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Horace Greeley 1,006 2 Browse Search
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Sharon (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
ell the truth, said the lady who told me the story, we all thought Mr.——had made a crazy speech. Horace does not appear to have made a favorable impression at the mansion-house. But he read the books in it, for all that. Perhaps it was there, that he fell in with a copy of Mrs. Hemans' poems, which, where ever he found them, were the first poems that awakened his enthusiasm, the first writings that made him aware of the better impulses of his nature. I remember, he wrote in the Rose of Sharon for 1841, as of yesterday, the gradual unfolding of the exceeding truthfulness and beauty, the profound heart-knowledge (to coin a Germanism) which characterizes Mrs. Hemans' poems, upon my own immature, unfolding mind.— Cassabianca, Things that change, The voice of spring, The Traveller at the source of the Nile, The Wreck, and many other poems of kindred nature are enshrined in countless hearts—especially of those whose intellectual existence dates its commencement between 1820 and 1830
Westhaven (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
Chapter 5: at Westhaven, Vermont. Description of the country clearing up land all thebefore he could work in it to advantage. At Westhaven, Horace passed the next five years of his li which the present chapter is devoted. At Westhaven, Mr. Greeley, as they say in the country, tossing. He went to school three winters in Westhaven, but not to any great advantage. He had alr in three of Horace Greeley. His cronies at Westhaven seem to have been those who were fond of dray tales and romances as he could borrow. At Westhaven, as at Amherst, he roamed far and wide in seuicken! The incidents in Horace's life at Westhaven were few, and of the few that did occur, sevhly interesting. That part of the town of Westhaven was, thirty years ago, a desperate place for life rendered possible. There was not in Westhaven one individual who was known to be a dissenn form little idea. Horace's last year in Westhaven (1825) wore slowly away. He —had exhausted [9 more...]
Rutland County (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
narrow escape from drowning his religious doubts becomes a Universalist Discovers the humbug of Democracy impatient to begin his apprenticeship. The family were gainers in some important particulars, by their change of residence. The land was better. The settlement was more recent. There was a better chance for a poor man to acquire property. And what is well worth mention for its effect upon the opening mind of Horace, the scenery was grander and more various. That part of Rutland county is in nature's large manner. Long ranges of hills, with bases not too steep for cultivation, but rising into lofty, precipitous and fantastic summits, stretch away in every direction. The low-lands are level and fertile. Brooks and rivers come out from among the hills, where they have been officiating as water-power, and flow down through valleys that open and expand to receive them, fertilizing the soil gaming among these hills, the boy must have come frequently upon little lakes loc
Oregon (Oregon, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
strongly, and advocated by arguments so simple that a child could understand them; so cogent that no man could refute them—arguments, in fact, precisely similar to those which the Tribune has since made familiar to the country. In the message of 1822, the president repeated his recommendation, and again in that of 1824. Those were the years of the recognition of the South American Republics, of the Greek enthusiasm, of Lafayette's triumphal progress through the Union; of the occupation of Oregon, of the suppression of Piracy in the Gulf of Mexico; of the Clay, Adams and Jackson controversy. It was during the period we are now considering, that Henry Clay made his most brilliant efforts in debate, and secured a place in the sections of Horace Greeley, which he retained to his dying day. It was then, too, that the boy learned to distrust the party who claimed to be pre-eminently and exclusively Democratic. How attentively he watched the course of political events, how intelligentl
Horace (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
king the oxen scene with an old soaker rum in Westhaven Horace's first pledge narrow escape from drowning his religiousthe offence. The instrument of flagellation was placed in Horace's hand, and he drew off, as though he was going to deal a candle was a luxury now, too expensive to be indulged in. Horace's home was a favorite evening resort for the children of tof the story is, that the stranger looked as if he thought Horace's defender half mad himself; and, to tell the truth, said Suns that warm, illumine, and quicken! The incidents in Horace's life at Westhaven were few, and of the few that did occuere as a wonderful performance, only exceeded, in fact, by Horace's second return to Londonderry a year or two after, when hthe younger of the drowning pair managed, by climbing over Horace, and sousing him completely under the log, to get out. Hoch the busy inhabitants of cities can form little idea. Horace's last year in Westhaven (1825) wore slowly away. He —had
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 5
ks to such a fellow as that. The owner of the mansion defended his conduct by extolling the intelligence of his protege, and wound up with the usual climax, that he should not be surprised, sir, if that boy should come to be President of the United States. People in those days had a high respect for the presidential office, and really believed—many of them did—that to get the highest place it was only necessary to be the greatest man. Hence it was a very common mode of praising a boy, to make the safe assertion that he might, one day, if he persevered in well-doing, be the President of the United States. That was before the era of wire-pulling and rotation in office. He must be either a very young or a very old man who can now mention the presidential office in connection with the future of any boy not extraordinarily vicious. Wire-pulling, happily, has robbed the schoolmasters of one of their bad arguments for a virtuous life. But we are wandering from the library. The end o
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
haracter of our government and render it a centralized despotism, than any other man could do, we certainly believe. But our correspondent and we would probably disagree with regard to the Bank and other questions which convulsed the Union during his rule, and we will only ask his attention to one of them, the earliest, and, in our view, the most significant. The Cherokee Indians owned, and had ever occupied, an extensive tract of country lying within the geographical limits of Georgia, Alabama, &c. It was theirs by the best possible title—theirs by our solemn and reiterated Treaty stipulations. We had repeatedly bought from them slices of their lands, solemnly guarantying to them all that we did not buy, and agreeing to defend them therein against all agressors. We had promised to keep all intruders out of their territory. At least one of these Treaties was signed by Gen. Jackson himself; others by. Washington, Jefferson, & o. All the usual pretexts for agression upon Indians
Amherst (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
om by himself, and taught his youngest sister beside. He had attended district school, altogether, about forty-five months. At Westhaven, the pine-knots blazed on the hearth as brightly and as continuously as they had done at the old home in Amherst. There was a new reason wily they should; for a candle was a luxury now, too expensive to be indulged in. Horace's home was a favorite evening resort for the children of the neighborhood—a fact which says much for the kindly spirit of its inmat; Shakspeare in his eleventh; in his twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth years, he read a good many of the common, superficial histories—Robertson's, Goldsmith's, and others—and as many tales and romances as he could borrow. At Westhaven, as at Amherst, he roamed far and wide in search of, books. He was fortunate, too, in living near the mansion-house before mentioned, the proprietor of which, it appears, took some interest in Horace, and, though he would not lend him books, allowed him to co<
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
he personal adherents of De Witt Clinton, aided by a shamefully false and preposterous outcry that he had obtained the Presidency by a bargain with Mr. Clay, succeeded in returning an Opposition Congress in the middle of his term, and at its close to put in General Jackson over him by a large majority. The character of this man Jackson we had studied pretty thoroughly and without prejudice. His fatal duel with Dickinson about a horse-race; his pistoling Colonel Benton in the streets of Nashville; his forcing his way through the Indian country with his drove of negroes in defiance of the express order of the Agent Dinsmore; his imprisonment of Judge Hall at New Orleans, long after the British had left that quarter, and when martial law ought long since to have been set aside; his irruption into Florida and capture of Spanish posts and officers without a shadow of authority to do so; his threats to cut off the ears of Senators who censured this conduct in solemn debate—in short, hi
Poultney (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
equency and pertinacity of which the busy inhabitants of cities can form little idea. Horace's last year in Westhaven (1825) wore slowly away. He —had exhausted the schools; he was impatient to be at the types, and he wearied his father with importunities to get him a place in a printing-office. But his father was loth to let him go, for two reasons: the boy was useful at home, and the cautious father feared he would not do well away from home; he was so gentle, so absent, so awkward, so little calculated to make his way with strangers. One day, the boy saw in the Northern Spectator, a weekly paper, published at East Poultney, eleven miles distant, an advertisement for an apprentice in the office of the Spectator itself. He showed it to his father, and wrung from him a reluctant consent to his applying for the place. I have n't got time to go and see about it, Horace; but if you have a mind to walk over to Poultney and see what you can do, why you may. Horace had a mind to
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