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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 28, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John Lindsey or search for John Lindsey in all documents.
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The late shooting case.
--Henry Cooper, who shot John Lindsey in the Dime Saloon on Wednesday morning, was carried before the Mayor yesterday.
Several witnesses were examined.
One of them, Mr. Harrison, of Arkansas, testified that Mr. L. was choking Cooper when he fired; another, Mr. Hayward, testified that he did not see rds, Texas Battalion, to which accused is attached, said that he had been informed by Dr. Peachy and another physician that there was an entire probability that Mr. Lindsey would soon recover from the effects of the wound.
It was also stated that the ball, which had passed entirely through the stomach and lodged in the thigh, had ball, which had passed entirely through the stomach and lodged in the thigh, had been extracted.
From the favorable representations made of the condition of Mr. Lindsey, the Mayor was induced to think it possible he might be able to attend the examination if postponed till to-morrow.
It was accordingly laid over till that time.