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s of the army will be stimulated by their brave deeds, and men will be proud to say that at Dranesville they served under McCall and Ord. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Simon Cameron, Secretary of War. Philadelphia press account. Langley's, Va., Dec. 21, 1861. The Pennsylvania reserve division, under the command of General McCall, occupies an extensive and rather pretty piece of country beyond Langley's church and tavern, the encampments stretching towarrespondence staff, on newspaper duty here at Langley's at the time. My own knowledge of the country was obtained when Gen. McCall was at Dranesville, in October, from a journey up the Potomac, in company with an officer attached to the Fourth Reserand chopped the gun-carriages to splinters, started in pursuit of the retreating foe. This was about three o'clock. Gen. McCall, with his staff, had arrived on the ground only to learn of our victory. Knowing that an advance would be fatal, he o
stance, if all were not simultaneously assailed in force, while the brigades of McCall, Couch, and Hooker could move by good roads to support them; Hooker having abou, Couch about six to the Long Bridge, the Aqueduct, or to the Chain Bridge, and McCall having a little over three miles to the Chain Bridge or the Aqueduct, or about urpose of attacking on the Maryland side, Stone was in position to fall back on McCall or Couch after retarding their passage of the river; so that there would have bere soon moved south of the Anacostia to the vicinity of Uniontown. On the 7th McCall received a battery of regular artillery; and on the 9th Kearny and Sherman eachby two regiments. On the 10th a battery was sent to Stone, and a second one to McCall, who received another regiment on the 12th. The formation of divisions was t Graham's brigades. A third brigade added early in October. Sept. 16, 1861: McCall's division; on the 25th of that month he received the last two regiments of the
t they are. Kingsbury arrived last night. Did I tell you that Hudson is one of my regular aides? Aug. 14. Rode to McCall's camp, out to the line of pickets, and followed that to the Aqueduct Bridge, thence home by W. F. Smith's camp; got homerse; then rode to the ground in front of Alexandria-twelve hours in saddle, Aug. 31. Drove out yesterday as far as McCall's camp, and to-day down over the river for several hours. Have not yet ventured on horseback again; may try it to-morrowble. All goes well. Sept. 4, 1861. I took an early dinner, and then mounted the bay, Sturgis's horse, and rode to McCall's camp at Tennallytown. Sweitzer and Colburn went with me, as usual when hard riding is expected; also the ordinary escoe iota for my present position. Sept. .--I started early in the day to be present at the presentation of colors to McCall's division by Gov. Curtin. It was long and fatiguing. I then rode over the Chain Bridge and back by Fort Corcoran. Whe
the Virginia side as the surest method of saving the bridge. I ordered up King's brigade and a battery to support him, and directed the cavalry and reserve artillery and other troops in the city to be held in readiness to move up if necessary. McCall was also ordered to send an additional regiment and two more guns to Great Falls, and to hold the rest of his command in readiness to move either towards Great Falls or the Chain Bridge, as circumstances might require. Early during the night Smidiately after the occupation of this new position the camp of Porter's division was moved forward to Hall's and Munson's hills, in easy supporting distance; a few days later Smith's division was moved to Marshall's Hill. To support this movement McCall's division was, on the 9th of Oct., brought to the Virginia side to Langley's, and a few days later to Prospect Hill. He was replaced at Tennallytown by a brigade of Buell's division. On the 5th of Oct. Heintzelman's division was formed, and
ads, 275, 276, 308, 309, 313; Wool useless, 278 ; anecdote of Pelissier. 279 ; artillery needed, 279 ; civilian aid, 280 : asks for Franklin. 280, 281, 308, for McCall 283, 294 ; receives Franklin, 281, McCall 389, 493 ; ballooning, 309 ; personal aims, 310; Blair's letter, 281, 310 ; responsibility for delay, 283 ; between too McCall 389, 493 ; ballooning, 309 ; personal aims, 310; Blair's letter, 281, 310 ; responsibility for delay, 283 ; between too gulfs, 316 ; batteries planted, 286, 312, 314 ; naval operations, 291-294, 296 ; Cutting's letter, 313: plan of assault, 266, 287 ; city evacuated, 258, 317, 319, torpedoes in 326. 354 ; tribute to troops, 293, 304 ; Stanton's congratulations, 293, 295, 297; Campbell's arrest, 295 ; transports asked for, 297, indispensable 298--Atr not advancing, 422 ; movement to James, 423 ; reproachful letter to Stanton, 424, 452; Savage's Station, 426-428 ; White Oak Swamp, 428,430 ; Glendale, 431-433, McCall's report 431 ; Malvern Hill, 433-437, 484 ; force and losses. 439, 440, 448 ; movement to Harrison's Landing, 437-439 tribute to troops, 439, 440. 444. At Har
M McAllister, Fort (see also Fort McAllister), I., 80. MacARTHURrthur A. VIII., 194, 234. McArthur, J., II., 148; IV., 256; X., 199. MacARTHYrthy, H., IX., 343. McBlair, N., VII., 139. McCabe, G., of Richmond, Va., quoted, IX., 203. McCabe, W. G. IX., 147, 148, 150, 151, 203. McCall, G. A.: I., 314, 315, 319, 324, 334, 368; V., 26 seq.: X., 293. McCallum, D. C., V., 275, 287, 289, 296, McCandless, L. D., VIII., 363. McCarthy's battery, I., 291, 293. McCausland, J.: III., 141, 150, 324, 328; V., 106; X., 321. McCaw, J. B., VII., 282. McClellan, G. B.: I., 42, 44, 51 seq.; headquarters, I., 63; headquarters of, two weeks after Antietam, I, 67; relieved, I., 67, 110, 113, 115, 116, 121, 126 seq., 132, 136, 167, 178, 252, 254, 257; headquarters before Yorktown, Va., I., 259, 260, 264, 275, 286, 287, 292, 30l, 307, 310, 314; with staff officers, I., 315, 323, 329, 336, 340, 348, 360, 366; II., 4, 20 seq., 22, 24, 40
Yankee soldiers for Congress. --Quite a number of military men have already been nominated for the next Congress. Among the candidates in the field we notice the names of Brigadier-General Robert C. Schenck, republican, Ohio; Brigadier-General G. A. McCall, democrat, Pennsylvania; Brigadier-General Ebenezer Dumont, republican, Indiana; Brigadier General John A. Garfield, republican, Ohio; Colonel DeWitt C. Littlejohn, republican, New York; Colonel W. F. Gresham, republican. Indiana; Colonel James Gavin, republican, Indiana; Colonel Elijah McCarty, republican, Illinois; Colonel Wm. R. Morrison, democrat, Illinois; Colonel Amassa Cobb, republican, Wisconsin; Colonel John T. Farnsworth, republican, Illinois; Major Joel B. Warner, democrat, Pennsylvania.