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Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Mr. Mason's manners. (search)
Mr. Mason's manners. what are good manners? What is politeness as distinguished from rusticity? Miss Leslie has written a little elementary book intended to teach our Yankee girls how to behave themselves everywhere — in the church, in the d been betrayed into these suggestions by seeing mentioned in the newspapers a painful error, into which the Honorable John Y. Mason, the august representative of this country near the Court of Louis Bonaparte, recently fell. We wish to speak with tenderness of Mr. Mason, because, notwithstanding his innocence of the vernacular of Gaul, he has shown a great desire to acquit himself creditably, by arraying himself upon court-days in the small-clothes and cocked-hat proscribed by the late Mr. Man when an ill-conditioned cur overthrew a candle, and burned all the crooked mathematical computations of years. Oh, John Y. Mason! say we, thou little knowest what mischief thou wert in danger of doing! The venerable Benton once said of Embassad
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Mr. Mason's manners once more. (search)
before the imperial eyes, we do not see why Mr. Mason should not have the pay as well as another, sion to see the Beast of the Tuileries. But Mr. Mason's claim must be considered as paramount untir these circumstances, what cruelty is it to Mr. Mason, and what injustice to his creditors, to cirhas written a hand-book of manners, to which Mr. Mason no doubt gives his nights and days, just as if not to the embassador! And to impute to Mr. Mason this offence, when his fate was in the handsnd children by these presents, that Embassador Mason did not hug the Empress. Two Virginians residiends indeed, have rushed to the rescue, and Mr. Mason's character is upon the courtliest of legs ariends say that the story has saddened him ) Mr. Mason has come burnished and refulgent and brightemonarch ought to be conclusive. So much for Mr. Mason as a diplomatist. But it is as a man of mance to the invite. Now we know why they want Mr. Mason to stay at the Court of France. They want h[5 more...]
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), The perils of Pedagogy. (search)
is: Resolved, That the Committee of Schools and Colleges inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill, prohibiting School Commissioners throughout the Commonwealth from subscribing to any teacher, male or female, who hails from the North of Mason and Dixon's line, unless they shall have resided in the State of Virginia for at least ten successive years previous. The fact that Mr. Matthews should consider such a motion as this necessary to the salvation of the State, would seem to show bivalves, why has the Governor of that State neglected her boys? What is a steam-packet running to France in comparison with well-educated girls? Was ever such fatuity? Where were the native, well-born, orthodox teachers hailing from south of Mason and Dixon's line --good, safe, responsible guides in petticoats or pantaloons, with sound Constitutional principles and proper views of the Christian religion? We have heretofore thought that a demand in the market indicated a dearth. But Gov
Fair but Fierce. in the name of Zenobia, Boadicea, Moll Flanders, Jean d'arc, and the Maid of Saragossa, we begin this article! Now that Messrs. Mason and Slidell are given up, just, for all the world, like a pair of fugitive niggers, another vexatious question has arisen, viz: Did the lovely Miss Slidell, upon the deck of the Trent steamer, slap the face of the unfortunate Lieut Fairfax? Commander Williams, that gallant tar, who suffered such agonies on the occasion, was the recipient of a dinner of the public variety on his arrival in England. In his post-prandial speech, Commander Williams went at length into the above-mentioned question, and made one of those nice distinctions which would have been appreciated in a middle-age court of love and honor. Some of the papers, said this briny Bayard, described her as having slapped Mr. Fairfax's face. She did strike Mr. Fairfax-but she did not do it with the vulgarity of gesture which has been attributed to her. In her agon
Index.  page Adams, Rev. Nehemiah58, 248 Average of Mankind188 Army, Patriotism of189 Abolition and Secession192 Americans in England251 Buchanan, James6, 7, 29, 32, 128, 129 Benton, Thomas, his estimate of John Y. Mason16 Bird, Rev. Milton80 Bancroft, George106 Bickley, K. G. C.111 Bliss, Seth136 Brooks, Preston182 Beaufort, the Bacchanal of197 Bodin on Slavery303 Butler, General317, 318, 320, 322 Burke, Edmund, an Emancipationist328 ndence, Southern Association for265 Ireland, The Case of294 Johnson, Reverdy42 Johnson, Dr., his Favorite Toast329 Lord, President3, 319 Lawrence, Abbot25 Ludovico, Father54 Lincoln, Abraham181, 384 Letcher, Governor340 Mason, John Y13, 24 Mitchel, John20, 50 Matthews, of Virginia, on Education92 Montgomery, The Muddle at181 Morse, Samuel and Sidney186 Meredith, J. W., his Private Battery141 McMahon, T. W., his Pamphlet214 Monroe, Mayor, of New Or
s against Cuba on the part of this Government, contained in the present note, affords all the assurance which the President can constitutionally, or to any useful purpose, give, of a practical concurrence with France and England in the wish not to disturb the possession of that island by Spain. Soon after the passage of the Nebraska bill, President Pierce, through a dispatch from Gov. Marcy as Secretary of State, Dated Washington, August 16, 1854. directed Messrs. James Buchanan, John Y. Mason, and Pierre Soule, our Embassadors at London, Paris, and Madrid respectively, to convene in some European city, there to confer with regard to the best means of getting possession of Cuba. They met accordingly at Ostend, October 9, 1854. and sat three days; adjourning thence to Aix-la-Chapelle, where they held sweet council together for several days more, and the result of their deliberations was transmitted to our Government in a dispatch known as the Ostend Manifesto. In that disp
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cabinet, President's (search)
4 James K. Paulding June 25, 1838 George E. Badger March 5, 1841 Abel P. Upshur Sept.13, 1841 David Henshaw July 24, 1843 Thomas W. Gilmer Feb. 15, 1844 John Y. Mason March14, 1844 George Bancroft March10, 1845 John Y. Mason Sept. 9, 1846 William B. Preston March 8, 1849 William A. Graham July 22, 1850 John P. KennedyJohn Y. Mason Sept. 9, 1846 William B. Preston March 8, 1849 William A. Graham July 22, 1850 John P. Kennedy July 22, 1852 James C. DobbinMarch 7, 1853 Isaac Toucey March 6, 1857 Gideon Welles March 5, 1861 Adolph E. Borie March 5, 1869 George M. Robeson June 25, 1869 Richard W. Thompson March12, 1877 Nathan Goff, JrJan. 6, 1881 William H. Hunt March 5, 1881 William E. Chandler April 1, 1882 William C. Whitney March 6, 1885 BetlerNov. 15,1833 Felix Grundy July 5,1838 Henry D. GilpinJan. 11,1840 John J. Crittenden March 5,1841 Hugh S. LegareSept.13,1841 John Nelson July 1,1843 John Y. MasonMarch 6,1845 Nathan Clifford Oct. 17,1846 Isaac Toucey June 21,1848 Reverdy Johnson March 8,1849 John J. Crittenden July 22,1850 Caleb Cushing March 7,1
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Soule, Pierre 1802- (search)
lity attached to them. Nothing could more impressively teach us the danger to which those peaceful relations it has ever been the policy of the United States to cherish with foreign nations are constantly exposed than the circumstances of that case. Situated as Spain and the United States are, the latter have forborne to resort to the extreme measures. But this course cannot, with due regard to their own dignity as an independent nation, continue; and our own recommendations, now submitted, are dictated by the firm belief that the cession of Cuba to the United States, with stipulations as beneficial to Spain as those suggested, is the only effective mode of settling all past differences and of securing the two countries against future collision. We have already witnessed the happy results for both countries which followed a similar arrangement in regard to Florida. Yours, very respectfully, James Buchanan, J. Y. Mason, Pierre Soule. Hon. Wm. L. Marcy, Secretary of State.
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 34: the compromise of 1850.—Mr. Webster. (search)
tis's, Life of Webster, vol. II. p. 438. In this new direction he did not stop with the territorial question, but joined the Southern party on another measure, hitherto a subordinate subject among their grievances, and volunteered his support of Mason's fugitive-slave bill, with all its provisions, to the fullest extent. As the speech was first published, he pledged himself to support the bill with Butler's amendment; but in a revision the relative pronoun which was transferred so that he abster's Works, vol. II. pp. 560, 577, 578. He spoke of the city of Syracuse as that laboratory of abolitionism, libel, and treason. Wilson's Rise and Fall, vol. II. p. 361. In the Senate he paused in his argument to pay compliments to Calhoun, Mason, and the Nashville convention,— a body whose disunion purpose was already understood by men less intelligent than himself Webster's Works, vol. v. pp. 336, 337, 363. In a later speech he was obliged to admit the disunion character of the conv
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 36: first session in Congress.—welcome to Kossuth.—public lands in the West.—the Fugitive Slave Law.—1851-1852. (search)
ginia and South Carolina. Butler's seat was immediately before Sumner's, and Mason's immediately behind Chase's. The line of division as to politics between the tFoote, Dawson, and Shields—congratulated their new associate on his speech; and Mason shortly after, pulling his chair near to Sumner's, drew him into a talk on natiavowed,—Mason of Virginia saying to him personally that he should not speak; Mason said to him, you may speak next term. Sumner replied, I must speak this term. Mason said, , By—you sha'n't; and Sumner replied, I will; and you can't prevent me. Sumner feared after this colloquy that Mason would delay the appropriation billMason would delay the appropriation bill till the last day of the session. Bradbury of Maine, a Democrat, went to Sumner and asked him to print his speech without delivering it. Schoolcraft, the manager o take up, though Mr. Keyes Editor of the Roxbury Gazette. says otherwise. Mr. Mason says I shall not speak this session,— that he will prevent me. I have told h
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