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can hardly be overrated. Upon the reception of the intelligence alluded to above, orders were immediately issued by Gen Lee for Longstreet's corps (or Anderson's, as I shall designate it hereafter,) to move at 11 o'clock that night rapidly to Sng, and Hill's corps Sunday night, the former got into position last evening, and the latter this morning. Thus has Gen Lee succeeded in throwing his whole army right across the path of his antagonist. Had the ground been more favorable to mil until Longstreet could get in position our victory at the Wilderness would have been decisive and crushing. As it was, Gen Lee repulsed all Grant's assaults with heavy loss, and held him there until he could throw his army in front of him and betwVicksburg. From information derived from prisoners, one is led to believe that be expected when he crossed the Rapidan on Lee's right, that the latter would fall back by Gordonsville towards Richmond. The two armies now confront each other on
xtent successful. That night the enemy held the breastworks where Johnson's division was forced back. And that night General Lee drew in his lines at this point some three or four hundred yards in order to straighten it. The line that morning form estimate, at thirty thousand men. The enemy surely must be well high exhausted; but it is certainly true, as it is said Gen Lee has expressed himself, that Grant's men are whipped, but Grant is himself not whipped.--Grant has two or three lines of strong fortifications behind which to retire if pressed. General Lee is well fortified, as Grant knows by sad experience. Yesterday there was nothing of interest and to day there is nothing but skirmishing. Our men are firm in their convictions of ultimate success, and sing cheerfully around their camp fires at night. Gen Lee stands the fatigue well, and his friends say he is most cheerful and buoyant. I could write almost indefinitely, but time presses. X. Sunday Morning, May
quarters has just reached here. He stares that Lee's army commenced falling back on the night of F terrific battle yet fought closed to day. Lee's entire army has made repeated and furious assd got between the rebel army and Richmond. Lee's report of the battle of Thursday last, publiss been telegraphed to this city by Gen Butter. Lee says that Gen Grant attacked him, which contradd here that Lee made the attack upon our army. Lee employs this language: "Thank God we have repule states that Longstreet is badly wounded. Lee says nothing in his report about the fight on FCalon cause than that of Thursday, resulting in Lee's falling back, according to some reports, tweld on the field. On Saturday, at 3 o'clock, Lee's army was in full retreat through Spotsylvaniathe battle going on yesterday between Grant and Lee. Owing to the fact of the Rappahannock briofficers of the boat were taken prisoners. Admiral Lee kept up a vigorous shelling of the woods fo[10 more...]
The situation. The great battle of Thursday, reported in to-day's paper, between the armies of Lee and Grant, in Spotaylvania, appears to have been one of the most sanguinary and hotly contested of the war. The cautions and reliable reporter for the press states that Grant's loss was about 20,000 men in this terrible fight. , while our own is stated, with like probability, at 15,000, since in nearly every battle the enemy was the assallant, and we fought in fortified positions. Gen. Lee holds the position he took up when marching by the right flank of the enemy, who had abandoned his entrenchments on the Germanna road; he forced him to incline towards Fredericksburg, and has kept him at bay for a week, inflicting upon him heavy losses every time he has sought to turn his flank. Gen. Lee's communications represent the glorious Army of Northern Virginia to be in the very best spirits.--Persons from the army — officers and others — speak of the condition of the troops as t
for the desperate fury of the rebels, who have been driven at all points" ! ! Butler sent him General Lee's modest and guarded message of the first battle, and he communicated that to the public, no rued by the Yankees, so accustomed to boasting and hombast, into the admission of a defeat by General Lee. Stanton helps them to this conclusion by adding himself that it was generally believed in Wbase to Fredericksburg, were twenty-seven thousand men, exclusive of stragglers and sick — i, e., Lee had put that many Hors du combat. And the Herald, discouraged at the appearance of things, s down to that day, at fifty thousand Grant's is evidently a terribly damaged army, and well may Gen. Lee's troops be in the highest spirits. It certainly cannot require many such blows as they have dons of his losses are much under the mark, and that the achievements of the glorious army under Gen. Lee exceed, in the damages they have inflicted upon the enemy, any of the battles of the war! Well
been received. The following summary of the nes is furnished by the Agent of the Press Association: From the Army of the Potomac. We surrender a large portion of our available space this morning (says the Gazette) to such details of the bloody battle of Friday as are furnished by the army correspondents of the Philadelphia and New York journals. Contrary to the received opinion, the correspondent of the New York Tribune, writing from the battle-field Saturday evening, states that Gen Lee simply fell back to another line, and attempted to bring on another engagement by bold and persistent skirmishing. Major Gen Sedgwick was killed Tuesday. A ball entered his eye and passed through his head, killing him instantly. Gen Wright has been placed in command of Gen. Sedgwiek's corps. Dispatches from the army of the Potomac, dated 5 o'clock Tuesday evening, have been received at the War Department. Both armies then held their respective positions at Spotsylvania C H, wit