Browsing named entities in Col. J. J. Dickison, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 11.2, Florida (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Robert E. Lee or search for Robert E. Lee in all documents.

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riot heart. Loyalty to brave men, who for four long years of desolating war—years of undimmed glory—stood by each other and fought to the bitter end with the indomitable heroism which characterized the Confederate soldier, demands from posterity a preservation of the memories of the great struggle. We cannot find in all the annals of history a grander record or prouder roll of honor, nor more just fame for bravery, patient endurance of hardships, and sacrifices. The noble chieftain, Robert E. Lee, said: Judge your enemy from his standpoint, if you would be just. Whatever may be said of the contention between the two great sections of the Union, whether by arbitration of council every issue might have been settled and a fratricidal war averted, there will be but one unalterable decree of history respecting the Confederate soldier. His deeds of heroism are wreathed around with glory, and he will be ever honored, because he was not only brave and honorable, but true to his convic
oops on the coast. Governor Milton sought to have the harbors protected, especially the important one of Apalachicola, and received notice from Secretary Walker, August 30th, that BrigadierGen-eral Grayson of the Confederate army had been assigned to the military command of Middle and East Florida. He was succeeded by Gen. James H. Trapier in October, and early in November the east coast was included in the new department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, first under command of Gen. Robert E. Lee. General Grayson, reaching Fernandina early in September, found a circular posted, warning all loyal citizens of the United States to assemble on the south end of the island to escape the vengeance of an outraged government, as the Federal troops were about to take possession; and he reported that as sure as the sun rises if war munitions were not sent in thirty days Florida would fall into the hands of the North. But he did not reckon as fully as he might upon the indomitable cou
engagement. Gen. William A. Owens, who had some years previous moved from South Carolina, and was an honored citizen of Marion county and one of the largest planters in the State, organized in 1861> the first volunteer independent company of cavalry in Marion county, known as the Marion Dragoons, composed of material not surpassed in any part of the Confederate States. Their personnel was so superb, their horsemanship so splendid, and their equipments of such superior quality, that Gen. R. E. Lee, while on a visit of inspection to the troops and fortifications on the island of Fernandina, paid them a high compliment, saying that they were the finest looking and most superbly mounted company he had seen, not excepting the Black Horse cavalry of Virginia. This command was enrolled in the Confederate States army and assigned to duty in the summer of 1861 at Fernandina. The officers in command were Wm. A. Owens, captain; Wm. C. Chambers, first lieutenant; Samuel Ross, second lieute
my's squadron is still off St. Mark's, and I anticipate another and more formidable demonstration to get possession of that port and this city. Dazzled as we are by the transcendent brilliancy of the military achievements of our great leaders, Lee, Jackson, Johnston, Longstreet, Hill, Stuart, Ashby, Hampton, Gordon, Forrest, Morgan and a host of others whose names will shine through the ages with undiminished luster on the page of history, yet there were thousands of gallant men in our own e. All did their duty nobly, and their deeds of heroism will live in the heart of every true patriot and lover of the land that gave birth to such noble sons. The surrender at Appomattox Court House, April 9, 1865, of our noble chieftain, Robert E. Lee, the incorruptible patriot and brave defender of his country's rights, soon followed by the surrender of that faithful, devoted patriot and grand hero, Joseph E. Johnston, was the death-knell to our long-cherished hopes and sealed the fate of
then in A. P. Hill's corps. The Florida brigade during the remainder of the war achieved a reputation for gallantry second to none in the glorious army led by Robert E. Lee. At Fredericksburg December 11, 1862, the Eighth regiment, under Capt. David Lang, went to the support of the two Mississippi regiments at the river, where thy 3,500 effective men, under General Finegan; then charged the enemy, who fled in confusion, until night ended the battle. On the morning of the 2d of April, General Lee's lines were broken and the retreat began. On the 6th the enemy pressed upon us in the rear and by a flank movement other portions of the army pressed us on anrrender. For want of historical data we are unable to follow the Florida consolidated brigade through all the details of its Virginia campaigns, which terminated with the surrender by General Lee, but in justice we must add that for courage and heroic endurance there can be found no prouder record in all the annals of the war.
hers of the First, Third and Fourth Florida, Forty-seventh Georgia and Cobb's battery, struck the enemy's flank, and captured 200 prisoners, and colors of the Twenty-eighth, Forty-first, and Fifty-third Illinois regiments. On August 26, 1863, Stovall's brigade was ordered to Chattanooga, thence to Lafayette, Ga., where they remained until September 15th. Next day they marched to Glass' mill, and on the 19th Breckinridge's division, to which the brigade was attached, took position south of Lee & Gordon's mill, leaving Colonel Dilworth to skirmish with the enemy. On the night of the 19th the division crossed the Chickamauga and took position on the right of Bragg's army. In Brigadier-General Stovall's report of the service of his brigade in the battle of Chickamauga, he makes special mention of the gallantry of the Florida troops under his command; the First and Third infantry commanded by Col. W. S. Dilworth, and the Fourth infantry commanded by Col. W. L. L. Bowen. At sunrise,
, but during that very year the long sectional quarrel between the North and South changed from a war of words to open hostilities. Loring naturally sided with the South. The Confederate government was glad to accept his services, and on the 20th of May, 1861, commissioned him as brigadier-general. After the defeat and death of Gen. Robert Garnett, in western Virginia, General Loring was sent to take charge of the Confederate forces in that quarter. He commanded one wing of the army under Lee in the Cheat Mountain campaign, where the soldiers had little fighting but abundance of hardship. In December, 1861, Loring's command united with Stonewall Jackson at Winchester, and in January was engaged in the winter expedition to Bath, Hancock and Romney. Through General Loring's solicitations to the war department at Richmond his division, which had been left at Romney, was ordered back to Winchester. This interference on the part of the government at Richmond came near causing the r