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t such a battle as this encumbered by your knapsacks?" The reply was in the true Yankee spirit: "We meant to surrender at the first opportunity, and we brought our knapsacks along because we wanted to have our plunder." The condition of Gen. Longstreet. It will be grateful news to the public to know that Gen Longstreet is rapidly improving. hear from Lynchburg that be was sitting up on Saturday, and his Surgeon expects that he will the in the saddle again by the first of July. His rigGen Longstreet is rapidly improving. hear from Lynchburg that be was sitting up on Saturday, and his Surgeon expects that he will the in the saddle again by the first of July. His right arm is partially paralyzed, but it is expected that time will restore to the limb the usual vitality power. The losses in Gen. Lee's army. Our losses up to Saturday night last, in the battles between Lee and Grant, commencing on Thursday, 5th of May, were comparatively slight. The Charlottesville Chronicle understands that Dr. Gill, Gen Lee's Medical Director, instructed our authorities at Orange C H, not to approve of any telegram which should estimate our loss up to Saturday night
mpt to make Gen Lee developed his plans and position. Artillery was used freely, and skirmishers and sharpshooters were pushed forward along the lines, and vigorous efforts made to provoke Lee to unmask his batteries and show his hand. At length Grant seemed to grow weary of this kind of work, and ordered an assault to be made. His infantry came up to the work in handsome style, and yet they seemed to have no stomach for the fight; for three separate assaults upon Anderson's corps (late Longstreet's) were repulsed by his skirmishers and sharpshooters alone. The result was not dissimilar in front of Ewell. The heavy masses of the enemy were pushed back with the case with which one puts a drunken man away from him. The Confederates fought behind field works thrown up hurriedly, and they appeared to relish the run amazingly. The last assault made upon Anderson's position was late in the and was headed by a regiment of the old United States army. The enemy succeeded after a hard st
appily "nobody was hurt." They also occupied Hopkins's and Rowe's houses, firing from the windows. One minute ball from the Yankees passed through the window of Dr McCabe's chamber, and buried itself in the wall of the closet, smashing a small quantity of glassware. They finally moved down the Mountain road towards the Yellow Tavern, and the rest of their movements you know. The veracious officers announced the defeat of Lee by Grant, the taking of Petersburg by Butler, the death of Longstreet, and similar lies. Providentially, Dr McCabe was in the city attending to his duties, or he too would have had to share the fate of the Rev Mr Winston. God grant that the news we hear from Gen Lee's army may be, without abatement, a fact. If so we may thank Him, and take fresh heart for the conflict. Resident. P. S.--I omitted to state that the pillaging process was principally conducted by the negro soldiers, about fifty of whom were with the party at Glen Allen. The ou
ce of Confederates at Dalton was estimated at 35,400, a large number, it was said, having been withdrawn to go to Lee. The Nashville correspondence of the Chicago Journal prospects the advance of Sherman, and says: It will, indeed, be a hazardous advance; not that, any danger is to be apprehended from the result of a battle, but by it our lines will be extended another hundred or two miles, and hence we shall be more liable to cavalry raids; and East Kentucky will be exposed to Longstreet, should Lee find himself strong enough to detach a force for a diversion upon our centre; and nothing but entire confidence on the part of Gen Grant in his abilities speedily to beat Lee, and destroy the East Tennessee Railroad, as a base for an invasion of Kentucky, would justify the movements now on the military chessboard. That they are ordered convinces me that Gen. Grant is satisfied that he will succeed in his advance on Richmond; and I may add that a similar confidence prevails amo