Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2. You can also browse the collection for Fitz-Hugh Lee or search for Fitz-Hugh Lee in all documents.

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ief or to his enemy. But it was impossible for Lee to save his army by this road; and all that waeality enclosed by the lines of the conqueror. Lee therefore undoubtedly intended to yield when hepassed the enemy's pickets and was conducted to Lee. The great rebel was sitting by the roadsides supposed the generalsin-chief would have met. Lee informed Babcock of this arrangement, and requeis anxiety lest the fighting should recommence, Lee now volunteered to send an officer through his eridan's staff, escorted by a rebel officer. Lee then rode on to the village of Appomattox, and thern Virginia in his grasp, and indignant that Lee should have continued to fight after he had proing with a verandah in front. Grant was met by Lee at the threshold. There was a narrow hall and ant's own staff. No rebel entered the room but Lee and Colonel Marshall, who acted as his secretaral Lee, that you accept these terms? Yes, said Lee; and if you will put them into writing, I will [12 more...]