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e of Colonel Christopher Mott, whom I knew personally. In his youth he served in the regiment I commanded during the war with Mexico. He was brave, cheerful, prompt, and equal to every trial to which he was subjected, giving early promise of high soldierly capacity. He afterward held various places of honor and trust in civil life, and there were many in Mississippi who, like myself, deeply lamented his death in the height of his usefulness. General Huger, commanding at Norfolk, and Captain Lee, commanding the navy-yard, by the authority of the Secretaries of War and Navy, delayed the evacuation of both, as stated by General Randolph, Secretary of War, for about a week after General Johnston sent orders to General Huger to leave immediately. While he was employed in removing the valuable stores and machinery, as we learn from the work of the Comte de Paris, President Lincoln and his Secretary of War arrived at Fortress Monroe, and on May 8th an expedition against Norfolk by the
n, all combined to give a new phase to our military problem. Soon after, General Johnston took position on the north side of the Chickahominy; accompanied by General Lee, I rode out to his headquarters in the field, in order that by conversation with him we might better understand his plans and expectations. He came in after we that we remained until the next morning. As we rode back to Richmond, reference was naturally made to the conversation of the previous evening and night, when General Lee confessed himself, as I was, unable to draw from it any more definite purpose than that the policy was to improve his position as far as practicable, and wait frms, 53,688; subsequently, five brigades were added, and the effective strength of the army under General Johnston on May 31, 1862, was 62,696. Four Years with General Lee, by Walter H. Taylor, p. 50. I now proceed to inquire what caused the panic at Washington. On May 23d, General Jackson, with whose force that of General
tive inaction during the months of January and February, 1864. On February 26, 1864, while General Lee's headquarters were at Orange Court House, two corps of the army of the enemy left their camp for Madison Court House. The object was, by a formidable feint, to engage the attention of General Lee, and conceal from him their plans for a surprise and, if possible, capture of the city of Richng south, west, and east, and cutting the telegraph, would have severed the communication between Lee's army and Richmond by that route. This movement, with the destruction of railroads by General Ka detachment from the Fortysecond Battalion of Virginia Cavalry and some furloughed cavalrymen of Lee's army, surprised and attacked the retreating column of Dahlgren, killed the leader, and captured incurred. Photographic copies of the papers found on Dahlgren's body were taken and sent to General Lee, with instructions to communicate them to General Meade, commanding the enemy's forces in his
Court House Ewell's corps made a junction with Lee's army, but forced marches with men most of whoin rear of Anderson's, followed by the train of Lee's army, which was covered in rear by Gordon's cstate that the only obstacle to be overcome was Lee's objection to receiving promotion. With refinwn, and took up their line of march to join General Lee's army on its retreat. In obedience to aApril 2d, while I was in St. Paul's Church, General Lee's telegram, announcing his speedy withdrawaI started for Danville, whither I supposed General Lee would proceed with his army. In a previort in reply to the widely circulated story that Lee's army had been compelled to evacuate Petersburissariat immediately preceding the surrender of Lee's and Johnston's armies. That report, together War (Breckinridge) and the general commanding (Lee) with the Quartermaster General (Lawton) and thbe supposed that such a reply emanated from General Lee, as he surely never contemplated an attempt[6 more...]