Browsing named entities in The Cambridge of eighteen hundred and ninety-six: a picture of the city and its industries fifty years after its incorporation (ed. Arthur Gilman). You can also browse the collection for J. R. Lowell or search for J. R. Lowell in all documents.

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led, in my memory, the village. In the cellar below this building was the oyster shop of the Snow brothers, described by Lowell in couplets of such wit that if they had been printed in some book of English University facetiousness—some Oxford Sausagus nook, still indicated by one or two lingering trees, which we named The Bower of Bliss, at a time when the older boys, Lowell and Story, had begun to read and declaim to us from Spenser's Faerie Queene. The old willows now included in the Casino ked class, and whose children and grandchildren are now themselves professors in the college or leading professional men. Lowell has testified to the magnificent manners of old Royal Morse, the Cambridge auctioneer, who proportioned each wave of his perhaps equally superfluous —of my elder brother. Often I have taken part in those May parties described so pityingly by Lowell in Biglow Papers. We learned to skate on Craigie's Pond, to swim in the then unpolluted Charles River, to row at Fresh
l tendency by likewise becoming a city. Before this charter agitation of 1846, there had been no new cities in Massachusetts since the incorporation of Salem and Lowell in 1836. But following the example of Boston's three little neighbors, New Bedford became a city in 1847, Worcester in 1848, and Lynn in 1850. Then came Newburyin 1852, Lawrence in 1853, Fall River in 1854, and so the list has lengthened, year by year. With the exception of the three early ventures of Boston, Salem, and Lowell, the era of Massachusetts municipalities may be said to have begun in 1846. The rapid increase in the population and property of Cambridge in the years immedihese lines have met, mingled, and disappeared. Bad roads were made good; street cars began their civilizing mission; sidewalks were built. The playful plaint of Lowell in a letter to Leslie Stephen written in 1871 is suggestive of the change: The city has crept up to me, curbstones are feeling after and swooping upon the green
efatigable temper in exorcising the black art was George Nichols, for whose aid Lowell stipulated when he undertook to edit The Atlantic Monthly. It would be hard toread as interestingly as 1836, when Longfellow came to Cambridge, or 1855, when Lowell took service in the college. No town or city can ever be barren in the world oms continue their visit to the shrine. Scarcely less fit is the homestead of Lowell, set in an aviary grove, withdrawn from too close contact with the world, yet with paths which led Lowell into those nooks of life from which he drew sure knowledge of men and nature. Do you not wish to go to Egypt? a fellow-townsman asked theplied: I would much rather see Ramsay's in Harvard Square. The attachment that Lowell bore to the town of his birth and best life finds expression in his verse and ins when she found that she was about to cut down one of the willows under which Lowell had sung. The spreading chestnut of Longfellow's song fared worse at the hands