Browsing named entities in Matthew Arnold, Civilization in the United States: First and Last Impressions of America.. You can also browse the collection for Lee or search for Lee in all documents.

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s started; and from this time until he received Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House, four yeaualities. He had not the pathos and dignity of Lee, his power of captivating the admiring intereston transports up the James River, but meanwhile Lee's army were to remain whole and unimpaired, theloss must have been incurred had Grant attacked Lee's lines in front of Richmond; and therefore croolinas, ready to join with Grant in moving upon Lee in the spring. Sheridan made himself master ofy and Richmond itself now drew their supplies. Lee had already informed his government that he cousome sharp fighting for a day or two still; but Lee's army was crumbling away, and on the 9th of Apo I was. When I went into the house I found General Lee. We greeted each other, and, after shakingthe war unless duly and properly exchanged. Lee acquiesced, and Grant, who throughout the interraph to the Secretary of War at Washington: General Lee surrendered the army of Northern Virginia t[16 more...]