Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 24, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Lee or search for Lee in all documents.

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his Appeal, of the 21st instant, gives the following account of a disastrous explosion, which has been briefly announced by telegraph: The steamer Kentucky, Capt. Lee, of the regular Memphis and Vicksburg Packet Line, on her way up from Vicksburg on Sunday morning, about 4½ o'clock, when opposite Columbia, Arkansas, exploded hr a distance of forty feet, and from three to nine feet wide, while the fire bricks were hurled into the cabin. The boat had just rounded out from Columbia, and Capt. Lee, who was in his room at the time of the explosion, having just retired, was soon on deck, but not before he had inhaled the steam, from which he complained consienville, Miss., slightly scalded; Dr. Talbert, Greenville, Miss., slightly scalded. J. B. Sandusky, Bridgeport, Va., slightly scalded; free colored cabin boy, Wm. Watson, will die; free colored porter, Sol, slightly scalded; negro boy of Capt. Lee's scalded; second engineer, badly scalded. Many others were more or less scalded.
tates, in relation to the clothing of Volunteers, having been adopted, as far as applicable by the Governor and Council of the State, as the rule for the government of the Virginia Forces, is published for the information of all concerned, viz: "Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That said volunteers shall furnish their own clothes, and, if mounted men, their own horses and horse equipments; and when mustered into service, shall be armed by the States from which they come, or by the Confederate States of America. "Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That said volunteers shall, remaining therein, be subject to the rules and articles of war, and instead of clothing every non-commissioned officer and private in any company shall be entitled when called into actual service, to money in a sum equal to the cast of clothing of a non commissioned officer or private to the regular army of the confederates of America." By command of Maj. Gen'l Lee. my 23--4t R.S. Garnett. Adj Gen'l
General headquarters.Adjutant General's office May 24, 1861. In all cases where Brigadier Generals of the Militia have accepted commissions in the Active Volunteer force, or in the Provisional Army of the State, the Senior Colonels will forthwith assume command of the Brigades, and cause the returns to be made as required by law. Arms, accoutrements and ammunition can only be issued upon the order of Major General Lee. All certificates of election of officers, and other matters connected with the Militia force not in service, must, as heretofore, be addressed to this office. By command W. H. Richardson. my 22--3t Adjutant General.
The Daily Dispatch: May 24, 1861., [Electronic resource], Clarksville, Mecklenburg Co, Va., May 20th, 1861. (search)
ay 20. --The schooner Marshal Perrin, Capt. Gibbs, at this port, from Sagua, states that on the 13th inst., lat.31.30, long. 78.40, spoke schooner Victoria. Capt. Gibbs was warned to keep a sharp look-out for privateers, as he had been chased by one the night previous, but had out sailed her. The Victoria purported to be from the Southern Confederacy, bound South. Seizure of contraband articles. New York, May 22. --Seven boxes containing papers and baggage belonging to General Lee, were seized here to-day, en route via this city from Texas to Virginia. A quantity of contraband goods shipped by the New Haven Arms Company to O. F. Winchester, Baltimore, were also seized here to-day. Release of a Prisoner. Frederick, May 22. --Mr. Underhill, of the New York Times, who was arrested and imprisoned at Harper's Ferry about a week since, by the Virginia military authorities there, on the charge of being a spy, was released this morning, and arrived here by pr