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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 215 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 180 0 Browse Search
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz) 135 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 132 0 Browse Search
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert 100 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 92 0 Browse Search
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War. 87 1 Browse Search
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 72 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 59 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 56 0 Browse Search
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Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 3: the White Oak Road. (search)
, when all this light broke upon him, in the midst of his own hardly corrected reverses, into what sullen depths his spirit must have been cast, to find himself liable to a suit for breach of promise for going out to an open-handed meeting with Robert Lee of the White Oak Road when he was already clandestinely engaged to Philip Sheridan of Dinwiddie. A new anxiety now arose. Just as we had got settled in our position on the White Oak Road, heavy firing was heard from the direction of Sherid the opinion that Grant was looking out for Sheridan, and if help were needed, he would be more likely to send Miles than us, as he well knew we were at a critical point, and one important for his further plans as we understood them, especially as Lee was known to be personally directing affairs in our front. However, I thought it quite probable that we should be blamed for not going to the support of Sheridan even without orders, when we believed the enemy had got the advantage of him. Well,
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., General Pegram on the night before his death. (search)
ght five or six thousand dollars in Confederate money. As we came up-Captains Robert Lee, Philip Dandridge, and myself-this gentleman complained in animated termose days the besetting sin of every true cavalry-man! Ii. At nightfall General Lee retired from Cattail Creek toward Dinwiddie Court-House, the enemy having ren road to reach Petersburg that night. I determined to try, and so informed General Lee, who thereupon requested me to carry a dispatch which he had just written, tn, and I replied: Well, I don't believe you are a Yankee; I belong to General Lee's army. All right; so do we, was the answer. You can come over at the fGordon's extreme right. Not finding General Gordon, I had been requested by General Lee to communicate with Pegram. His headquarters were near the junction of t when I met him, in February, 1865, he was commanding the advance brigade of General Lee's right wing, and had held his ground all day against the severest assaults
Lee's last battles. 1. General Lee's retreat from Petersburg will rank among the most remaew April days-would involve the question of General Lee's soldiership. This question I have neithethe two. The truth of the whole matter is that Lee was not surprised; that he foresaw clearly whatings there as a sort of permanent arrangement. Lee, in the estimation of these persons, was the spy remarkable that under these circumstances General Lee should make an attempt to save his army — tthat sole means was rapidly slipping away. General Lee must move, if he moved at all, on the line Upon this obvious view of the situation, General Lee, in February, issued orders for the removale elite of the Federal force was thrown against Lee's right. Such an assault, in his enfeebled conh material to form an unbiassed judgment of General Lee and his retreat. I am mistaken if the narr and not uninteresting matter for history. General Lee's personal bearing upon this critical occas[28 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 4: War. (search)
s, South Carolina, and New York had made, as the price of their ratifying the Constitution, amendments to guard as far as possible against consolidated powers. Robert Lee knew all this; he knew also that his own State had been remarkably careful upon this important point, for she had declared, upon consenting to go into the Union and that all the powers of the General Government were derived, and that it had no single primitive power. The study of the early history of his country convinced Lee that while the secession of a State from the Union might not be a remedy, it was not a violation of the Constitution so far as the original thirteen States were coning that the Constitution was mandatory on the governors, there was not a line in it which gave power to the General Government to compel a State to do anything. Lee had probably read, too, that a convention composed of the representatives of the New England States had assembled in Hartford, Conn., in 1814, to protest against th
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
chmond, 415; marble statue in Lexington, 416; tributes to his memory, 416-418; his military character, 420; a great soldier, 422. Lee, General William H. F., mentioned, 29, 118, 121, 122, 261; captured, 305; mentioned, 321, 371. Lee, John, mentioned, 5. Lee, Lancelot, mentioned, 2. Lee, Lionel, mentioned, 2. Lee, Mary Custis, mentioned, 25, 26, 71, 106, 381, 411, 412. Lee, Philip, 5. Lee, Philip Ludwell, 5, 16. Lee, Richard, 2, 3, 4, 5. Lee, Richard Henry, 6, 8, 83. Lee, Robert, mentioned, 93, 108, 132, 217, 323. Lee, Stephen D., mentioned, 194. Lee, Sydney Smith, mentioned, 36, 37, 45, 76, 89, 139. Lee, Thomas, mentioned, 5, 6. Lees of Virginia, 2, Letcher, Governor, John, mentioned, 90, 101, 126, 318. Liberty Hall Academy, 405. Ligny, battle of, 424. Lincoln, Abraham, elected President, 83; mentioned, 96, 103, 136, 137, 157, 166, 169, 170, 175, 176, 177, 197, 207, 218, 219, 221; warning to Hooker, 240; mentioned, 243, 262, 264; Grant and
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 36: strategic importance of the field. (search)
roops and the bridge in case the enemy was disposed to dispute our crossing, and await my arrival and further orders. The army being ready for the crossing and move for Knoxville, inquiry was made of General Johnston as to the condition of affairs with the enemy at Chattanooga. In answer he said,--Our scouts report that troops have been sent from Chattanooga to Loudon. They could not learn the number. On the 17th I asked the Richmond authorities for ten thousand additional men, and General Lee, approving our work, asked to have Pickett's division sent, and other detachments to make up the number. On the 19th I was informed from General Johnston's Headquarters that eight trains loaded with troops went up from Chattanooga on the night of the 17th. A telegram came on the 19th from Richmond to say that the additional troops called for could not be sent, and on the same day a telegram from the President ordered me to send General Martin with his cavalry to General Johnston. In
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter37: last days in Tennessee. (search)
eet's proposition for campaign approved by General Lee Richmond authorities fail to adopt it Gend for cavalry service. The armies under General Lee in Virginia and General Johnston in Georgia move him to new combinations. In front of General Lee and on his right and left the country had btion I went to Virginia and submitted it to General Lee. He approved, and asked me to take it to t, better prepared to dispute our march. General Lee wore his beard full, but neatly trimmed. Hber following a son was born, and christened Robert Lee. After continuous field service since the 1General Beauregard. I suggested, too, that General Lee be sent to join us, and have command in Ken of Northern Virginia, back to service with General Lee on the Rapidan. The move was made as soon s an official paper. Rebellion Record. General Lee wrote to the Department of the charges,-- Ind all laws and customs of war, and I wrote General Lee that my orders were out to have General Law[9 more...]
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 38: battle of the Wilderness. (search)
past and give attention to the future. General Lee had acquired fame as a strategist in his tworthern Virginia, crossed the Rapidan below General Lee's right, and deployed along the south side of Mine Run, but found Lee's line so strong and so improved by field-works that he felt constrainedavoid the strong defensive line occupied by General Lee behind Mine Run, and find a way to draw himth Griffin's and Wadsworth's divisions. General Lee's orders were against a general engagement ore sunrise, just as my command reported to General Lee. My line was formed on the right and left road, and three of Kershaw's on the right. General Lee, appalled at the condition of affairs, thoulonel Venable, of his staff, reported to me General Lee's efforts to lead the brigade, and suggesteeserves to move forward and recover it. General Lee sent General M. L. Smith, of the engineers,pt the lines of troops alongside the road. General Lee did not care to handle the troops in broken[6 more...]
safe as yet. Shyron left us sick. John Taylor is well-saw him yesterday. We are in line of battle this morning. General Robert Lee is in the field near us. My trust is still in the justice of our cause, and that of God. General Hill is killed. I morning on Amelia Court House. In this interview Grant also stated that the orders Meade had already issued would permit Lee's escape, and therefore must be changed, for it was not the aim only to follow the enemy, but to get ahead of him, remarking during the conversation that he had no doubt Lee was moving right then. On this same occasion Meade expressed a desire to have in the proposed attack all the troops of the Army of the Potomac under his own command, and asked for the return of treport to him. When, on the morning of the 6th, Meade advanced toward Amelia Court House, he found, as predicted, that Lee was gone. It turned out that the retreat began the evening of the 5th and continued all night. Satisfied that this would
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 1: explanation of the title-scheme of the work. (search)
As full general in the Confederate service, Lee was not at first assigned to particular commandf the armies in Virginia. Such continued to be Lee's position and duties, and his relations to the June 1st, 1862, when President Davis appointed Lee to succeed him in command of that army. Froat, while strictly speaking no soldier followed Lee for four years, yet we who served in Virginia fpeak of our term of service as Four years under Lee. But our claim is, Four years under Marse Root believe an army ever existed which surpassed Lee's ragged veterans in hearty acceptance and daill even an approach to a comparative estimate of Lee. As to his opponents, we recked not at all er dared to suggest a change, and that one was Lee himself, who — after the battle of Gettysburg, le preeminence, predominance, and permanence of Lee, as its commander-in-chief, was one of the mainthers and I have myself once or twice felt that Lee was too lenient, too full of sweet charity and [9 more...]
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