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iracy in the Gulf of Mexico; of the Clay, Adams and Jackson controversy.
It was during the period we are now ca blind support of Crawford in preference to Adams, Jackson, or Clay, all of the Democratic party, who were com middle of his term, and at its close to put in General Jackson over him by a large majority.
The character of this man Jackson we had studied pretty thoroughly and without prejudice.
His fatal duel with Dickinson abou really Democratic in him or his party.
That General Jackson in power justified all our previous expectationy.
At least one of these Treaties was signed by Gen. Jackson himself; others by. Washington, Jefferson, & o. , but dared not go further.
She went en masse for Jackson, of course.
When he came in, she proceeded at onceotwithstanding, was explicitely affirmed.
But President Jackson decided that Georgia was right and the Supremeinister—in other words, Dictator.
Amen! Hurrah for Jackson!
said the Pharisaic Democracy of Party and Spoils.