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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Electrical torpedoes as a system of defence. (search)
r, during the war, and to the Hon. S. R. Mallory; Captain J. M. Brooke, inventor of the Merrimac, the Brooke Gun, and the deep-sea sounding apparatus; and also to Captain Wm. H. Parker, formerly Superintendent of the Confederate Naval School, that I organized and commanded these defences, and was the first to make them successful. There are volumes of evidence to this effect that can be produced when necessary. I hold letters from the three last named gentlemen, and from the late General R. E. Lee in reference to the efficiency of my torpedo department-also a letter from the Hon. S. R. Mallory, in which he says: I regarded your service as equivalent to that of a well appointed fleet or army; and this had reference only to the defences of Richmond. In fact when the system was nearly completed and inspected in person by President Davis, General Lee, and Secretary Mallory, it was immediately decided to withdraw large numbers of troops from that quarter for offensive operations e
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The relative strength of the armies of Generals Lee and Grant. (search)
n the south side of the Rapidan, under General Robert E. Lee. The 9th corps, under Major-Generalo make out Grant's army three times as large as Lee's, Grant's two forces in the Valley of Virginiaed, on the 5th of May, between one corps of General Lee's army (Ewell's), and the Army of the Potomt--a number greater than the entire strength of Lee's army at the opening of the campaign. In a 7,030  AugustR. E. Lee[95,000]    SeptemberR. E. Lee52,60962,713139,143  OctoberR. E. Lee67,8057erR. E. Lee79,07291,094152,853 1863--JanuaryR. E. Lee72,22693,297144,605  FebruaryR. E. Lee58,559ugustR. E. Lee56,32771,964133,264  SeptemberR. E. Lee44,36755,22195,164  OctoberR. E. Lee45,61457berR. E. Lee43,55854,71591,253 1864--JanuaryR. E. Lee35,84945,13979,602  FebruaryR. E. Lee33,8113R. E. Lee33,81139,56268,435  MarchR. E. Lee39,40746,15179,202  *AprilR. E. Lee52,62661,21897,576  JuneR. E. Lee55  JulyR. E. Lee57,09768,844135,805  AugustR. E. Lee44,24758,984146,838  OctoberR. E. Lee62,8758[3
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.4 (search)
bama, were left in charge of our wounded. Captain Hewlett and I were removed to a well ventilated room on the second floor, and placed on a comfortable mattress. A short time after an elegant lady came in to see us, and inquired from what State we hailed. I replied, Alabama, whereupon she said she had lost a favorite cousin, a captain in an Alabama regiment, killed at Seven Pines. He proved to be Captain R. H. Keeling, of my company, and the good woman, Mrs. Hugh Lee, a relative of General R. E. Lee, immediately proposed to take us under her special care, and to have us carried to a private house, where we would be better provided for. We gladly consented, and, after a brief absence, she returned with some litters borne by negroes, who still remained faithful to their owners, despite the corrupting influences of the Yankees, and we were carried to the law office once used by Hon. James M. Mason, our Minister to England, and his able and venerable partner, Mr. Clark. The office wa
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Lee's final and full report of the Pennsylvania campaign and battle of Gettysburg. (search)
age of rivers and streams, the swollen condition of which, by almost continuous rains, called for extraordinary exertion. The Chief of Ordnance and his assistants are entitled to praise for the care and watchfulness given to the ordnance trains and ammunition of the army, which in a long march and in many conflicts were always at hand and accessible to the troops. My thanks are due to my personal staff for the constant aid afforded me at all times on the march and in the field, and their willing discharge of every duty. There were captured at Gettysburg nearly seven thousand prisoners, of whom about fifteen hundred were paroled, and the remainder brought to Virginia. Seven pieces of artillery were also secured. I forward herewith the reports of the corps, division and other commanders, mentioned in the accompanying schedule, together with maps of the scene of operations, and one showing the routes pursued by the army. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) R. E. Lee, General.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Patriotic letters of Confederate leaders. (search)
ary has an article entitled A piece of secret history, by Colonel Charles C. Jones, Jr., of the late Confederate army, containing the following letter from General Robert E. Lee, written about a month after the disaster of Gettysburg, and offering to resign his command: camp Orange, August 8, 1863. Mr. President--Your letters oth success, and that you may long live to enjoy the thanks of a grateful people. With sentiments of great esteem, I am, very respectfully and truly yours, R. E. Lee, General. His Excellency Jefferson Davis, President Confederate States. It so happens that we have in our possession the reply of President Davis to the aborelations which prevailed between the two distinguished patriots, and is alike honorable to both: President Davis's answer.Richmond, Va., August 11, 1863. General R. E. Lee, Commanding Army of Northern Virginia: Yours of the 8th instant has just been received. I am glad that you concur so entirely with me as to the wants of
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Resources of the Confederacy in February, 1865. (search)
of that which is procurable must be proportionately restricted. I illustrate by stating that the adherence of this bureau (under the embarrassments referred to) to the reduction of the meat ration, notwithstanding the urgent application of General Lee, has alone enabled it to furnish meat thus far. And, foreseeing the inevitable deficiency ahead, I asked the Secretary eight months ago to put the bread ration at one pound. He refused, and I did it on my own responsibility. This continued for some months, and General Lee at length urgently applied for increase. The Secretary of War also pressed it. I refused unless positively ordered in the face of my declaration that it was absolutely necessary to keep it at that point, without due funds and improved transportation from the South. On 14th December, I recommended the reduction by general order, and he then reluctantly assented. Without this proceeding on my part, this army would absolutely have been destitute. I mention this f
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
ch gratified to have so good a one of Traveler. The lithograph makes a really beautiful picture, which we hope will adorn a very large number of our Southern schools and homes. Photographs of distinguished Confederates are somewhat common; but accurate, standard pictures are comparatively rare. We are indebted to Mr. D. H. Anderson, photographer of Richmond, for a lot of the latter class. He has presented us with superb photographs,and (most of them) excellent likenesses of Generals R. E. Lee, J. E. Johnston, Stonewall Jackson, Early, J. E. B. Stuart, Heth, Mahone, G. W. C. Lee, Lilly, Jno. S. Preston, Geo. W. Randolph, John Echols, Beauregard, B. T. Johnson and D. H. Maury, Colonels John B. Baldwin, Jno. S. Mosby and Robt. Ould, Captain M. F. Maury, Hon. Robt. Toombs, Hon. R. M. T. Hunter, Hon. H. B. Grigsby, Ex-Governor Wm. Smith, Ex-President John Tyler, Hon. J. L. M. Curry, and Rev. M. D. Hoge, D. D. This donation of Mr. Anderson is a highly prized addition to our co
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General R. E. Bodes' report of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
General R. E. Bodes' report of the battle of Gettysburg. [General R. E. Lee's, General Longstreet's, General Ewell's and General Early's reports of the Gettysburg campaign have been published, together with General J. E. B. Stuart's report of those stirring and important movements which preceded and which followed the great battle. We are indebted to the courteous kindness of Mrs. Rodes for the Ms. of the original report of Major-General R. E. odes, whose division bore so important a part in that campaign. We are sure that many inquirers after the truth of history will thank us for giving (for the first time) to the world this report of the accomplished soldier, whose gallantry and skill won for him so high a reputation, and whose death on the field at Winchester was lamented as a sad loss to the army, and to the Confederacy. We hope hereafter to publish others of the more important reports of this great campaign.] Report.headquarters Rodes' division, Orange C. H.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
r of official reports, pamphlets, newspapers, &c., previously presented the Society by Mr. Howison, make one of the most valuable contributions which the Society has yet received. From General G. W. C. Lee (through Colonel Charles Marshall)--General A. P. Hill's original rough draft of his reports of Seven Days battles around Richmond, Cedar Run Mountain, Second Manassas, Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg, Shepherdstown, and Gettysburg. These reports are a part of the collection made by General Robert E. Lee when he was preparing to write the history of his campaigns, and all of which General Custis Lee has kindly promised to donate the Society. From General Samuel Jones, Amelia County, Virginia--His own and General W. B. Taliaferro's reports of military operations in the vicinity of Charleston, South Carolina, from the 1st to the 10th of July, 1864; three letters from General Samuel Jones to General Foster in relation to treatment and exchange of prisoners; Letters from Brigadier-Gen
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A foreign view of the civil War in America. (search)
egiments of cavalry, and Mr. Jefferson Davis, then Secretary of War, took advantage of the fact that they had not been designated by the title of dragoons to treat them as a different arm, and to fill them with his creatures to the exclusion of regular officers whom he disliked. The reader may perhaps be curious to know who some of these creatures appointed by Mr. Davis to the exclusion of regular officers whom he disliked were. Why, upon the side of the Confederates, among others Generals R. E. Lee, A. S. Johnston, J. E. Johnston, Kirby Smith, Hood, Hardee, Stuart and Fitz. Lee, and on that of the Federals, Generals McClellan, Sedgwick, Stoneman, Sumner, Wood, Thomas, Sturgis, Emory, Casey, Smith, Palmer, and others. We give this simply as a specimen of the value of this historian's assertions. As for the distinguished objects of his denunciation upon our own side, we conceive them in no manner of danger from the blows of this champion; and as regards the epithet which he appli
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