Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 1, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Longstreet or search for Gen Longstreet in all documents.

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, little can be discovered. Night before last an attack was confidently expected, and every one was on the qui for the ball to open. Deserters come in occasionally, all of whom report a large body of rebels confronting us. Gens. Hill and Longstreet are certainly there and reinforcements are daily arriving. Professor Lowe is expected to arrive to-day with his balloon. The country beyond Fredericksburg is highly favorable for ballon reconnaissances, and an accurate knowledge concerninion of Col. Ingalls Chief Quartermaster of the army, and are in good condition. The camp fires of the enemy are constantly increasing within sight of Fairmont, affording indications of augmentation of the rebel forces Gen. Lee has joined Gen Longstreet and Gen. A. P. Bill and Gen. D. H. Hill and Gen. Jackson are known to be on the way thither. Yesterday the enemy were busily engaged in constructing additional works in the rear and to the left of Fredericksburg. The cars bring troo