, Bincher, Schwarzenburg, Hatusoff, Wosonsuff, and a best of other celebrities, laden with stars and
The Daily Dispatch: may 29, 1862., [Electronic resource], The freedom of the press in New Orleans. (search)
The fight in Warren county. A correspondent, who was in the engagement of Friday last, near Nineveh, in Warren county, in which the combined forces of Gens Jackson and Ewell so completely and effectually routed the enemy, gives us some particulars with reference to this brilliant success, which may prove of interest to the reader. From the letter of our friend we learn that the advance of our army encountered just above Front Royal — and guarding the bridges over the Shenandoah — a Yankee force, consisting of three regiments of infantry, a few companies of cavalry, and two pieces of artillery. They were immediately charged by Wheat's Tiger Battalion and driven across the river. The enemy fell back slowly for a few miles under cover of their guns, when portions of the 6th and 2d regiments of cavalry were ordered to the front in pursuit. After advancing some distance, this force was divided, a few companies being thrown across the fields upon either flank, and the rest proceedi
"Maryland, my Maryland." It is stated that Gen. Jackson's men, when they left Front Royal for Winchester, struck up at the top of their voices the inspiring refrain, "Maryland, my Maryland." How it must have cheered the hearts and animated the spirits of the brave sons of that gallant State now with the army of Gen. Jackson, to find their footsteps once more turned in the direction of their loved homes, where all that they have and hold dear in life is crushed beneath the despots hesil He Gen. Jackson, to find their footsteps once more turned in the direction of their loved homes, where all that they have and hold dear in life is crushed beneath the despots hesil He who does not sympathize with the loyal people of proud old Maryland in her present situation of oppression, must have little sympathy in his nature. Her gallant sons who have rushed to the standard of the Confederacy are worthy of the cherished memories which cluster around their State's Revolutionary history. Some idea of the real feeling in Maryland in favor of the South may be had from the following extract of a letter recently received from a prominent citizen of Charlestown, Jefferson
This grand and important triumph was achieved on Saturday. Gen Lee says in the beginning of his dispatch. "Yesterday Gen. Jackson penetrated to the rear of the enemy; and drove him to within one mile of Chancellorsville. This morning the battle wae in such an engagement, but was much less than that of the enemy. The whole country will be distressed to learn that Gen. Jackson is seriously wounded. The prayers of every one in the South will go up to Heaven for his recovery, and his restorationtry adjacent and widening out towards Chancellorsville is the Wilderness, out of which the enemy came at the bidding of Jackson. The United States ford is on the Rappahannock, eight miles above Fredericksburg, and two miles below the mouth of the vement was conducted by that warrior who never fails, and on Saturday (as we understand) the enemy, in his dismay, found Jackson thundering upon his rear. Driven from his position towards Chancellorsville, he got out of the frying pan into the fire
Great victory at Chancellorsville.enemy retreating across the Rappahannock!Gen. Paxton killed — Gens Jackson, Heth, and a P Hill, wounded.official Dispatch from Gen. Lee. Milford, May 3d, 1863. To President Davis: Yesterday Gen Jackson penetrated to the rear of the enemy and drove him from all his positions from the Wilderness to within one mile of Chancellorsville. He was engaged at the same time in front by two of Longstreet's divisions. Many prisoners were taken, and the enemy's loss in killed and wounded is large. This morning the battle was renewed. He was dislodged from all his positions around Chancellorsville, and driven back towards the Rappahannock, over which he is now retreating. We have again to thank Almighty God for a great victory. I regret to state that Gen. Paxton was killed, General Jackson severely and Gens Heth and A. P. Hill slightly wounded. (Signed) R. E. Lee, General Commanding. The following dispatch was