Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2. You can also browse the collection for Custis Lee or search for Custis Lee in all documents.

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he words: If the thing is pressed, I think that Lee will surrender. The general-in-chief forwarded Grant, Lieutenant-General. At this juncture Lee's own officers had proposed to him to surrenderdan had been right in denouncing the conduct of Lee. The rebel chief, in his latest letter to Grantion was a subterfuge. The fact is, that when Lee perceived his inability to force a passage throill open to Lynchburg, and by this route one of Lee's nephews, General Fitz-Hugh Lee, even now led replied: Twelve days rations. The surrender of Lee occurred on the twelfth day. This was not th their cause was still not lost. But neither Lee nor Davis even yet understood the man with whomh, unintermitted, could have but one end. While Lee was making for the Appomattox and attempting to national troops at Jetersville. But, though Lee himself had also neglected to use his chance, a way, as they fondly thought, to Lynchburg; and Lee defiantly informed his pursuer that the emergen[68 more...]
Sheridan characteristics of Meade, Thomas, and Lee further traits of Lee fitting representative at he wishes you to have no conference with General Lee, unless it be for the capitulation of Lee'sLee's army, or on solely minor and purely military matters. He instructs me to say that you are not to on similar to those arranged between Grant and Lee. All acts of war on the part of Johnston's armyount of the exigencies in front of Johnston and Lee. Stoneman marched from East Tennessee, at fia gun was fired in anger after the surrender of Lee was known. Not a soldier held out; not a guerind Johnston at Vicksburg, Bragg at Chattanooga, Lee in Virginia, and all of them altogether in the med defenses, but at last were only snares. If Lee perceived this situation, he had not the force duplicity —but stubborn, valiant, and arrogant, Lee was on the whole a fitting representative of a the communication of this decision was the last official act in the intercourse of Lee and Grant. [20 more...]
Appendix to Chapter XXVII. General Early to General Lee. Port Republic, September 25, 1864. General: I had determined to write you a full account of recent events, but I am too much occupied to do so. In the fight at Winchester I drove back the enemy's infantry and would have defeated that, but his cavalry broke mine on the left flank, the latter making no stand, and I had to take a division to stop the progress of the former and save my trains, and during the fighting in the rearI deeply regret the present state of things, and I assure you everything in my power has been done to avert it. The enemy's force is very much larger than mine, being three or four to one. Respectfully, J. A. Early, Lieutenant-General. General Lee to General Early.—(confidential.) Headquarters, Petersburg, September 27, 1864. General: Your letter of the 25th is received. I very much regret the reverses that have occurred to the army in the valley, but trust they can be remedied. T