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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Leading Confederates on the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
tion, waiving all question of an order from General Lee. I have shown that I did not receive orders from General Lee to attack until about 11 o'clock on the 2d; that I immediately began my dispositd about forty minutes for Laws' brigade, by General Lee's assenting authority; that by especial orders from General Lee my corps marched into position by a circuitous route, under the direction and up the delay occasioned by the orders of Geni. Lee. I need only add that every movement or halt oft day was made in the immediate presence of General Lee, or in his sightcertainly within reach of he battle was not opened before the death of General Lee. A word or two from him would have settledage which treats of Longstreet's arguments with Lee against making the attack on the morning of the of his present narative. It is that while General Lee on the battle-field assumed all the responsurrence, and while they were impressed with General Lee's noble assumption of all the blame; but Ge[1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Our Gettysburg series. (search)
lly the battle of Gettysburg was managed by General Lee and his subordinates. It will be seen inf is, that as soon as the latter began to move, Lee, who had undertaken nothing but a raid on a tooancellorsville. 4th. 1 do not understand why Lee, having gained some success on the 2nd, but fouhat it was imposed upon him against his will by Lee. General Early says distinctly, in a paper publhe woody country. I had so good a view that Gen'l Lee himself came up to the tree twice to ask abonce. I refer to the individual character of Gen'l Lee. I have made the military character of thisoops which were ordered to execute them. General Lee, in speaking to me of his dispositions, sai to keep up the hosehold. When Jackson fell, Lee, as he himself said, lost his right arm, the arnot been filled. After this it was filled by Lee himself, who, like a father when the mother diecene at Appomattox was the most brilliant which Lee ever fought. We European soldiers have only [4 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The true story of the capture of Jefferson Davis. (search)
mond, Jeffersen Davis received a telegram from Lee, announcing the fall of Petersburg, the partialhad carried provisions to Amelia Courthouse for Lee's hard-pressed and hungry army, and having beenhad carried provisions to Amelia Courthouse for Lee's army, had thence been ordered to Richmond, anAmelia Courthouse for an army twice the size of Lee's, but that neither he nor the superintendent hod authority, that Davis had, many weeks before Lee's catastrophe, made the most careful and exactwere sent to the rebel cruiser many days before Lee's lines were broken. It was thought that the py that only a few weeks before the surrender of Lee, President Davis had no thought of surrender hi When Mr. Davis left Richmond he did not expect Lee to have to surrender. His preparations for defn early evacuation had been entertained until Gen. Lee's telegram of the 2d April was received. GenGeneral Lee himself had expected to be able to hold his position at Petersburg at least until the road[1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A review of the First two days operations at Gettysburg and a reply to General Longstreet by General Fitz. Lee. (search)
ur o'clock on the morning of the 3d. I remember distinctly seeing you often during the day. I am confident the whole line of artillery considered itself altogether and entirely under your command. You advanced my battery after Pickett's charge and were present and gave all the orders about advancing and firing in person. These writers represent every battalion on the field except my own-from which it is unnecessary to quota. I omit also corroborating letters from staff officers of General Lee and General Longstreet, and conclude with the following conclusive statement addressed to me the 5th instant by General W. N. Pendleton, then chief of artillery of the army: That up to the time of the battle of Gettysburg, Colonel Walton was duly sanctioned chief of artillery of the First corps, he may rightly claim, and that there was no formal order issued displacing him from that position and substituting yourself. But you at the same time are fully justified in affirming that, w
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Remarks on the numerical strength of both armies at Gettysburg (search)
resent for duty. These 167 regiments of infantry represent the force with which Lee invaded Pennsylvania after he had left Corse's brigade at Hanover Junction, one especially the increase by the draft, must consequently have raised the force of Lee's infantry north of the Potomac by about 6,000 men above the return of the 31st nts, and was stationed in the Aileghanies somewhat about Romney, I think, joined Lee across the Potomac. Before these additions Stuart's cavalry numbered twenty-fivin time within reach of the field of battle, and therefore under the hand of General Lee. According to General Pendleton's official report, the artillery was divide battle, I think we can say that Meade brought about 75,000 blue-bellies against Lee's 54,000 grey-backs, and 300 guns against 268. If we were to take no notice of have been subjected to such an ordeal as a drawn fight in the open field against Lee's veteran soldiers. Losses on Both Sides.-We have now the official figures, w
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Longstreet's Second paper on Gettysburg. (search)
e collided with them unexpectedly, and that General Lee had lost the matchless equipoise that usual10): The number of infantry present for duty in Lee's army on the 31st of May, 1863, was precisely st have discovered that (page 365) he says: General Lee's aggregate force present for duty on the 3ory that Meade's army was nearly double that of Lee. In my first article I claimed that my trooprated beyond cavil in my first article that General Lee never ordered a sunrise attack, that he nevardly possible that any one acquainted with General Lee's exalted character will accept such statemertainly never was in the relations between General Lee and myself anything to admit the possisibil were then arranged for battle, but I asked General Lee to withhold the order for attack until I ha life that a serious attack would involve. General Lee was not satisfied, however, but seemed dispithout very severe loss, and I suggested to General Lee that the attack be postponed, and that we m[27 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reply to General Longstreet's Second paper. (search)
mitted, without question, to pronounce that General Lee's strategy in the Gettysburg campaign was very defective; that General Lee had lost his mind when he determined to deliver battle at Gettysbur regard to the demerits and deficiencies of General Lee, and his own superior claims to the leadersour carefully-chosen position in his rear. General Lee chose the plans adopted; and he is the persmade public for the purpose of showing that General Lee made an inexcusable blunder in framing his he very severe criticisms of that writer on General Lee's conduct of the Gettysburg campaign; and when General Lee's letter to President Davis, written a short time after the close of that campaign,he above-mentioned letter to his uncle. In General Lee's very self-abnegating letter to the Presidck or defence of any one. The letter of General Lee here referred to is the one to the Presidenfollowing extract from a letter to him from General Lee, dated, as alleged, in January, 1864: [1 more...]